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61 Year Old · Female · From Half Moon Bay, CA · Invited by: 1012029 · Joined on December 23, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on May 14th · 2 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
61 Year Old · Female · From Half Moon Bay, CA · Invited by: 1012029 · Joined on December 23, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on May 14th · 2 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!

Hi fellas! My name is Joanie...

Welcome to my page!

Please read...there will be a test! Lol!

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Where does Joanie work and live???

Bay Area baby! I work in San Francisco and live in Half Moon Bay. For those of you that don't know where Half Moon Bay is, it's a small coastal down about 3o miles south of San Francisco. I love it there...

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What is Joanie looking for??

Someone that "fits" in to my current lifestyle. I want to be in a relationship again someday, but I'm not quite ready for all the committment of that yet. So I guess you could say I want all the benefits of a relationship without actually BEING in one. Lover? Boyfriend? I dunno... It's not that I don't want something more serious...I DO! I just don't have enough time to devote to that right now. A few nights a week is all I really have to give since I still have one son at home, and that's not enough time to devote to a relationship if you ask me. But I still want to be with someone that's special to me, not just a booty call. Somebody I can go out and have a good time with, but without any drama. Make sense?

My son is now 18 and I really want to enjoy these last couple years with him while he's still living at home. Time goes by so fast, and then they're gone, off making a life of their own, and I know I'm really going to miss him.

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My son, Joey

If you're one of those guys that is nervous about coming to see me at my home because you're young, or shy, and you don't feel right about it because me son lives there, I'll tell you what HE said... "Tell those guys to MAN UP! We're all adults here!" I just love my kid! Wise beyond his years!

Ideally you would be someone 5'10" or taller that I can share good times with and who can spend the night with me once in awhile. Who knows... Maybe it will develop in to something more! Things have a way of happening when you least expect it!

One more thing...

If you're looking for a tall, skinny girl, please go away! I am DEFINITELY tall, 6 ft in my bare feet to be exact, but I'm built like an amazon warrior. RAWR! But don't worry, I promise not to bite...unless of course you want me to! Lol...

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My Photo Album

My pics are a combination of sexy, suggestive, silly, plain 'ol me, my sons, and my friends. I invite you to leave free spirited, outrageous comments, but please nothing guttural. Just have fun!

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They are a cross between blue and green

PLEASE fellas...don't send me Friend Requests if you haven't even bothered to write to me. I'm on this site to meet people, so talk to me!! Tell me what's on your mind... But before you do, please make sure you have pics (recent ones) posted on your profile. There is nothing enticing about chatting with "Mystery Man!"

No pics? Keep steppin...


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More good dick? HELL YEA! Lol...

As you can tell by these images above and below, I have a playful, naughty side. Actually, you can probably tell that by my whole page! My basic personality is high spirited and comical... I love to put a smile on someone's face, so I tend to be a goofball now and then.

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Real men eat...ummm SKITTLES! Lol...

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Hair long enough for me to run my fingers through, a killer smile, pierced ears, tattoos...
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a devilish gleam in your eyes, strong arms to hold me, wrestling matches in bed, falling asleep with my lover still inside me, public displays of affection (the kind that leave people shouting "GET A ROOM"), and at the risk of repeating myself...BOXER BRIEFS! Plus a WHOLE lot more, but I will share that with you in person.

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God I just LOVE the way she eats bananas!!


Back hair, cigarette smokers (ewww GROSS), rough scratchy hands, body odor, tardiness, liars, phony people, bad tempers, pessimistic attitudes, WHINERS!


61 Year Old · Female · From Half Moon Bay, CA · Invited by: 1012029 · Joined on December 23, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on May 14th · 2 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!


All colors welcome! I really do love men of all ages - 20's, 30's, 40's. Every age has something to offer. I would have to say that I seem to be best suited for guy's in their 30's. They have enough in common with me so that we get along great, and they still have enough fire to keep up with me. But DAMN are they hard to find! Most are married...

The bottom line is

age is just a number and mutual attraction has nothing to do with age. So don't be shy! Drop me a line. Life is short... Kisses, PJ!

Favorite Things

Boxer Briefs definitely top my favorite list! EVERY man should wear these! You guys love Thongs? Well I love these! BOY do I love these!!

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Other favorite things are loud Rock n Roll, T-shirts and Jeans, air hockey, foosball, down comforters,
luxurious comfy sheets, whip cream in my coffee, silly emails from friends, old muscle cars like GTOs, Camaros, and Challengers, the list goes on and on!

Favorite Foods

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Mexican food, Sushi, Filet Mignon, Baskin Robbins Mint Chip Ice Cream.

Favorite Spirits

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Lemon Drops, Tangerini's, Cosmopolitan's, Pina Colada's, Daiquiri's, and Margarita's. Mmmm... Delicious!

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And there's nothing like a little kick ass weed.

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Santa sure is smiling... Ho Ho Ho!

Favorite Places

The IMPROV (I am a HUGE comedy fan), Ruby Skye, The Saddle Rack, Starbucks, Moss Beach Distillery, Sushi Main Street, Lake Tahoe, Santa Cruz, Yosemite, Puerto Vallarta, ANY beach when it's sunny (would love to see Jamaica). I love to drive, so let's go exploring together!

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Things I like to do for fun

Going to movies, partying with friends. rock concerts, any small venue playing rock music like pubs and clubs, going to see stand up comedy, tossing the frisbee or football at the beach, bowling, water slide parks, roller coasters, snow/water skiing, Motocross (gave up riding after I split my left knee open.)

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Basically anything FAST I love. Don't take me Wine Tasting...so friggin BORING! Probably because I hate wine! Take me KART RACING instead!!! These little buggers HAUL ASS!

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And bike rides, horseback riding, camping, and yes...even fishing! I have my own pole. If it's sunny outside, let's go some place scenic. I am at peace outdoors in the sunshine! I really am a Nature Girl at heart. Love things like lightning storms, or being snowed in together. This storm below was the MOST AWESOME thing I have ever witnessed in Mother Nature. The photo was taken from up high in the Santa Cruz mountains. See that dark outline? That's the coastline where I was STANDING! Does that help you grasp just how incredible what I saw was?? Unbelievable...the sky was lit up with non-stop lightning for 4 solid hours.

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My favorite music is ROCK!! Alternative, punk, metal, anything loud. Live bands preferred. Makes me feel so alive; love the energy of the crowd, but try to stay clear of the mosh pit. Little too rough for me.

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I love those pulsating beats coursing through my veins that make me feel like grinding my body on you! Brings out the "devil" in me...

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Some of my favorite bands are Green Day, Disturbed, Godsmack, Linkin Park, Fall Out Boy, Social Distortion, A.F.I., SUM 41, Audioslave, TRAPT, Blink 182, Jimmy Eat World, Shinedown, Trust Company, Goo Goo Dolls, Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Offsping, System of a Down, Bon Jovi, Foo Fighters, Spin Doctors, Matchbox 20, Guns N Roses, Bad Company, AC/DC, U2, Aerosmith, Led Zepplin, Def Leppard, Scorpions.

As long as it's JAMMIN...I'll be listening!

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Best concert of 2006! Rock on guys!

Super Bad, The Ringer, Something About Mary, Lethal Weapon, Braveheart, Rain Man, Van Wilder, 40 year old Virgin, Liar Liar, Me-Myself-and Irene, Constantine, The Exorcist, Badder Santa, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Contact, Poltergeist, Star Man, Ghost, Minority Report, Dances with Wolves, Field of Dreams, City of Angels, Mad Max (all of them), American Pie, Jack Ass 1, 2

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Boondock Saints

We need these guys for real!

Guys that know how to to kiss. I'm not talking about a peck on the lips, either. I'm talking about the kind of man that can make love with his mouth and leave me breathless wanting more. If you're all tongue, then you don't know how to kiss...it's your lips on mine that drive me wild. The right kiss sends me a signal that makes me feel everything from instantly submissive to ready to rip your clothes off.

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Doesn't this make you wanna feel that first kiss again?

Free Comments and Graphics at pYzam.com

So kiss me...

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I love simple intimacy like sharing the same plate of food and feeding each other bites of something sinfully delicious. Also love running my fingers through your hair, showers for 2 by candlelight, warm embraces, laying a mattress in front of a crackling fire, your breath on my skin, and those soft, sensual, exploring kisses that build a fire inside me. Oh GOD how I crave those.

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Show me what you're made of lover boy

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You're a Passionate Kisser


For you, kissing is about all about following your urges

If someone's hot, you'll go in for the kiss - end of story

You can keep any relationship hot with your steamy kisses

A total spark plug - your kisses are bound to get you in trouble

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I'd love to meet the guys from all my favorite bands.

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and also Dane Cook...my all time FAVORITE comedian.

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I would've LOVED to have met Mel Gibson when he was in his 30's! He's a bit of a mess now, but DAMN he was fine back then! Loved that long hair in the first Lethal Weapon movie...so sexy! Longer hair gives the ladies something to grab on to!

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Video Games
I don't really play video games...my boys sure do though!

You're young, fun, good-looking, and tasty. You like to stir things up. You're a Mixed Drink! And with all those ingredients, and funky names, you're probably also on the high-maintenance side as well. But you deserve the attention.

Take the Drink Quiz at QuizRocket.com!
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