This blog is on how to create your own morph. You will need at a minim a morphing program like
FantaMorph. I also like to have a photo editing program to edit the pix prior to trying to morph it. I like to use
Adobe Photoshop CS2 to do my editing. These are not free software, you can get some copies or trial versions but be careful if you try to get a unlicensed copy of them you may be viruses and such.
Okay, Step 1 is to get your 2 pix that you want to use. I prefer to use the largest pix you can as to get a better quality in the end of the project. I use the pix of the person that I am morphing.

(example of person pix)
Once I have them I will basically cut them out of the pix and remove all the background. I then apply a new background with a solid color. I prefer to use black due to CT is all black and it seems to match the pages better and the morph runs smoother. Once you apply the new background you will need to go around the edge of the person to blur it into the background so you don’t see the rough edge of the cut out pix.

(example of person after bg and blur effect)
Now that you have the person done I do the same type of thing with the pix they want to become.

(example of morph with out black bg)
I again cut out the pix of what they want to be and remove the background, applying the black background. Then blurring the edge to make everything smooth.

(example of morph pix with black bg and blur)
I then look at both Image sizes and try to see which is the smallest, and adjust the larger one to the smaller one. You can also do an average in the morphing program but I have found this makes for better morphs.
Okay now since you have your two pix ready open up your morphing program and select the pix of the person to be morphed as pix 1, and what they are going to be as pix 2. You shouldn’t have to crop or anything since you should have done all of that in your editing program.
Here is where the fun begins.. simply pick the points that you want to match up.. Like pick the left eye and match it to the left eye of the corresponding pix. Right ear to the right ear and so on..

(example of dots on morphing program)
Okay Now you can click the export but as I have circled in the image below. To adjust the size of the image (lowering the height and width will lower the image size) you click Movie, Size, and I use the custom to adjust in small increaments.

(example of morphing image with circles)
Once you have exported it, make sure it is below the 1mg limit or you can’t use it on CT. I have found that the better morphs ( no jerking and such) are the ones that are around 700k to 850k. Play with these settings and see what you come up with.
This is my out put from this morph that I did while writing this.

(example of final)
I hope this will help you all in your morphing projects. If anyone has any questions or anything pls feel free to ask. I am still going to morph pix for those that don’t want to do their own or just don’t have the time. Have a great and wonderfully sinful day.
Your Friend,