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2 my x hubby keon...

As i lay here in ma bed all these thoughts bout u racin through my head i cant belive this is tha end baby we've been outta love 4 so long yooh n i both kno ive never done yooh wrong but now our relationship is like a sad love song through thik n thin i was always there n babe yooh kno yooh werent always fair yooh fukked me up n i didnt even care but now...those thought of love we no longer share tha thought of lovin yooh is so very rare babe i wish yooh all tha best but now i need to rest good bye keon!!!
ya so i cheated on yooh, yooh stupid scave yooh never ment n-e-thing to me n yooh never really have n now with all that said n dun go on dumbass n run hearin yooh git sik on tha phone was fun hurtin yooh like yooh hurt me was mandatory nigga dont hate yooh was jus another chapter in ma story n when i say what i say jus remember ma nig i aint sorry i told yooh dont EVA try to git 1 up on me haha givin this bitch ur heart came 2 yooh with a fee i said i didnt want yooh no more but yooh wouldnt let me be i tryed endin it peacefully b4 but yooh jus kept wanting more oh boo hoo keon yooh called me a whore haha yooh only said it kuz yooh kno that eats at ma core haha who woulda knew that tha 1 yooh truly loved did what all these otha bitches have wanted to do yooh n ur homies say yooh this big ass playa playa runner of game?? oh ya so thats y yooh were so easy to tame? oh playa playa, great runner of game if yooh soo good at it y yooh stukk out in tha rain?? haha nigga ur game is waaay too lame yooh aint no playa n ur short cummins should put yooh to shame haha now its my turn to say bitch whatz MA muthafukkin name ya ya yooh said that ur pain will fade but yooh tryin to hide ur anger n pain makes me feel like i jus got paid kuz haha chea playa playa.....yooh just got played!!!!! k kitten out!!! hahaha muthafukka!!!

2 bulletz

2 bulletz..... nigga 1 of these bulletz r ment for yooh... so when yooh saw me in da shadows yooh already knew... yooh n i both kno i gotta do what i gotta do... yooh git on ur knees beggin cryin "no i gott kids, i gottz 2!!" i recant "i dun givea fuk bout yooh or them 2 foo n nigga yooh can cry n pray till ur face turns flu yooh kno what yooh did now its time to pay we all gotta die sumtimez nigga n 2days ur day!!!" "please ma.. let me call em n say good bye if i may?" starin in ur glossy eyes i think is this nigga that dum i kno tha game ur tryin 2 play what so yooh can call tha copz n i git locked up like ma nigga ray haha lookin in ur eyez i say no yooh freeze seein tha anger n hate i gottz for yooh kuz ura foe i tell him i kno shit bout ur bitch that i want yooh 2 kno haha b4 i pull this lil trigger n yooh gotta go i smile as i say ur bitch is a hoe i kno this kuz she pays me walkin down that trak lookin like lil mo haha yooh weep...i laugh...as i say yooh kno ur nigga tre-bo all yooh can do is kiss tha ground sayin noooo!!! i step on ur face screamin shut tha fuk up!! ur suppose to b a nigga but yooh cryin like a bitch like a fukkin golddigga i say its funny to see yooh cry now yooh used to b this big badass nigga alwayz had us bitches sayin wow i cock ma gun yooh git up quik n start to run i laugh my ass off like i was just told a pun hearin yooh cry n scream like a bitch 2 me is fun i lift it n shoot yooh in tha back of tha head i smile at tha blood that i just shed i shower in ur shower redress all in red as im leavin ur house i kick yooh in tha face jus to make sure ur dead walkin down tha street all i think bout is layin down in ma bed my hunger for blood shed has jus been fed so now as i lay in ma bed i contiplate my life n all tha pain that fills it i finally relize im tired 4 once i have this pain n ma heart jus like when tha homie got fired i remember my suicide plan that i conspired ive had it planned out 4ever all tha way to tha very last t n now in tha ground is where i wanna b i dont kno whats gotten into me i git up lookin into tha mirror n i ask myself....who is she she is tha 1 who pretends all is well shes tha 1 who has a smile that covers all so yooh cant tell that her life is truly a livin hell but she masks it good...yooh dont even kno it but shes already fell she cocks her glock1 last time she hums 2 herself a lil rhyme she smiles n says 2 herself this last bullet is mine she puts tha glock in her mouth the thought of her impendin death makes her heart pine shes ready to b dead layin there in rigger seein as theres truly nuttin else left to figure she pulls tha trigger BLAM!!! i wake up on my couch instantly touchin my mouth its fine.... DAMN......

!m Th@ 1 h3 c@lLz W!F3Y!!!

chekk it...im single all ma homiez kno already! but just kuz i aint in a relationshit dont mean i cant b called wifey ya digg!?!?!? only bitch in da klikk im tha 1 called wifey quikk to go fetcha stikk make yooh otha niggas say nighty nighty im like eve a pitbull in a skirt quikk to make yooh otha niggaz hurt 1st bitch 2 b on da turf dressed in ma kute ass shirt talk shit n u'll b tha 1st i murf!! ya digg???
tha life n times of a boss bitch it aint easy alwayz walkin round not givin a shit just waitin 4 that 1 niggas hit but yall know tha sayin if tha shoe fit so i put that muthafuka on now all my stress n worries gone lord i know what im doin is wrong n i know tha roads gonna b long but thats just the life of a boss bitch lord u know if i did give a shit id still b stuck on ma mommas tit lifes hard as shit but i dont mind it 1 bit lord u gave me tha power 2 stand straight up rather then cowar 4 this i give u ma all kuz i know in the long run u'll neva let me fall u make ma life fun thats y i stand tall instead of turnin 2 run

FuKk It!!!

fuk this fuk u fuk them fuk everyone fuk lyfe fuk death fuk money wait no i luv ma money fuk luv fuk pain fuk this bottle of vodka maybe fuk all the thizzlez i can get and all tha thizzlez i just popped fuk ma x fuk me fuk men fuk lies fuk jokers fuk fake snitches n skeeters fuk it all fuk it all mayne ive finally decided i hate lyfe mayne its not fair i luv god but he fuks with me he gives it wll 2 me then takes it All away y?

I dUn GiVa FuKk!!!

as i sit here with ma newport i relize how life is so short half ma life spent in court what did i do 2 deserve this shit mayne fuk it i dont give a fuk one lil bit step up to me n git hit haterz n fakez stay tha fuk away from me i hate u all so let it b its hard to b a fefe and a g yall actin like yall know me baby let me push 1 mo key then i can finally rest yall know im tha best ~*~*~*~muahz~*~*~*~


Hahaha i must b evil i b speedin like knevil im like tha devil fire n brimstone i luv tha smell im already in hell sooo many stories 2 tell unknown 2 yall how many times ive fell lifes a bitch ur born dyin niggaz n bitches need 2 stop defyin mayne....bitches quit ur cryin kuz i kno ur tears r lyin erwhere i go i cause destruction makinit hard 4 niggaz 2 function nigga..when u see me wit ma blunt n ma brew approch wit caution its tha mirical concoction ma lifes a contridiktion blood tha shit im spittin aint no fiction
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16 years ago
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