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My Opinion

Ever heard the saying "that's the pot calling the kettle black"? Well that is what many people on Fubar are doing now. You get on here and you rant and rave about how you rate people over and over again and you never get anything in return. Let me ask you a question. Are you doing any different yourself? Some of you are not and I know this from a first hand experience. I have spent hours rating your pics and stash when you have and when you don't have auto 11s. And what do I get in return? Not one damned thing!!!! Some of you people call yourself my friends. What do I now call you? Greedy users just like half the other people on Fubar. Last week I took the time to delete the people on my friend's list that I thought were the users, but I can see now that some of what I thought were my friends should have been deleted too. So now it's back to the delete button. Some of you will be surprised. But I have no time for drama or users in my life. I had my last auto 11s activated last night and minus my real friends nobody came to my page. Where were all of you who had yours activated and I sat on my ass rating almost all of your pics to help you out? You were too busy to help me out. A very special thank you to those who did come to my page. You showed me that you all appreciate when I rate things of yours. And no, this isn't just about the auto 11s. The greed was here way before they came out. I had thought about deleting my account on here. But after much thought, I won't do that. I do have about 5 REAL friends on here and as long as I have them, I'll be here to spend time with them. The rest of the people on Fubar can kiss off.

This pisses me off!

Most of you that will read this are on the same leveling team that I am on. That means that at some point, we have pretty much all helped each other out with leveling up at some time. Last week and this week I have seen and talked with several people offering their FuBucks if people will come and rate their pictures and stash....which is fine. What bugs me is when I see people that help each other level actually going to another leveler's page to rate things and them taking the Fubucks. I mean damn, you get points to rate, and points are fubucks. What happened to just helping friends out? I want to level to Godmother really bad but I just can't see me fubucking my 'friends' to do it. The way I see it, if it weren't for the friends we have, we wouldn't be at the levels we're at, so why not just help each other along? Maybe I shouldn't vent this out loud, but oh well....won't be the first time I've bitched when I shouldn't have. This wasn't done to offend anyone at all but to maybe make us stop and think about helping a friend out cause we may need some help one day too. Just a friendly thought from me. Hugs to you all, Mary

Am I the only one..........

...that has one of those "wonderful friends" that needs a little refresher class on what true friendship is all about? One of those friends that you never hear from until they need a favor? You know when they want something, because out of the blue, they contact you and will basically talk your ears off and manage to slide in asking for that favor. Of course, I normally do the favor, because I try to be there for my friends. As soon as the favor is done, the contact is again stopped. It's not so much that they ask for the favors. But be a friend all the time, not just when you need something. I myself ask my friends for favors at times. That is what friends do for each other. But I can honestly say that I try to be the best friend I can be all the time, not just when I need something. I don't like being used and I don't like users. I guess I just miss the friendship that was once shared between myself and the person I am speaking of. And yes, I've tried to talk to them about it, but of course they say there is nothing wrong and nothing has changed. I guess I am hallucinating again. lol MOST of you that will read this have me spoiled as far as friendship goes. You all are the best friends a person can have and I tend to look for that kind of friend in all of my friendships. Oh well, this was just a vent of mine. Wondering if anybody else has a "friend" like this or if this is a special breed we have here in South Carolina. lol ~Hugs~ Mary


After dealing with some of the lying asses on this site, I came up with my own original glitter comment. I think it's the best thing I've come up with in years!! LMAO Glitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsGlitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsGlitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsGlitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsGlitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsGlitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsGlitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsGlitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsGlitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsGlitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsGlitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsGlitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsGlitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsGlitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsGlitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsGlitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsGlitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsGlitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsGlitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsGlitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsGlitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsGlitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsGlitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsGlitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsGlitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsGlitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsGlitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsGlitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsGlitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsGlitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsGlitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsGlitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsGlitter Text Generator & Myspace LayoutsGlitter Text Generator & Myspace Layouts
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As I imagined.......

Well, as I imagined, the phone calls from my family started yesterday afternoon. It's amazing how, suddenly, I am the one person that was in the wrong because I stepped in when I saw a child being mistreated. It would be a lie if I sat here and told you that some of the things that I was told yesterday didn't hurt. But hey, I've been hurt before and somehow, someway, I've always bounced back. Sometimes it's the hits and the bruises that makes us stronger in the end. I will admit that due to this and a couple of other things going on in my life, my cement wall around my heart is being reconstructed. There are times I wish I had never let it down, but there are times in life that you come to trust people and before you realize it, they've slowly taken the wall down. Now I'm working on rebuilding it. Anyway, just another ramble of a day in my flip flops.

What Do I Do Part II

To get a full understanding of what this blog is about, you will need to read the previous blog, "What Do I Do." Anyway, today, I did one of the most difficult things I have done in a very long time. I went to the local DSS office and filed a report with the appropriate people concerning the incident that occurred on Saturday. I made it VERY clear that this child is taken care of in all other ways. But this was something that I witnessed and that I could not let slide by. I just can't explain the feelings I have had since it happened. I did not do this to be a mean person. Or to be a trouble maker. Anyone that knows anything about me, knows that I love children of all ages. Those children in my family, regardless of their age, are my babies. I have cousins that are now in their late 20s that still thank me for always being there for them and looking out for them, and I'll be damned if I will stop now. I pray that this was just one incident that happened and truly that nothing will come of it, but I had to do what I felt was best for my baby. As it is already, several of my family members have contacted me to tell me that I should have stayed out of it. I can only imagine what will happen when they find out that I went a step further. But it's fine. A child's safety is my first priority. I have to say again, that I have the best friend in the world. She and I have been best friends since kindergarten and she went with me today and has and will stand by me through this entire ordeal. In the end, if I was wrong, I will hold my head high and apologize. If I am right, I will hold my head high and be glad that I followed my heart. It wasn't just the fact that he was my cousin....it was the fact that I witnessed a child being mistreated and I REFUSE to sit by and watch that. My heart will not allow it. I hope that yours won't either.

What do I Do?

Some of you that I talk to regularly, know that I have a 15 year old cousin that suffers from a seizure disorder. Although he has been through much testing, the doctors have never established why. Anyway, because of the seizures, he has the learning ability of a child around the age of maybe 6 at the most. To me he is my heart and there is nothing I would not do for him if it's humanly possible. He takes several different medicines to try to control the seizures and they normally do a pretty good job of it. However the medications all have different effects on him....one being that it makes him very aggressive. I will admit he is spoiled. I will also admit that he knows right from wrong. But at the same time, he IS mentally challenged. When he is around his family, as he was today at a wedding reception, he is wonderfully happy. Dancing, laughing and just being a child. What he doesn't like is when it is time to go home. He just likes to be around a lot of people. When his dad told him it was time to go, my cousin got pretty aggressive and attempted to hit his dad in the head. Was he wrong? Of course he was!!! Should he have been disciplined? Of course he should have!!!! Just as any other child, I believe spankings are needed on the rear end. Anyway, His dad proceeded to take him out of the building and I just happened to be outside smoking when all of this was going on. When they got out, the dad popped the son in the back of the head and told him not to ever try to hit him in the head again. Well, by then my blood was boiling. But I sat there. The son, being hit, again, hit back. The next thing I know, the dad has the son in a head lock and is practically dragging him to the car with the child screaming. I went in to tell his mother (my aunt) because I was trying to handle this in what I thought was the correct manner. His Mom told me to mind my business. That the son had been very bad that day and had obviously done something to cause this all to happen. She told me that I was neither a mother or father to any child including hers. My comment to her was, well don't call me crying the next time he has a seizure when you allow your husband to beat him in the head and drag him around in a head lock. By the time I got back out the child and the dad were gone. This whole thing has broken my heart, bc as I said, this child is a part of my heart. I can't stop crying just thinking about what may have been going through his head. My plans are that on Monday morning, I will be calling the appropriate people and I will be reporting the dad for child abuse. I can't sit here knowing this happened and not do anything. I know that when I do this, most of my family (well the ones I haven't pissed off in someway or another already) will disown me. That is fine. I just don't know what to do. I know that they take care of him in all other ways. But just seeing this today has crushed me. Am I overreacting? I just don't know which way to go now.

Another Rant.....

I haven't posted in this section of my blog in awhile, but some recent events have drawn me back here. I don't like lies. Liars get on my nerves about as fast as anything I can think of. I mean, damn, how hard is it to tell the truth? Just be honest about who you are and what you're about. If people like you for that, fine and if they don't, that's fine too. Don't freakin tell me a bunch of bullshit to make me like you cause sooner or later I'll find out who you really are and by then, it's gonna be too late. Once I find out you've lied to me, there is no chance in hell of the false friendship lasting. It's done. Caplunk. Over. I'm not gonna try to mend a friendship that was built on lies. That's a waste of my valuable time. So, do me a favor.....Be your true self if you're a friend of mine. Don't try to be some macho, sweet talking world changer. Just be the down to earth person that knows what honesty is and knows that it's the most valuable thing in a true friendship. Hugs to all of my true friends!!! Ya'll are the greatest!!
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