The true man wants two things: danger and play. For that reason he wants woman, as the most dangerous plaything. - Friedrich Nietzsche
Please ladies & gents these are just a bunch of empty words unless you take the time to get to know me, any who here we go .....
Hi I'm Jax and simply, I'm quite a dork, articulate, with a dash of a whimsical personality and maybe a tad vulgar. I am a sweetheart until you cross me. I try to help everyone, and that is probably my weakness, since I go out of my way to help anyone out. My other weakness is my amazing, beautiful, girlfriend whom I have the pleasure of living with.
Family & my future are my priorities, as is school and bettering myself as a human being Bottom line.
::Remember no one can bring you down except yourself:: Lets see I am sarcastic and ridiculously loud or frighteningly quiet, I'm going to be honest I'm self conscious and i fall for people way too easily (hopeless romantic)..... I love how paranoid people are of life, I hate degrading intentions. There is no true definition for perfection, so who do people think they are to judge others, their sadistic hypocritical intentions are amazing, and I see right through them.
I am just a Girl
My hair never stay's in place
I'm pretty clumsy (ditzy moments)
I graduated Culinary School and interned at Morimoto. So I can cook a tad ^_^
I love snakes and dancing in my underwear
I would rather be traveling through the wilderness than at the mall
I laugh at the most absurd things,
And I always say the wrong thing at the wrong time.
I cry for no reason and sometimes get mad easily.
But when I think about it...
I remember how much I love being imperfect
The first things people usually notice about me,
I would have to say, is my charming sarcasm & cunning wit.
I don't like FAKES or STEREOTYPES... I don't like people that put other people down just because it makes them feel better... I can't stand show offs or attention hogs. I'm a pretty calm subdued person , unless I'm angry, which is when the bitch switch turns on. I have a very wide sense of humor and can pull the funniest thing out of almost any bad situation.
I'd like to think I'm a great analyst of people's perceptions, and thoughts. I'm an awesome writer, or so I'd like to tell myself. I would say I'm a great person to talk to as long as you don't mind brutal and sometimes down right unfiltered honesty. I'm not afraid of getting hurt. I'm really good at a lot of things, but its peachy to see a lil humility in such a dog-eat-dog world. Just sayin'.
I spend a lot of time thinking about the future, and my impact upon it.
Randoms: Think of it as a easier way to start a convo seeing as most can't initiate nor, sustain a substantial conversation /I love going to shows Broadway/ Music
I write way too much
I surf/snowboard.wakeboard
I ride moto/Extreme sports are my life
I love horror films./I despise chick flicks
I'm very outdoor-sy, and love playing any kind of sports...
I'm tomboy at heart/I'm down for absolutely anything
Books & music are an obsession for me... Alternative, jazz, funk, 70's rock & roll, country, classical, bluegrass, punk, metal, hardcore, ska, and many many more. As for books I usually pick any book up and won't put it done till I'm finished, of course the classics, well lets just put it this way, I have over 400 books that I refuse to throw out.
Hmm and finally food, I have no boundaries as to what I will try, I dont really like eating; my eyes are bigger than my tummy, but I love to feed people, and make them happy with a well put together meal
I get fucked over by everyone and their mothers. You will either love me or hate me. But please take the time to at least get to know me first.

My pain is your drug... so keep being my junkie, cause i'm about to give you your last fix. your overdose .
**Love never dies a natural death.
It dies because we don't know how to replenish its source.
It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals.
It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of witherings, of tarnishings.**