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My thoughts on the Virginia Tech massacre... It's truly sad, and although I cannot even empathize with the family, friends and loved ones of the victims, they have my deepest sympathy. Like most tragic events, this massacre is bringing out hundreds of outspoken people (like myself), who want to express their thoughts and feelings. UNLIKE most of the people I'm hearing speak out, though, I AM NOT TRYING TO BLAME ANYONE FOR THIS EVENT except the person ultimately responsible. As sad as this event is, the boy was a legal resident alien, he had the right to purchase a firearm under the Virginia state law. The right to purchase firearms is not regulated by Federal law, but by state law...our FEDERAL GOVERNMENT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS!!!! Sorry, can't blame Bush. Can't blame our stance on international politics...it's the local State who has control over this one...and in this case, they had ABSOLUTELY NO CONTROL...and seriously, noone would want them to. I agree that American politics are screwed up regarding foreign relations, and lean towards leaving Americans out in the cold, while billions of dollars are spent helping other countries 'advance'...but it really doesn't have anything to do with this incident. As for lock-downs...which occur at small, well controlled public school campuses... BE REALISTIC! At any decent sized university that spans multiple city blocks, why would any person in law enforcement, security, or any other position view a killing of 1-2 people a reason to lock down the entire university? There is absolutely no way any of them could have known that this person would travel across the campus and start killing people, instead of fleeing the crime scene like the majority of other criminals do. Any talk of gun control related to this incident is pure narrow-mindedness. A gun was used to facilitate his homicidal rage. If one was not available, he would have found another way to vent his frustration! Perhaps explosives (since he has been tied in with supposed bomb threats at the engineering department)? This is what others who don't have access to guns have used in the past. It would have likely killed a lot more people. I heard someone speak out on the radio wanting to know how ANYONE could walk through a secure campus 'so heavily armed'. I wanted to reach through the radio and shake some sense into him! I can, and HAVE, concealed a total of 9 guns on my person, and noone was the wiser. I'm legally allowed to do it, and I wanted to see how difficult it would be...it's NOT DIFFICULT. I wasn't even wearing a backpack... Any talk of violence in the media, video games, tv, movies or anything else needs to think back to the days when almost every movie made was about war, cowboys shooting indians, or cowboys shooting cowboys. We all grew up watching the Lone Ranger shoot guns out of the hands of the bad guys - the Rifleman shoot people dead in the street when they tried to hurt his family, friends or innocent people. We, as a society (and a species) have always been attracted to violence for entertainment...NOTHING HAS CHANGED IN THOSE REGARDS. The difference? It's in our face now...we hear about the violence that prior to the 1960s, was only gossiped about. Now we have the TV, the internet, radio, etc. - all of which can throw the same information at us a dozen different ways, making it almost impossible to get away from the tragedies. Only this kid is responsible for what he did.. Perhaps we can blame his parents, if they weren't there - and didn't raise him right. That's not a definite though. A lot of fine folks raise children who become disturbed and do attrocious things. There's noone else to blame. Not the school who didn't take it upon themselves to violate his civil rights when his disturbing nature came to the attention of his teachers and his peers. Not the gun dealer, who legally sold the kid the guns after a State mandated background check. (Keep in mind, the guns were bought 30 DAYS APART...) Not the person who possibly hurt his feelings and triggered the attack. Not the security guards at the campus for not shutting down the school after a random act of violence, which was percieved as a domestic disturbance gone bad. Not the police who didn't create mass hysteria and panic among thousands of citizens by publically announcing the first murder. Noone else... ONLY THE KID.

Why I like Cougars...

First off - a couple definitions...

MILF - I think we all know this one...so if you don't know what it is, send me a PM and I'll explain it to you...

Cougar - An older woman targeting single men for dating / relationships / fun...

Now - if you've read my profile, you know I'm attached - significantly so. Going on 7 years. That's a big deal...:)

But...prior to meeting Krista, I dated Cougars almost exclusively...from the time I was 17 until I met Krista 7 years ago. You have to wonder, why...right?

Well - there are many, many benefits to dating a Cougar over a lady my own age.

1) They have a decent grasp of who they are. There's usually no arguments created only because she can't determine if it's you she's upset with, or herself...It can save hours and hours of arguments that simply shouldn't have to happen.

2) They are supporting themselves - one way or another. Regardless of whether it's through child support, alimony, a career or a job...they are self supporting. They were supporting themselves prior to meeting a guy, and most of the times, wouldn't consider relying on a guy to support them, because they know how flaky most guys are.

3) They know what makes them look fat, what makes them look good, when (and more importantly when not) to wear something sexy, and what SEXY actually is. No trick questions about what they're wearing, no meeting them for a casual dinner with friends and finding out what color the thong and bra are (along with everyone else at the restaurant).

4) No games. I think that speaks for itself, right? I mean, I've never been a 'player', and have no desire to be 'played'. I mean what I say, when I say it. It's usually based on opinion, and opinions change - over the course of a day, or a week, or maybe a month. Shit happens, promises get broken...but none of it is for the purpose of playing a game, or to get something. WOmen

5) They have experience. They know what they like, what the men they've had in their lives like, and are more into mutual satisfaction than younger women - who either want it to be all about them, all about the guy...but rarely 'mutual'.

6) Alone time. They know what it is, need it themselves, and understand when a guy needs it. 'Nuff said.

7) They understand what sleep means. They have jobs, and they know you have a job. If an argument or 'heated' discussion isn't going anywhere, they're cool with letting things go until the morning...or letting them go altogether. Hell, most of the time I can't even remember what the argument was about in the morning!

That's it for this rambling...thoughts and opinions appreciated...

I'm a freakin jenius!!! You got that right...:) So - tell me...what else would you call someone who gets a free trip to Canada (Toronto), does the customs thing, the waiting in line thing, only to find out when he's at the rental car agency that his F*CKING DRIVER'S LICENSE EXPIRED ON HIS BIRTHDAY??? Oh yeah...JENIUS!!!! So...I'm in Canada...and a 45$ CDN taxi ride to my hotel, complete rearrangement of all amenities for the next two days...and I'm in my hotel room. I have to say, NutBoy is laughing his nutz off...I can feel it when he looks at me... So, I go online, and renew my DL (just now)...let's see if Hertz will allow it for a rental (it's supposed to be a legal form of DL when presented with my actual DL). We'll see in the morning...

Toronto, Canada...

Okay - so tomorrow I'm heading to Toronto for a fun filled weekend...business mixed with pleasure. So - I have to ask...of the 500+ friends I have on Cherry tap, and the 2-3 that will actually read this...how many of you have been to Toronto? Obviously, I'm going down to Niagara to spend a day...but what to do with the rest of my time there? I'm thinking about: The CN Tower The Islands Park Chinatown Thoughts on suggestions on other things to do would be greatly appreciated... I'm not much into the whole touristy thing...I love photo taking opportunities, nature, etc... Thanks in advance for any suggestions or advice you can give me... Ken PS... I'm most likely taking Nut Boy with me...so I'll be posting pictures of the 'Adventures of Nut Boy'... KK
In 1987, before I even graduated high school - I was doing the 'online' thing... Back then, there were 1-2 line Bulletin Board Systems (BBSes) - so called, because you left messages like you would on a traditional bulletin board. You'd hang up, dial back a few hours later, and see if anyone had replied to what you had said. Email wasn't something anyone had, outside of universities and large companies...so there was no notification...you just waited. With the exception of a few local technical BBS systems, the only way to reach out and meet people was through large online services, like Compuserv, GENie, and Delphi. The internet, as it is today, wasn't even a pipe-dream. We were all still stuck in the land of dialup modems, at 1200, or 2400bps (think about that...when you bitch about your DSL being slow!) In 1989, I created my own little 'piece' of heaven on Delphi called 'Shooting the Bull'. I was active on other parts of the system, had accounts on COmpuserv and GEnie as well, but that was what I considered my 'online home'. It grew - exponentially. At one time, I had 3-400 people dropping by my little 'Custom forum #30' on any given day. It seems quite a small number now, but back then - that was a MONSTROUS amount of people for any 'forum' to have. It was so successful that Delphi basically comp'd my account for life...because it contributed to their income. See, it was 1$/hour back then for access. As years went by, I slowly lost interest, people moved on, and the place slowly died. You can try doing a Google Search, if you like, in the 'Groups' portion of Google... look using the search term "shooting the bull" +delphi... College took some time to get adjusted to, and I gravitated to local BBSes. There was one in DFW called Argus. That was the neatest place! It was a 'multi' user BBS, meaning that 15-20 people could be online at the same time. It even had a live chat module...which previously had been limited to the huge systems previously mentioned. It was an awesome thing, back in those days - as you had to trust what people told you, or not. There were no pictures of people (scanners were just not affordable!) and files took WAY too long to download. Everything was text based...if you couldn't type, you were at a complete loss. Any person you met could be telling the complete truth, or completely fabricating themeselves, much like what happens in the chatrooms around the world these days. This particulary BBS had monthly 'gatherings' - safe places for the users of the system to meet each other. You could finally meet the people you had been talking to...it was phenomenal! I met a woman, and we got married - spent 5 great years together! (keep in mind, this was back in 1993!) About the time my marriage fell apart, I found another place - called Callahan's Saloon - based on a book and concept by Spider Robinson, and it became a lifeline to friends, many of whom I still talk with today. Believe it or not, it's still around - going strong! ( But again, time went on, and after 3-4 years, I spent less and less time there...It's been 10 years now, and they STILL welcome me back as an old friend...send me birthday wishes on the message boards, even if I haven't been in for 8-10 months. NOw tell me, how cool is that? Isn't that what an online community should be? Anyway...my purpose for sitting down to write this, even though it's morphed into something I didn't necessarily expect it to become, was to compare those old places to CherryTap. Those places welcomed new people, and they were comforting, neat places to be. Always someone to talk to, primarily through message boards, and always something new to do. I didn't get that feeling on MySpace...it just felt, cold and artificial. Except for the people you knew, it always felt like you were prying when you looked at someone else's profile - and it felt like requesting friendship from someone you didn't know needed 'justification' of some type or another. Cherrytap seems to have that type of atmosphere. There doesn't appear to be any strangers here. If you see something, you can comment on it...rate it...share it with a friend. It's very OPEN here... Now, in all of my previous online 'homes', there were always abusers...haters as they are called here on CT. It's to be expected...it's like what is mentioned in the Matrix...people genetically cannot handle happiness all of the time. They instinctually try to screw it up. Barring the haters, of which I've not had any dealings yet, I'm glad I found CherryTap...it's warm, it's inviting - but most of all, it's fun. Lots to do, see...I love the notifications when people update their stuff. So, although I've only been here a VERY short time, I wanted to take the opportunity to issue a huge thank you to everyone who's accepted my friendship - double thanks to those who actually fanned me in return...and an inexpressible amount of thanks to everyone who has taken time to rate any of my pictures, or my blogs...or stopped by to drop me a comment. I like it here...:) I think I'll stay a while! Ken
Okay - this one is for the ladies. Walking around our office building today, I ran into at minimum 40-50 women. Granted, I work IT in the garment industry, so the ladies run the gamut. I didn't run into a single unattractive lady the entire time...each woman had a sparkle, a shine, something that made them...well...a woman. So, I'm here to let you all know, ladies...that even on your worst day, when your hair won't do what you want it to do, and you were running late and couldn't get your makeup exactly right...and you generally feel hideous, and unattractive... ...there are guys like me out there in the world, who are looking at you in a totally different light...who think you look fabulous each and every time we see you. That's it...all that's on my mind on this bright and sunny Texas Friday. Have a great weekend!

Is it worth it?

I've been on CherryTap for a couple weeks - and I have seen so many different things, it's a bit overwhelming. The one that bugs the shit out of me the most, though, are the comments left by guys (and gals) that have absolutely NO content... I understand dropping an image to say hi, or wish some CT luv, and things like that...it's what CherryTap and related sites are for, right? What I don't understand is filling up a person's comments - either on their main page, or their photo page, to state the completely obvious! Example...take any of the beautiful women on CherryTap - and look at their profile's comments. In a completely random review - I found ALL 10 comment spaces had multiple posts with witty remarks like, "You're hot!" "You're sexy!" "Damn!" "Smokin'" etc, etc, etc... Are the people leaving these comments so totally useless that they can't think of something original to say? Then there are the posers who think that because a woman shows a little flesh, they're cyber-sluts who have a stash of pornographic images they are just dying to share with every hornball jerk who says they're 'pretty'. The sheer stupidity of it all is overwhelming! I just don't get it! Women - please, I BEG OF YOU, will you reply to this blog and tell me whether you have EVER struck up a conversation, or become online friends with someone who's initial comment to you was "I'd do ya!" or "Damn, I'd be all into that!" or "Hmmm....Tasty!" Okay - I think I've made my point. I probably don't know enough people on here yet to get any decent response to this - not to mention I'm a long winded blowhard, and get a little wordy. But fuck it - this is my blog, this is who I am, and if you don't have the patience, you haven't even read this far - so you couldn't possibly be offended, right?
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