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68 Year Old · Female · From DeSoto, TX · Joined on January 4, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 4th · I have a crush on someone!
68 Year Old · Female · From DeSoto, TX · Joined on January 4, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 4th · I have a crush on someone!

About Me:
Meeting friends anywhere is always cool but, I would like to meet male & female local ones most. Friends I can see and spend time with. Also, I am not interested in long distance relationships with men. Though it seems so, I feel that it is not impossible to find special men locally. After all, this IS Texas! Tentative.gif

Who I'd Like to Meet:
I'd like to meet local friends, male or female. Others to go places with and such. If I meet a guy who likes me more than a friend and I like back the same, that would be cool. Definitely not in a hurry to get real serious or married again. Something special would be nice though. PS: Please, over 40 guys only, please.

People who have made a difference in my life with music, special words, writing, and actions. Some are famous to the world and some are famous only to me. If I have asked you to add me as a friend on here, you may be one of them Tentative.gif Thanks to you. I think we all are a hero to someone at many times in our lives without even knowing it. Maybe sometimes just because of who we are or for our love & caring. Maybe just fora smile at the right time.

68 Year Old · Female · From DeSoto, TX · Joined on January 4, 2008 · Relationship status: Single · Born on August 4th · I have a crush on someone!

The movies that have influenced me most are: Wizard of Oz, Lawrence of Arabia, The Last Samurai, Clockwork Orange, and The Passion of the Christ. All epic movies of conviction and dreams. I love comedies (Mel Brooks, Gene Wilder, jackie Chan....comedy with a twist, daring) and action films most but not exclusively.

I did not watch TV for many years but I have started watching old TV game shows like on GSN or PAX. LOL None of the new reality crap. I like King of the Hill, Simpsons, Mama's Family. Three Stooges when I can find them on. I watch the CSI series and old X-Files and Buffy but no Judge or talk shows. Yes to Nightline and PBS, History Channel when there is something on. I may watch 3-4 hours a day at most every once in a while...

Non-fiction, classic fiction (Hemmingway, Heinlein, Bradbury, Poe, to name a couple), crosswords & puzzles

I can watch any but I am not into the regular football & basketball teams & such. I like to watch other sports more if I am going to watch them.

Music, movies, animals

Dreams: Many

Best Features:
My hair & my smile. I hear a lot of "your chest". LOL
I learn through music and with music, I am never alone. It unites us all because it speaks in all ways and words that we cannot. I have written so many lyrics and some have music. I have recordings of 4 songs that I co-wrote and share vocals. Music does save our lives.

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