ya so i cheated on yooh, yooh stupid scave
yooh never ment n-e-thing to me n yooh never really have
n now with all that said n dun
go on dumbass n run
hearin yooh git sik on tha phone was fun
hurtin yooh like yooh hurt me was mandatory
nigga dont hate yooh was jus another chapter in ma story
n when i say what i say jus remember ma nig i aint sorry
i told yooh dont EVA try to git 1 up on me
haha givin this bitch ur heart came 2 yooh with a fee
i said i didnt want yooh no more but yooh wouldnt let me be
i tryed endin it peacefully b4
but yooh jus kept wanting more
oh boo hoo keon yooh called me a whore
haha yooh only said it kuz yooh kno that eats at ma core
haha who woulda knew
that tha 1 yooh truly loved did what all these otha bitches have wanted to do
yooh n ur homies say yooh this big ass playa playa runner of game??
oh ya so thats y yooh were so easy to tame?
oh playa playa, great runner of game
if yooh soo good at it y yooh stukk out in tha rain??
haha nigga ur game is waaay too lame
yooh aint no playa n ur short cummins should put yooh to shame
haha now its my turn to say bitch whatz MA muthafukkin name
ya ya yooh said that ur pain will fade
but yooh tryin to hide ur anger n pain makes me feel like i jus got paid
kuz haha chea playa playa.....yooh just got played!!!!!
k kitten out!!! hahaha muthafukka!!!