In case you care and are wondering, I'm pretty much moved into the new place. I still need to pick up some stuff from the apartment tomorrow after work. I hope I can get it all in one trip, but we'll see. Tom (the new roommate and "landlord") is gone for the weekend. He'll be back on Sunday.
I'm exhausted... emotionally and physically. I will admit that I wouldn't have been able to get through the past few days if it hadn't been for Kristi, Sarah, Kris, and John (despite an extremely embarrassing moment :|). Without them, I'm pretty sure I would have done something really stupid. I have a few more things to take care of and then I can try to get back into a normal routine... *sigh*
I need to try to get some sleep soon... Work in the morning... its going to be rough. G'night Fubar.