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Before you read this, I will tell you this is a fictional story I wrote about a online game I play called planetside. ;) If your a gammer you might just like it. Pls feel free to let me know your thoughts and comments.. A Day in the Life of Gh0sTWrAiTh The Siege of Faro Blackness… Slowly, I try to open my eyes and think to myself, “Can I see? What will I see?” My body tingles all over. It feels like my skin is crawling, everything moving by its own accord. I’m not sure what this is, but it feels so… familiar. Why does it feel like something is regenerating me, making me stronger and rejuvenating me? Is this a new body? I still have all my old memories of home, but the intensity of the pain is relentless. The memory of being shot by a sniper five hundred yards away still resonates through my skull. I can still feel the bullet ripping through my Rexo-suit, burning into my flesh, deep into my heart, causing it to stop beating. The pain and the burning are unbearable. My body is going limp. I can’t move my arms and I helplessly fall to the ground. As I lie there I can see the stellar map in my mind. What base to go to? Where should I find my feet touching the ground again? Where should I respawn? These questions rip through my mind like a chainsaw through a tree. Faro… Yes, Faro is where I will go. The buzzing sound makes my mind feel like it is floating in space. I can’t feel my legs, my arms, or my hands. All I see is the emptiness and the darkness of nothing. Being everywhere but yet nowhere at the same time. Floating but yet I feel like I’m stationary and can’t move, can’t do anything but wait. Now the buzzing gets louder as I feel a tingling running down from my hair, feels almost like water rushing over my head and down my body. No… not water, but something feeling close to water, tingling all over. Everything in my body feels like it’s alive but moving on its own. Slowly the darkness turns into gray, and I can see a light coming through my eyelids. I slowly try to open my eyes to see the world I have chosen to fight for. I see the inside of a glass door. Through it I can see the rough and scarred up faces of people I know. I see the face of Rezamalin and Oioio looking in on me. Oioio is saying something but I can’t make it out. The glass door opens… “Hail!” Oioio screams out, blasting her words through my eardrums. “Hail, Oioio!” I yell back, as Reza and Oioio gear up for battle against the enemy we face today. As I slowly step out of the respawn tube, I look around and see all the faces of our outfit standing around. Decoy, the current outfit leader, gearing up to go sniping, CaptCombat sliding in to his infiltration suit to plasma some poor fools, and many more grabbing gear and running down the hallway and up the stairs towards the nearest exit. I run to the equipment terminal to grab my own gear. The menu pops up and I chose my Magrider driving gear. This setup is the standard Agile armour with my glue gun on my back, my armour repair tool on my left side, an ACE on my left, and my backpack filled with a Lasher, glue, ammo, and the much-needed REK. I look around again and see Wodka gearing up. “Hey, Wods you want to gun a Magrider?” I ask. “Sure!” Wodka replies. As we run down the hallway toward the vehicle bay you can hear the sounds of the explosions outside. We can hear the screams of soldiers dying all around us just in order to keep the base under our control and out of the hands of the demented Terrain Republic. We see many of our outfit members turn right and run up the stairs toward the air terminal and the main lobby where the TR have breached the front door. As we continue to run at full stride toward the vehicle bay we can tell by the massive amounts of explosions that there are many enemy vehicles outside. I look at Wodka and say “You ready to do this?” “Hell yes!” he quickly responds, jumping over a set of rails and running toward the vehicle bay door, pulling out his trusty Lasher and preparing to meet anyone coming down the bay. I approach the vehicle terminal and select the Magrider. The Magrider is our armoured assault vehicle. Mounted on it is a Heavy Rail Beam cannon, and a Light Pulsed Particle cannon. This is a two-man hovering vehicle that we use to wipe out the heavy armour of our enemy. It comes up from the vehicle construction area, which uses NTUs to construct the vehicle you have requested. I jump over the railing, land next to the Mag and climb aboard. Sliding in to the seat is like putting on a favourite glove, all the controls ready at hand. It sits idling ready to take off, then suddenly begins to slowly move the up the ramp to the exit in auto-drive. As the vehicle approaches the top of the ramp I begin to buckle myself in and do a quick weapons check and other preparation work. All systems go… all weapons on line… controls are set… map is checked… I’m ready to rock and roll. As the outer door at the top of the ramp opens I see Wodka crouched behind a barrier. He is taking on fire from a TR standing near the North gate. I let the LPP cannon rip, tearing through the unlucky soul in front of me. The soldier drops his weapons and falls back on to the road as I have taken his life from him. However, unfortunately for us (but luckily for the TR), he will regenerate thanks to the Vanu technology we all use to rebuild each of our bodies. Wodka climbs aboard in the gunner seat as the auto-drive disengages and I begin to control the mag myself. I grip the controls with both hands and step on the gas to get out of the courtyard. A highflying Liberator dropping anti-personal bombs is bombarding it. We zoom outside the base walls and see that the TR are swarming the back door. They look like fire ants ripping apart a grasshopper they have just killed. I hear the Rail Beam cannon fire - “Swoosh” - and I can see the explosion 220 meters in front of us. It’s a hit! Two TR down, their bodies lifeless. Then I spot a glimmering, as a cloaking bubble briefly shimmers in the mid-day sky. I begin to let the LPP rip again, firing multiple shots in the direction of the bubble. As the shells hit the target, the Advanced Mobile Station is revealed to us. “Enemy AMS!” I scream to Wodka, who has now taken aim on it also. If we take it down we will slow the TR attack. There is a flurry of shots around the AMS as we are now being fired upon ourselves. Suddenly, I see rockets come flying in from behind a tree. I grasp the controls and point the Magrider in the directions the shots are coming from. I give the Magrider full throttle, and we fly through the trees toward the person firing at us. Bammm! - We hear a loud crashing sound. “Holy Crap!” I yell from the drivers seat. Then I hear snickering coming from the gunner seat. “Shut up Wods!” I yell, “Damn it I hit another tree!” “Wouldn’t expect anything different Gh0st”, Wodka says. Luckily the damage is minimal, as we don’t have the time to fix it, so I grab the controls and maneuver around the tree towards the rocket firing TR. Wodka continues to pound the enemy’s AMS, shot after shot until we hear it explode. “WOOT!!” yells Wodka. “Nice shot!” I scream. Now to go kill that pestering rocket firing TR that must have some kind of death wish (I think we all do in a way because we keep putting ourselves in harms way). Moving into position I can see him running down the embankment towards more trees. “Zip, Zip” goes the LPP as I let lose a storm of shots at the TR. He falls to the ground as the energy bolts burn through the back of his Rexo-suit. We round the trees and have now set aim on another TR AMS dead ahead. Again, we let the cannons explode with shots at the TR AMS, killing multiple soldiers that are trying to respawn and make it into the back door. “KaBlam!” goes the AMS, as Wodka’s last shots explode on the front cab. During the explosion it takes out 3 more TR. We have knocked them back on their heels. We look around for any more TR scouring about, but we don’t see any. I begin to guide the Magrider towards a small clump of trees to do the repairs from all the fire we received during the TR attack on the back door. As the Magrider glides to a stop I do a quick look around to make sure I don’t see any enemy troops or vehicles. It looks clear so I jump out of the Magrider’s driver seat, grabbing my glue gun from its holster. I begin replenishing the NTUs to the Magrider. Once it is filled to capacity again, I climb back into the driver’s seat and head back towards the courtyard. Over squad channel we hear there is a TR Prowler tank and TR Battle Frame Robot sitting in the courtyard and firing on anyone who comes to the front door. They are trying to keep my empire (the Vanu Sovereignty) pinned down inside the base. Wodka and I don’t say anything at all, because we know what we are going to do. More than likely one Magrider against a Prowler and a BFR will lose, but we have to try. I report over the squad channel “Get ready to rush the courtyard, we are coming in hot!” As we turn the corner into the courtyard we can see our targets along with more than 10 enemy infantry. I give it full throttle as I begin to mow down the TR infantry and lay down fire on the Prowler, because both enemy vehicles are focused on the door. Rockets pummel the front of the Magrider as we run over our 4th infantryman, but we’ve got the Prowler down to half its NTU life. Continuing towards the Prowler and the main gate for a quick escape we are down to less than half armour, and are still taking fire. I can see some of our squad rushing the courtyard firing in all directions. There is TheMantra in his Quasar Max suit, followed by SwampDawg in the same. You can see many of the TR glowing green from Captcombat’s plasma grenades, I can’t spot him in his infiltration suit but I know he is here. “Hell Yeah!” I scream as I see Rezamalin and Oioio come flying in. They are both flying the Reaver, one of the air combat planes. Their rockets explode on the Prowler and BFR. They fly away with rockets following close behind… I hope they get away. One huge explosion goes “Boom!” as the Prowler is taken down by Wodka and some more fire from inside the main lobby. I give the Magrider everything it has to get out of the courtyard because we have less then a quarter of NTUs left and the Magrider is starting to handle really rough. We are out but the BFR is still in the courtyard, so I’m sure we will be going back. Now down to less than a tenth of NTUs, Wodka jumps out of the Magrider and so do I. We are expecting it to blow at any moment, but it glides to a slow stop and we both look back toward the courtyard for any enemy that may be following. Luck seems to be on our side, as there are none. I grab my glue gun and start replenishing the NTUs again. Wodka climbs back into the gunner seat, yelling “Great Job, W00T!” Happy to have made it through it through the last two battles alive I scream back “Excellent! Nice shooting Wods.” Over the squad channel we hear the VS are pushing out the front door and the BFR is now running like a dog with its tail between its legs. You can hear people cheering over the radio; yelling and screaming because we are continuing to win the small battles that will help us win the war. We have completed the repairs on the Magrider and head back to the courtyard for clean up to make sure there is no more TR hiding and to clear all the mines they have laid. The squad commander SwampDawg calls for all Combat Engineers to setup more defenses, like mines, motion sensors and Spitfires. I pull up to the vehicle repair term to finish repairing and reload all of our ammo we had depleted. Onward to Ekera The squad channel is abuzz with activity. “Head to Ekera” our squad leader SwampDawg commands. Wodka and I are ready and waiting for other Magriders to join us. We see Oioio and Rezamalin round the corner in a Magrider. Oioio has become one of the best Magrider drivers in the outfit, and with Reza as her gunner they are nearly invincible these days. They seem to know each other’s moves like the backs of their own hands. CaptCombat drives up in his trusty AMS, so incase we die we will have a close respawn point. TheMantra, RonRich-k, and SwampDawg are all geared up in their Quasar Max suits ready to cremate any infantry that stand in our way. Decoy rounds the corner on his ATV followed closely by other outfit members and new squad mates. “Head to waypoint” commands SwampDawg over the squad channels. The waypoint is a beam of light that is emitted from one of the many satellites orbiting the planets in the solar system, which helps guide us to a specific place. This helps to keep everyone orientated and pointed in the right direction, which is useful because in war everything seems to be turned upside down. On the way up to Ekera we do not encounter any TR. It is like they are in preparation for our coming. I am sure we will see something soon though, and we make it to the little strip of land that connects the island of Ekera to the mainland, we do. They have mined the way across and seem to have set up many defenses for us. CC parks the unarmed AMS behind a huge boulder for some protection and activates the cloaking bubble. Decoy heads for higher ground to get a good sniping spot, while the MAXs start to run towards the infantry that are making their way across toward us. Wodka, Oioio, Reza and myself all in the two Magriders begin to head toward the shoreline as the Magriders have the ability to hover over the water. “Kaboom!” goes a rocket into the side of our Magrider, fueling the hatred we have for the TR. “Shoosh!” Wodka lets his first shot fly toward a TR infantryman, hitting him in the head and causing him to fall to the ground. I can see Oioio and Reza to my left cruising across the water like a bat out of hell, firing a multitude of shots in the direction of the enemy. I’m sure they will knock down many of the TR before they retreat. As we approach the Northern shoreline where the TR are based, I notice we have less than seventy-five percent left in our NTU to keep the Magrider going. I blast away at a Prowler sitting just up the shoreline, hitting it but causing very little damage. “Oh My God!” I scream as the TR Prowler turns it’s 100mm dual cannons on us and starts to fire. Rockets from a TR are pummeling us, and I can hear the explosions from an anti-armour max firing at us. I check the NTUs: down to forty-three percent, forty-two percent, forty-one percent and dropping fast. I grab the throttle and pushing it to the max and turn the beast around to head towards the friendly shoreline. Twenty-eight percent now, the explosions are all around us. There is no escape. I strafe to the right then back to the left, pushing the Magrider to give me more speed. The Magrider has hardly anything left, twenty-one percent and the controls get shaky. It’s hard to keep it moving… the Magrider is losing speed and the explosions now seem to have increased. Less than eight percent, Wodka tries to bail but there is a malfunction in the ejection system. We’re trapped like to mice in a cage as the Magrider slows to almost a complete a complete stop on the water. I can feel the heat from the explosions, I feel like a marshmallow over an open campfire. The intense heat from each explosion is causing the metal inside the cockpit to glow red. Anything you touch burns your skin through the Rexo-suit. The explosions continue to get louder as the hull of the Mag weakens with every explosion. Then it happens, the shells break through the Mag’s hull… fragments of control panel, shell casing and the Mag’s hull cut through the Rexo-suit and into my stomach, burning as they tear a hole in me. Then all at once the Mag seems to crush down around Wodka and me, and every fiber of my being explodes in a million different directions. I can feel every piece of my flesh, muscles and bone being torn apart. Blackness again… then slowly the stellar map comes into view and I can see CaptCombat’s AMS, where I can respawn. My body tingles all over with that faithful feeling I have felt so many times before. Feels like my skin is crawling, everything moving on its own. Then I’m standing in the cloaked bubble like nothing had happened. I get my bearings and head toward the AMS’s equipment terminal to grab my gear again. This time I know we are close to the enemy so I go stealthily. Receiving my infiltration gear, I begin to suit up. I pull the mask over my face; the suit feels like your own skin. You have no protection at all in these suits, facing the world with only a weapon and a prayer. I load up with four jamming grenades and twelve plasma grenades Cloaking is simple in theory and difficult to master in practice. I have watched masters of the infiltration suit, like CaptCombat, and RonRich-k, to see the tactics that they use. CaptCombat continues to setup defensive devices around the AMS. He will grab ACEs from his holster, switch them to ‘mine’ mode and place them in a perfect defensive circle around the AMS. Once this is done he is happy that the AMS is secure, due to the fact that the mines are less than eight meters apart and will explode if any TR gets within three meters of one of them. You can see him slowly and stealthily walk out of the bubble in the opposite direction of the fighting. He then circles around and heads toward the action to divvy out some pain to the TR. Looks like he is about to lay some mines down for the TR to run over. CC starts laying mines near the end of the shoreline as a Prowler starts toward him and across at us. The Prowler has not spotted Captain yet they seem to be heading for a collision. Captain has his head down laying mines, but I am sure he is aware of the Prowler. Fearlessly he lays the last mine and darts toward the water where he jumps behind a small cluster of rocks. The first mine goes off causing damage to the Prowler, but they feel like they are invincible and continue moving slowly forward. Anti-armour energy pulses crash into the Prowler and burn into the hull of the tank. “Boom!” goes the second mine CaptainCombat has laid down. Yet the Prowler does not slow at all. The Prowler fires a shot and takes down 343, who was running for cover. Then CaptainCombat’s last two mines go off, engulfing the Prowler and causing it to explode violently killing all three TR crew instantly. After watching the master, I get my gear and head toward the shoreline to meet my fate and hopefully create some pain for some TR. I turn on the cloaking system of the infiltration suit, causing it to reflect the light around my body to make me appear invisible to everyone around. However, you can see a shimmer on the suit when you make any move too quickly. This is one of the tricks that most of the new infiltrators don’t remember until it is too late and they are dead. Once I reach the shoreline I head toward the land bridge that is connecting the island and the mainland. I approach this area carefully so as not to give my location away to the enemy snipers that are perched on the hill behind the TR front line. There are massive amounts of explosions, rockets, gunshots, and death along the bridge. Slowly making my was across the bridge, I reach the other side unharmed. In front of me there are four TR infantrymen crouched behind a rock… looks like they are repairing and replenishing their NTUs. I stealthily pull out three plasma grenades. “C’mon baby, do daddy proud” I think to myself. I set them to explode on impact and toss the first one into the middle of them. “Boom, shoosh!” I hear the plasma grenade explode and the plasma soaks the four TR’s Rexo-suits. As it starts its slow burn into their skin I can hear their screams of pain. I pull another one out and throw it at two that are close to me. “Boom, shoosh!” goes the second grenade. “Awwww… crap” I threw it too short and the splash of plasma has hit me. The burning of the plasma is like acid through your armour and skin, feeling like it is burning straight to bone. The two in front of me that I hit are weakened and scurry around looking for me, but thankfully they have not spotted me yet. I toss the third grenade a bit further as not to ignite myself again, hitting both of them for the third straight time. “AAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhh!” the TR soldiers scream. I can hear their screams of agony echo through my skull like a penny in a tin can. “Rrblame, rrblame, Ting, whoosh, zing…” I can hear a Mini-ChainGun start spinning and the barrels exploding as bullets are being shot in my direction. I don’t know if they have the implant for Darklight, but they are spraying the area all around me. “RiFF! RiFF!” goes my infiltration suit and my skin as burning projectiles tear into me. Pulling another grenade I desperately toss it in the direction of the TR that is cutting me down. It explodes on him as he continues to fire non-stop into my lifeless corpse as it falls to the ground. Blackness again… Then slowly the stellar map comes into view and I can see CaptCombat’s AMS. I respawn at the AMS to continue our push to gain control of the land bridge and move into the tower on the other side. “Need repairs, need repairs!” screams TheMantra, standing there in his quasar max suit, which is riddled with bullet holes and burnt marks. Grabbing my Rexo-suit with my repair applicator in it, I turn toward TheMantra and begin to pump NTUs into the suit, so they can repair the damage to the armour. While doing this I look around for any incoming enemy vehicles or infantrymen. It takes a bit to finish the repairs due to the extensive damage. After I’ve repaired him, TheMantra turns around and head back into the action. I holster my repair applicator, pull my Lasher out, and start to run in the direction of all our vehicles and infantry slowly advancing towards the TR. “Need repairs!” SwampDawg yells from behind a barricade of armoured vehicles. I put my Lasher away as I run toward him and pull the repair applicator out. Making sure that the glue canister is full I begin to pump the NTUs into his suit. As soon as I start applying them you can almost see them rebuilding the armour. After a while the NTU’s repair him as good as new. He says “Thanks” then runs around the tanks and heads into battle. I immediately pull out my Lasher and run around behind him. “Push across!” Yells SwampDawg over the squad channel. “Keep it up, we are pushing them back” says Decoy confidently over the outfit channel. “All Knights report to Ekera bridge” requests Decoy, again over the outfit channel. The Knights of Sovereignty is our name; we fight under the banner of a Poodle. You might ask why we selected a poodle for the banner. Many haven’t got a clue, but I have been around for a long time and this is what I know: Some of the original Inner Council members tossed around a few ideas but the poodle for some reason stuck. I believe it was for the pure enjoyment of knowing that if you got your butt kicked by someone with a poodle on their flag you would cower in humiliation. Don’t take it the wrong way; we may fight under a poodle but we kill like devil dogs. Off in the distance you can hear a faint rumbling sound, like a freight train building up speed, the sound of the jet engines of Reavers and Mosquitoes. Then over the top of the treetops you can see them flying - ten to fifteen Reavers and Mosquitoes from the Air Division lead by Hisui, an up and coming new commander. Hisui, Oioio, Rezamalin, Damageplank and many more come in flying low and hard straight at the TR’s side of the bridge. They begin to let the rockets fly at the Prowlers and BFRs sitting there. As they release their hoard of rockets and machine gun fire they peel off out of the formation heading back to base for repairs and reload. As the rockets pelt the TR’s vehicles and infantrymen, our squad continues to move forward across the bridge killing the remaining infantry and firing at the two BFRs and Prowler that is now running away. The Reavers’ rockets have uncovered the TR’s AMS, which TheMantra and SwampDawg are now swarming like bees on honey. They are obliterating any poor fool that tries to respawn there. “We are across, set up defenses Combat Engineers” orders SwampDawg. I pull out my ACE and switch it to deploy mines. I start on the Northern side of the bridge, placing them in a diagonal line crossing from one side to the other to maximize the amount of mines in a small area. We place motion sensors on both ends and also two Spitfires located behind the barriers so they will not be spotted until it is too late. Most of us are on foot so we call for air support to bring in a Galaxy for pick up and transfer to the base. “Ungalor can you bring in a Galaxy for drop on Ekera please”, requests SwampDawg. All of the infantry soldiers start gathering around in one spot watching for both the Galaxy and any incoming TR vehicles. The Galaxy comes over the treetops and lands on the Northern side of the bridge where we are all gathered up. Decoy, Ronrich-k, SwampDawg, and everyone else climb up into the Galaxy preparing to fly to Ekera and drop on the backdoor area to breach it. While we are loading up the Galaxy, Oioio, Rezamalin, Damageplank and a few others arrive in Reavers. They will lead the way to clear any anti-air or anti-personnel defenses for our drop. Drop on Ekera Sitting here in the Galaxy is like getting on a bus with the seat that faces the window. There are four of us in Rexo-suits on one side of the plane facing a door that spans all the seats. One of the MAXs gets in to its own seat with a special door for easier exit and entrance. The other side of the Galaxy is the same, four then one MAX. Located near the front of the ship on either side there is one wing gunner seat that controls the 20mm machine gun fixed to the outside of the wing. In front of the wing gunners there are two more people - the pilot and the tail gunner, who controls the rear mounted machine gun for any planes that attack us from behind. You can hear the engines rev up as Ungalor starts our take-off and the aircraft starts moving vertically up into the sky. The engine’s thrust can be pointed straight down to accomplish the vertical movement. As we gain altitude Ung, moves the engines into the forward position, causing the craft to move forwards through the air. I can hear the engines of our escorts outside the door cruising to the front of the plane. This will not be a long rest before we are ejected from the cushioned seats out into a free fall to the ground. “ETA one minute” relays Ungalor. “Can we get peanuts on this trip?” I say jokingly. “Hey what about the in-flight movie?” Wodka adds. You can hear the nervous laughter over the squad channel. We all know we may perish as soon as we hit the ground. “Get ready! Drop in 10…” commands SwampDawg over the squad chat. Then “GO GO GO!!” SwampDawg screams. I pull the door release and out we go, falling, falling towards the ground. We are not falling at a high rate of speed due to the NTUs allowing us to fall at a much slower rate. On the way down Wodka pulls out his Command Uplink Device and sets off an Electro Magnetic Pulse. This pulse will set off any mines and render Spitfires inactive for 45 seconds or so. I pull out my REK as I hit the top of the base, running towards the door to hack the identity lock. This usually unlocks the door only for soldiers of the owning empire, but our REK devices allow us to disable this feature for a couple of minutes. Once it is disabled we will rush into the short hallway toward the Control Console room that is located at the top of the AMP Station. “Shish” goes the doors as they retract back into the door facing. Both maxes go running into the doorway, TheMantra leading and Swampdawg closely behind. The softies, a.k.a anyone not wearing the MAX armour follows. Then CaptainCombat, a combat engineer, places a mine at the entrance to slow down anyone TR that try and follow us in. As TheMantra and SwampDawg enter the outer area of the Control Console room two TR Rexos who have been guarding this location start firing at them. The maxes mow them down with a barrage of high-energy blast from the energy cannons mounted on their right arms. Both TheMantra and SwampDawg stop after reaching the inner sanctum of the Control Console. The engineers Wodka, Captcombat and myself all begin to repair their armour from the small arms fire. The repairs are completed in less then ten seconds, and all the combat engineers, Wodka, CaptainCombat, Decoy and I place mines in the doorways of all the outer doors. CaptainCombat and I place Boomers on the inner doorways to take out the first one or two TR as they enter. While we are placing the mines in the doorways, Ucntseeme starts hacking the console; this will only take about thirty seconds for him to do. Then we have to wait for the uplink to our system to complete. This will take a total of fifteen minutes to complete. We will have to keep any TR hackers away from the terminal so they cannot resecure, or relink it to their system. “Complete!” yells Ucntseeme over the squad chat. Now the TR definitely know we are here, and will be coming to secure the console at anytime. We all take defensive positions around the doorways. This way we can take as many of the TR out as possible before they ever get the first shot at any of us. For the first twenty seconds nothing, not a soul has tried to enter. “Where are they?” screams TheMantra over the squad channel. “I’m sure they will be here soon”, answers GoblinHunter. Thirty seconds, still no one has entered the doorway. Faint explosions and gunfire erupt outside the doors. “W00t!! Come get some” blares over the squad channel, from Rezamalin. He is blasting the doorway as they try to exit the lower level; on the other end of the base we hear rockets explode as Oioio lays down the fire on the other doors. “Beep Beep” sounds over the squad channel, and then you hear the sounds of the after-burners erupt from Oioio’s Reaver. The beeps, as we all know, are the damn anti-vehicular weapons of the TR that can lock onto aircraft. We all hope she got away but being this close we all know she will more than likely have to respawn. We hear a multitude of screams and beeps over the channel, as the Reavers are no more. “Get ready, get set, here they come”, yells Wodka as the outer mines explode as they try to enter. Then the first two through the door are meet with a hellfire of energy bolts and the Boomers are triggered disassembling both of them instantly. As the doors seem to explode with TR running through them trying to get to the Control Console. Energy rounds burn through the Rexo-suits and the MAX armour as the TR are cut down before they have a chance to enter the small hallway into the outer Control Console room. I begin to lay down a steady stream of Lasher shots towards the doors, hitting a TR in the leg then in the chest as his body crashes down in front of me. I continue to fire upon the following TR, and anyone else that gets between the doors and me. “I need repairs!” I hear over the squad channel. I turn around and I see SwampDawg holding his arm up for help. I place my Lasher in its holster on my back and pull out my armour repair gun to pump the much-needed NTUs into him. I replace the canister on the gun to ensure I have enough glue to repair him. I have to run around behind him trying to avoid any shots heading in my direction from all the different weapons being fired. Crouching in a safe spot behind him I begin to repair him. “Twelve minutes left” reports GoblinHunter over the squad channel. It seems like hours, but this small exchange of fire has only lasted a bit more than two minutes. You can see the anger in the eyes of your squad mates as you look around and see them firing their weapons precisely at the door to make sure we do not waste any ammo. “Need repairs!” screams Wodka, as I make my way over to him to begin repairing his armour after completing Swamp’s repairs. I pump the NTU’s into his armour and you can see the bullet holes being slowly repaired and replaced with new armour. “I need a medic!” requests Wodka. I have not learned the how to use the medical applicator. I look around for someone that has it and there is Decoy ready and waiting. Decoy puts away his sniper rifle that he was using to inflict massive amounts of damage to anyone in his sights. He pulls out the medical applicator to start healing Wodka. Running to the Control Console, I check the time on the countdown to complete the link as I feel a twelve-millimeter round pierce my armour under my right arm. It burns as it makes it way into my right lung. Can’t stop to look or to worry about it right now, if I do the next one may hit something more vital. Reaching the console I see that the time is still ticking. Seems to be hours now but only a few more minutes have passed. “Nine minutes twenty seconds, time on hack!” I report over the squad channel. Pulling a medical kit for instant health from my backpack I inject it into my wound under my arm. I can feel the NTU’s running through the wound and repairing the nerves and all the damage done. Tossing away the empty kit and pulling my armour repair tool, I crouch down behind the console to finish the repairs on my armour. “We are pushing into the courtyard” reports Rezamalin from the outside of the base walls. Hearing this revives all our outfit mates here in the control room, and you can hear them growl over the squad channel. The fire in their eyes has now become a roaring inferno as they bear down on any TR that tries to enter in. Slowly a few near the doors begin to move toward the door to secure them and push the TR completely out of the room. “This is our house!” yells Damageplank. He starts to make his way toward the doors with SwampDawg, CaptainCombat and Seebaas all pushing with him. I turn to look at the other door, which has just as many outfit mates firing at it. Without thinking another thought I instinctually pull my Lasher out and start firing as I walk toward the doors that is filled with TR maxes. The energy shells explode on the doors as they close and the TR fall back out of the doorway. Looking around for people needing repair I pull my repair kit and begin to repair RonRich as he stands near to me, still sweating from the heat off the barrel of the energy cannon strapped to his arm. He has somehow gotten in here with another max suit on; I know he didn’t fly-in with us. I ask him “How did you make it in here Ron?”. He just smiles his half smiles and says; “I have my ways”. Then he begins to laugh and now you can hear a few more laughing over the squad channels as we have secured the control room from that raid. Everyone knows they will be making another push soon, to regain control of their base. Over the radio I hear GoblinHunter report “Five minutes, thirteen seconds, lets hold this people. Engies get to work repairing and meds do your thing quickly.” Repairing anyone and everyone I see needs repairs, I run from one person to the next pumping the NTUs in to them. Heading toward the door I pull out another ACE to place a Boomer near the doorway. “Sheesh” the doors go as they retract into the door facing, and I look up to see a TR max staring down on me as I’m crouched placing the Boomer. “RRRRR” I hear the twin machine guns mounted on his arms fire up. I try to turn to run as the bullets tear into my armour, down through my back and into my organs. Knowing that I will not make it I pull the trigger on the Boomer’s detonation device I hold in my hand. “BOOM!” is the last thing I hear, then I can feel the shrapnel rip my body to shreds. My body hits the ground and the sounds of gunfire ring throughout the room as my squad mates cut down the TR firing on me. “We need an advanced medic!” blasts Wodka over the squad channel. “Where do you need the medic?” replies Rezamalin. One of the few advanced medics we have in the outfit. “North doors to the control room” relays Wodka. Only seconds pass, but when your laying helpless and motionless it seems like an eternity. I’m still conscious but can’t move almost as if I was paralyzed from the hair down. I can still relay messages to the squad thanks to the vanu technology that holds our soul, or some call it your spirit, which is some how preserved in the core of the solar system of Auraxis. I can feel Rezamalin replenish the NTUs in my body as they begin the repairing process. It takes about seventy-five new NTUs to rebuild the body enough that my consciousness is transferred to it again. After the resurrection of sorts, it takes you a few seconds to rebuild your stamina enough to move about. I hobble over out of the doorway to repair my armour that has been shot up. “We have less than two minutes! Lets hold this for the Empire!” Screams GoblinHunter over the squad channel. “You know they will make one final push, hold your positions!” He commands. You can hear the firing of rockets, shotguns, and other ammunition going off below us and outside of the doors. The sounds steadily grow closer to us, as they seem to be making their way to the control room. “They are outside of the control room doors.” CaptainCombat reports over the squad channel. Some how CC has made it outside the doors I’m sure he is in his infiltration suit setting Boomers and mines. I can hear the TR closing in as one of the mines that CC has set goes off. You can hear him giggle over the squad channel as he sets off a Boomer taking out three TR at once. “Shhh” Go the doors as they open up with two TR maxes standing there. Locking down, they begin to fire in our direction. We open fire with everything we have as we know this is the last push they will try. If we can hold them off we will have done it. There are blasts from our rifles and from the TR Mini-ChainGuns. Bullets and energy blasts flying in both directions, exploding on TR armour and hitting some of my squad mates. The TR try to push in but they continue to die at the hands of our squad mates. We continue to hold our positions in the control room. They cannot get in the doorway to push any farther. Our energy shells stop them in their tracks, cutting each one of them down where they stand. The timer continues to count down, now less than a minute left. TR push harder into the room as you can hear their commanders scream. “Push in, do not stop! We can take it back, we have time, keep it up!” “Stop them now Knights!” yells TheMantra over the squad channel. With my Lasher out I continue to let a fury of energy balls fly in the direction of the doors. The blasts land on the TR armour; exploding, inflicting damage on them and taking them down. We all begin to walk forward toward the door as GoblinHunter calls out “Ten, nine, eight, seven…!” We are doing it, pushing them back out the door and wiping them out of the base. “Three, two, w00t!!” screams GoblinHunter. We have done it… now for the clean up. We continue wipe out the TR that are left hanging around. Our mission now is to kill all of them as we search the base and remove all of the combat engineering they left behind. We begin to repair the terminals, turrets and spawn tubes. Like always the celebrations is always short lived because we have to push on to the next base. We all begin to get our new gear for the push on the next base. Our combat engineers lay mines, Spitfires and motion detectors over the newly stolen base, and the battle begins anew.
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18 years ago
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