51 Year Old
Invited by: Belladonna·
Joined on March 17, 2007
Born on January 2nd
·18 referrals joined!
1 person has a crush on me!
I'm trying to limit my friends list to people i know or have at least talked to a bit, not just random people in order to get more points. Please don't be upset if I don't add you... its nothing personal. :)
Sometimes I'm streaming live here on my cam. Click the magnifying lens to get it full size and join the chat.
Wow~ Thanks so much for taking time 2 stop by my page! I have rated and fanned ya..hope your'e on my friends list also, if not we should fix that :)! I hope you are having a magnificent day! Thanks again for spanking my page with cherry luv!:) MeGaN :)
nope it wasnt a ne wpiercing... it was an old one!!! took it out a while ago... didnt really like it w/o my lip rings in... might get my lip repierced... whatcha think lol
Hi, :) I came by to show your page some love ♥ I rated your profile a 10 (sorry, I ran out of 11's, I'll be back & next visit I'll rate ya up :D) & become your newest fan! Please stop by my page when you get a chance to rate & fan me :) Keep in mind I'm a great friend (also a great comment bomber!) if you ever in need (of either) I'm only a PM away;)(hehe) Have an excellent week, I hope to hear from you soon!♥LaurieTheRedheadedCherry
Thank you so much for adding me as a friend! I left some love on your page! I hope you have a great day and I look forward to talking to you soon. (B) CHEERS