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SEXY PRINCESS of Shadys SUP's blog: "Life"

created on 03/15/2007  |  http://fubar.com/life/b64887
Just want to let everyone know that I'm going to be gone for a few days, so if you don't see me on please try not to worry. I'm going to go and stay with a friend and go to Cinco De Mayo. I will make sure I return the love that everyone send me when I return home. I haven't see my Best Friend Linda in quite a few months, so I'm looking forward to seeing her. We need to make up for lost time, and to let each other know what's been going on in our lives since we have seen each other. I'm really looking forward to this trip, and I'll be looking forward to chatting with everyone again once I return. Sending out much love, hugs and kisses to my friends and family, and to my futute ones here on CT. Love ya all. I hope that all of you have a great weekend, also. Honey, I'm going to really miss you. I'll be coming to stay with you once I get home. Try not to miss me too much and I'll do the same. It's only for a few day, then I'll be with you for good. I'll help you with your apt when I get home. I love and miss you an awful lot. LOVES YA, MORE!!!!

Peace & Quiet Finally

I just feel like sitting here and writing for a few. I guess I'll just explain what is going on with me right now. I'm so happy. My boyfriend is getting his own place on Saturday and he wants me to come and be with him. Finally, we are going to have some peace and quiet to where we can devote our time to each other to see how things are going to work out. So, he's going to be busy with moving this weekend. My Best Friend Linda in Eugene asked me to come down and go to Cinco De Mayo with her, so I think I'm going to go. I haven't seen her for a few months and am looking forward to going and visiting with her. She has helped me through an awful lot of SHIT in my life, along with my Golden Best Friend Chris and my Sisters/Cousins that I currently live with. I am so ready to settle down--once again--and get my life back in order. I'm so happy to be up here with my family, and am glad to be here. I only work part-time right now and that is so exhausting for me. My job really sucks, but once I figure out where I'm going to be living I am going to find me a job in the field that I enjoy doing. Making eyeglasses as a Lab Tech. Well, I'm going to go for now. I'll be chatting with all you some more later. I'm really tired right now and am thinking about taking a nap. Have a good evening/day to all of you Cherry Tappers. Sending much love, hugs & kisses to all you.

My Golden Best Friend

We'll, I have to get something off of my chest before I go to bed. I just talked with my Golden Best Friend Chris, and the conversation didn't go so well. Let's start from the beginning, so you can some what follow this relationship. The VA put me into a Training Program learning how to make eyeglasses. The job title is Lab Technician. Chris ended up being my Supervisor, and I missed some work due to personal issues prior to him being my Supervisor. Once he was my Supervisor, he started to talk with me daily and helped me in every way possible. He was married and his wife also worked with us in a different area of the building, and he told me that they were living seperate lives and that it was time for him to move on. Chris could tell when I was upset, and so he was constantly taking me outside to talk with me about what was going on with me. At the time I was living at the mission, because my husband had walked out on me. Our friendship ended up turning into a relationship, and he ended up getting fired due to us having a sexual relationship. So, we moved up to the Portland area with my sisters. His wife called several times and I would let him talk with her. He would leave the room and I was ok with that, because I was going to be the bigger person within this whole relationship. I could've been a BITCH and not tell him when she called or even give him the phone to talk with her. We went to his son's house, and he was giving his dad the cold shoulder so we went back to my sisters. To make a long story short, his wife called--he went to the garage--came in and told me that he needed to talk to me. So I went into the garage with him and he told me that he was going back to his wife. I got all upset and was crying non-stop. I ended up riding with him to Eugene and he put me in a motel for the night. He picked me up first thing in the morning and brought me back to my sisters house. He went back Eugene and called me several times a day. His marriage wasn't working out, once again, and he showed up at our door at about 7 pm one night. I was estatic. Once again, he was back to be with me. A few weeks later, I went to Washington with my sister and while we were gone him and his son came and got all his stuff. Our baby sis called and told us what had happened. I finally got a hold of Chris to ask what was going on and he told me that it just wasn't working out, and he was going to stay with his son. I started crying non-stop--once again. After talking with him we went to the liquor store and that's when I bought the bottle of Perma Frost and we had it almost gone within an hour. Boy, I really got FUCKED UP that night. I had fun, but once I woke up the next day I was still pretty upset over the whole situation. Today we talk on the phone and he tells me that I'm still his Golden Best Friend, and that he never wants to loose that. He told me that if I ever need help to just ask and that he'll do whatever is needed to help me. He has recently bought a house with his son, and he has been seeing his wife--once again. He will call me and complain about how rotten things went during the visit, but yet he still stays with it. I talk to him about what's going on with me and he supports me in every way possible. I have recently talked with him about my new boyfriend, and he tells me that I deserve to be happy and that he wishes us the best of luck. Chris and I haven't seen each other in over a month due to our feelings we still have for each other, so we have decided to just talk on the phone and wait to see each other until we are able to see each other and be ok with it as just a friendship. I talked with Chris tonight and he told me that his wife has thrown everything away that I have given to him--cards, pics, cd's, etc. I told him that he needs to tell her to grow up. His tone of voice changed with me, and he said he had to go. I said "Ya, you gotta go now because you're mad again." He told me that he wasn't mad, but that he just got off the phone with her and she wasn't too nice to him, and he said that he wasn't going to hear it from me to. He then said that I haven't gotten over the Relationship to where it can just be a friendship. You know, we are Golden Best Friends and we talk with each other about what is going on in our lives. We talk to each other about our other relationship, and like he said we both get jealous about it but at the same time we know that we don't do good as a couple and that why we're just Golden Best Friends. Sometimes it's really hard, because I need someone to talk to and I'm not sure if I can talk with him becasue I don't know how he's going to react. Chris has hung up on me several times, but he'll always call me back the same day or the next day and tell me sorry. This relationship with Chris is a very strange one for me, and sometimes I just don't know what to do. I'll hang up from him and just start crying, if I had already started crying while talking to him. I look up to Chris very much so, because he pretty much saved my life. If it weren't for him I'd be living a life of distruction and who knows where I'd be today. Thanks so much Chris, and I love you. MY GOLDEN BEST FRIEND!!!!!

Lost For Words!!

My Best Friend Linda and I have been through a lot of stuff together and have had our fair share of ups and downs. Throughout it all we have managed to stay Best Friend. Even to the point that we call each other Sister's. Anyways, I get a phone call from her last night and she tells me that she's getting married and wants me to be a Bride's Maid in the wedding. I was so excited that I wanted to cry, but I couldn't. I have never been asked to be a part of a Wedding before, and it made me feel so good to know that she wants me to be a part of hers. She helped me through so much and if it weren't for her and my Golden Best Friend Chris I could honestly say I don't know where I'd be today. Both of them have helped me so much in my life that I can't thank either them enough.

Bad Day

Well, I was suppose to go and do something fun today, but it got canceled on me. I should've known better. I am in love with my boyfriend, but there is someone that just keeps wanting to stand in the way of us. Once of these days soon we will be able to be together and have this side person out of our lives. I'm really getting sick of the FUCKING DRAMA with this whole situation. If I didn't have the feelings that I do for my boyfriend I would just say FUCK IT to the whole situation and release myself of it. Why is it that when I find someone that I have a lot of feelings for and care about that someone else has to be in the picture. Can't people open their damn eyes and realize that life has changes and sometimes it's not what they want, but that it's just the way it has to be. Anyways, my day was fucked from the moment I opened my eyes this morning. I wasn't even awake and was told that our plans had been changed. Oh well, I guess. Life goes on. I hope that the rest of you end up having a better day than what I've had. Have a good one.

Just Rambling

Well, life takes so many twists and turns that you never know what is going to happen from one day to the next. Just when I think things are going good the ball drops on me again with something new. I know that is how life is, but damn I just want to have a peaceful life. I have found me someone to be with and am very thankful for that. I am his PRINCESS, and that makes me feel good to know that someone thinks that highly of me. I really am a good person and am very loving & caring. I am looking forward to living my life and starting over with a fresh start. I LOVE YOU, HONEY!!!

Unsure of where to start

Well, I'm not sure where I should start with this. You know, I'm trying to live my life and I have met some wonderful people here on CT. I have a few friends that I have met on here that I go and do things with. For some reason there is other people involved with them that feel they need to FUCK with me. You know, these people need to FUCKING BACK OFF!! I am not the type of person to get angry. Several people have seen my angry side and they have yet to anger me again. I am a very sweet and caring person, but you just don't want to make me mad. This site is here for people to meet, chat with and by choice to meet and hang out. I'm sorry if you're jealous of me, but that just means that you're not secure with yourself. These people that are FUCKING with me needs to back off and they need to do it in a hurry. That's about all I have to say. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope that you have a good rest of the weekend, because I know I'm going to.

Starting a new life.

Well, my boyfriend is going to be finally getting his own place. The BITCH that he was with cheated on him 3 times, and yet she tries to say that she gave over a 100% in the relationship. I don't call give over a 100% after cheating as many times as she did. I think that it is just FUCKED up on her part. He seems to be a nice guy, and it's pretty fucked up that it happens to the best of us. It seems like the good people are the ones that gets screwed over. He gave this female a home and everything that one could ever want, and then she turned around and cheated on him. Sorry honey, you don't deserve that. Whether we work out or not, you don't deserve to be treated like that. My Honey says I'm his "PRINCESS," and I can't wait to start our lives together. I really don't give a FUCK about what anyone thinks about this whole situation. I've been getting a lot of support from my friends on here regarding this whole situation, and I hope that they continue to give it to me and my Honey. Loves to all of you. Have a great weekend.

Just Venting......

I'm just going to sit here and ramble to get some things off my mind. First of all, whatever happened to the way adults thought and felt about relationships. These days people just don't think about what the true meaning of love is. All they do is think about themselves, and then when the other tries to let them know about their wants and needs they pretty much get shot down. Marriages is another thing, or even with people that have been together for several years. Anymore it seems like people think it's a joke. Both men and women do it, but people need to really think about what they want in life before they involved someone in theirs. That way people are less likely to get hurt. I let someone that I was with know what I am feeling and he pretty much got mad at me. I let him know that ever since he bought this house with his son that it seems like I'm not good enough for him anymore. He just thought that I was going to sit around and wait for him to come and see me so he could get what he wanted and then leave me again. I'm sorry, but I'm not the type of person to be a friend with benefits. If I give it up to someone then I am devoted to that guy and their will be no other. I'm not no whore or tramp and don't spread my legs for just anyone. He did tell me that he just wants me to be happy and that he'll stand by my side in whatever decisions I decide to make in life. He has pulled me out of a rut and got me out of living a life of destruction. When I met him I was living in the Mission in another city and was doing things I shouldn't have. He pick me up and told me to get my stuff and that he was taking me to live with my sisters. I thank him for all that he has done for me. He saved my life in more ways than one. Now I am with my family where I belong and they aren't letting me go anywhere. I've told them that I was thinking of moving out, and they pretty much told me that I'm not and that they aren't going to let me go anywhere. I love my family a lot. They are the best. We have a close knit family, and if someone hurts one of us the rest of them are there to back them up. Well, I hope that all of you have a good day and thanks for listening to me vent. Have a good one.

In Heaven!!!

This last weekend my sister took me to see someone. I'm not going to say who it is, because that is for him and I to know and everyone else to find out. What I can say is that I have a very good sense that this guy is a real deal. I have been feeling feelings that I haven't ever felt before. I have a really good sense when it comes to other people. I'm so happy to know that I have found someone that I believe is going to make me happy and not just manipulate their way into my life. This guy is REAL!!! I can already feel it. I have met some very neat people here on Cherry Tap and will continue to talk with everyone, but I'm only here for friendships. When I get with someone I am devoted to him. I believe in complete honesty and being truthful. Trust is the foundation for any relationship, and if you don't have that then you don't have anything at all. I am so happy to have found this guy. He is such a sweetheart to me, and accepts me for who I am. We have a lot of things in common, and we have the same beliefs and interests. I'm happier than I have ever been in the past. I have been married twice, but haven't felt these feeling that I feel now. I have feelings coming out that I never knew I had. Anyways, Honey I just want you to know that you make me so happy and that I'm glad we have met. I can't wait to start my life with you. Love ya, Babe!! Much love, hugs and kisses sent your way.
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