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Check out all the cool sh*t in the bling shop.
39 Year Old · Male · Joined on April 18, 2007 · Born on March 19th · I have a crush on someone!
39 Year Old · Male · Joined on April 18, 2007 · Born on March 19th · I have a crush on someone!

Never know how to start these off. but here we go...
My name is Kevin. Musicially known as Knile. I'm a Singer/Songwriter/Choreographer/ & Owner of a record label called "The Movement". I specialize in R&B I guess you could say, but every type of music in some way has influenced me as a person & towards the way i am in this buisness man. People know me on "Myspace" & "Youtube" & i'm hoping people here on "CherryTap" get a chance also to see what i'm all about. I have video's of my dancing & a few clips of me singing online. My 1st origional song on YouTube is entitled "What If". (below)

I hope all of you get a chance to check that out. I love creativity & origionallity & also love when you can see an influence from somewhere inside of a peice. To check out my YouTube video's my username on there is "Knile20"

Outside of that. A man has to provide, & music is a hard buisness...So with that you should know that i also started my own landscaping buisness in NJ called B&K Landscaping & Design which i started with a friend of mine who's basically a brother to me of 10 years. I also work for another landscaping company in Monmouth County & do whatever side work comes my way. Gotta make money to provide for yourself & others that you love & care about. & i have lots to care about. well. anything else you may need to know you can just ask. i love interesting questions & intuitive people. Take care!

Knile of The Movement

39 Year Old · Male · Joined on April 18, 2007 · Born on March 19th · I have a crush on someone!

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