Like most music play the piano, organ and guitar now played french horn and accordian in my younger days- high school. Like almost all music play mostly classical, jazz, gospel and hymns. Read a lot also- Bible and other religious books from other religions, everyone has a piece of the truth. Have a great science-fiction and fantasy library and history books. Like to learn so not to repeat mistakes.
Love women, they are truly a unique species and much appreciated. As our mothers they rear us and nurture us through our formative years. Drive us wild in our youth as we discover their attributes and our needs. Then as loving wives-we hope-they help give us direction and a view we do not have of life- feelings.
God now plays a major role in my life as I endeavor to continue to learn his plan for us and try to teach religious views to the public. Have become a richer person in spirit since I turned to him again after my heart attack. Hope to share my happiness with all and am available to anyone in need.