42 Year Old
Invited by: single40nj·
Joined on December 21, 2008
Born on May 14th
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3 different people have a crush on me!
42 Year Old
Invited by: single40nj·
Joined on December 21, 2008
Born on May 14th
·1 referrals joined!
3 different people have a crush on me!
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Chasing a Fantasy Society and media has led us to believe so many lies.... (You're nobody or less than, unless you have money, this car, these clothes and shoes, a huge house, this size figure etc. ) In all reality we are all perfectly made and who you are has nothing to with any of those things! One of the first steps in finding true happiness is loving and accepting yourself exactly how you are! And also accepting everyone else how they are! ❤️
REKTHUMBLESOME As it's written in Scripture people are becoming conformed to things of this world instead of transformed and transfigured into heavenly beings
Duhdik Yuluv Society has become fake and the sheeple are so indoctrinated to their false reality they dont even notice how they have become subservient slaves and chattel property to the oligarchs
Paulie11w So true, it is worse in the U.S. due to corporate greed and manipulation. In Europe some countries make sure you get vacations and limit work cell phone and email after working hours!
Hello Doll, have a wonderful Veterans Day, hugs...
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