Interests huh? Well my car for one...but that might be going soon

I can't refinance my house because my car payment is more than 50% of what my mortgage payment is. I understand their reasons but I have had the car for 2.5 years and the house for 9. I think if I was going to have a problem paying I already would have. Buy whatever. It is kind of a waste of money though.
Other Random Interests Include:
Paranormal Investigations
Home improvement
Reading about different religions
Horror flicks -esp B rated 80's-90's those are the best!
Japanese Animation-I can live in my room for days on that shit! But I have to give my eyes a break every now and then
Shopping just like any other girl
Ok there is more but I guess I cant think of more at the moment...
I listen to everything from Theater of Tragedy and Lacuna Coil to country, alternative, and techno. Just depends on my mood I guess.
Three Days Grace Pain
Video Games
Ok So I might be a girl but I do like to indulge in the electronic entertainment...and I don't mean something I can pick up at Priscilla's.
I play mostly RPGs either online or PS2/Xbox. I am currently playing ROSE online and Tales Of Pirates. Overly kiddy and cute games grab my attention. But I do tend to spend 160+ hours on final fantasy games...serious and in a matter of a few months. I am a nerd.