In tears I forsake my lively hood of that which i know.
My beating heart starts beating faster and my palms sweat as I think about all that which i have failed at.
All i have to smile for is gone.
My tears carry with them all my Hope. Love. Faith. Laughter.
As they strewn down my face i feel the heat of my body intensify.
Intensify with such anger and sorrow all at once.
I shake with anticipation.
Almost losing Grip of all that is real
And all that can save me.
This dark and narrow road i walk in my mind has killed me.
I am lost amongst my soul in the darkness.of mirrors. Showing nothing but my true self.
The failure of me.
I chose a path that lead me to this point.
Not wanting to look upon myself thru my eye's into the faithless abiss.
My head spins with confusion.
My incapability to decipher the demon from the angel.
As i look in the mirror i realize i am neither.
I am nothing.
A shell of flesh and blood.
My tears are hollow and empty.
I realize I am not gazing BACK at myself.
But i'm gazing at my soul.
Trapped in the mirrors of insanity.