every get that thought about how can someone say 'i love you'? well im wondering that right now. i was recently bitten by a brown recluse. i told the man that claims he loves me thru a instant msg a few days ago when it happened (thats the only means bc he's in iraq) and i can understand him not saying anything about it or getting back with me bc he's been busy. well tonight while talking to him and agrueing about somethin else i mention it again. saying you know i expected to you show some concern about me telling you that i got bitten by a brown recluse but no nothing. and he's like sorry ive been treating gsw. ok i understand that, and i let it go. just waiting to see if it crosses his mind to ask about it, i wait and wait and wait, nope still nothing. so as im getting off to go take a shower im like oh btw i mentioned it again and you still show no concern so nvm forget about it. still he says nothing which this time is fine means he's listening, good for him. but i cant help but wonder how the man that so proclaims he loves me shows the least concern of all the people that i know. granted they know bc they asked whats going on with me, which he didnt ask but thats cool im okay with that. the others are like OMG or do i need to come see in the hosptial and all that stuff. but my 'love' shows not a bit of conern. wtf is up with that if he 'loves' me? i just dont know, yeah im ranting a little sorry its gonna help me sleep better tonight. grrrr how can he not care about this enuff to ask anything dealing with even how i managed that? which would have been something which is better than nothing. i dont know am i over reacting a little? or do i have the right to be a little pissed off? ugh no wonder i hate 'love'. ever notice that in my posted poems, you know the pain they all show? anyhow going to bed i can rant all night and repeat myself a millions times in different forms but i dont feel like making ya'll have to read all that.