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71 Year Old · Male · From Broomfield, CO · Joined on February 17, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on April 4th · I have a crush on someone!
71 Year Old · Male · From Broomfield, CO · Joined on February 17, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on April 4th · I have a crush on someone!

What a wild life grew up as a musician playing four instruments, Piano, French Horn, Accordian and Organ. Played in the Business Men's Symphony under Dr. Antonio Brico in high school. Went to woodstock - an eye opener for a 16 yr old. Was #5 in the draft in 1971 so joined the Marines, had an appointment to play in the Band in Washington D.C. but signed for combat arms instead. Was a little brain damaged already I think.
Enjoyed 8 years in the Marines traveling Southeast Asia, Australia, Caribbean, and Central and South America. Recruited Officer candidates in Northern Ohio and then got out of the Marines.
Have been selling and troubleshooting HVAC equipment for 27 years and after my heart attack 4 years ago decided to start doing something more for my life with a lot more meaning and impact on humanity. Finally got my Doctorate of Divinity last year and started the Church of United Earth, hope to be online later this year after I file for 503c non-profit status and work on getting a church buildingfrom there. Focus on homeless family charity hate to see kids on the street and families living there. Homeless of any kind is never good but families are a real tragedy and the kids need to get out of there as soon as possible.
Have a great girlfriend , hope to soon make her my wife, can't pass up a wonderful lady who can put up with me.
Love all humanity but am ashamed of the way we treat each other sometimes, not only in America but those overseas too.We are all one family made by the same father/mother God and should act like a loving family.
Am glad to meet everyone and will treat you as a friend and family. Wish you a very happy life and if I can help just holler.

71 Year Old · Male · From Broomfield, CO · Joined on February 17, 2009 · Relationship status: Single · Born on April 4th · I have a crush on someone!
Like most music play the piano, organ and guitar now played french horn and accordian in my younger days- high school. Like almost all music play mostly classical, jazz, gospel and hymns. Read a lot also- Bible and other religious books from other religions, everyone has a piece of the truth. Have a great science-fiction and fantasy library and history books. Like to learn so not to repeat mistakes.
Love women, they are truly a unique species and much appreciated. As our mothers they rear us and nurture us through our formative years. Drive us wild in our youth as we discover their attributes and our needs. Then as loving wives-we hope-they help give us direction and a view we do not have of life- feelings.
God now plays a major role in my life as I endeavor to continue to learn his plan for us and try to teach religious views to the public. Have become a richer person in spirit since I turned to him again after my heart attack. Hope to share my happiness with all and am available to anyone in need.

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  • Reverend Bill Women are truly magnificent. If you are going to show off your breasts, I will be looking. God gave them to you to lure us in so we would have another reason to be with you. I like em.
    8 years ago · Comment

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