I am the one in the wheelchair.
I am the one learning to crawl.
I am the one who cooks and cleans.
I am the one who works everyday.
I am the one who never went to school.
I am the one who went to college.
I am the one who lives in a mansion.
I am the one who lives on the streets.
I am the one who paints masterpieces.
I am the one who never saw.
I am the one who kills for fun.
I am the one who feeds the hungry.
I am the one who sits in prison.
I am the one who sits in church.
I am the one who is bold and brags.
I am the one who is meek and shy.
I am the one who beats his wife.
I am the one who cherishes her.
I am the one who turns people into monsters.
I am the one who makes them saints.
I am all in this world that is good.
I am everything in it that's dark.
I am your greatest hope.
I am your deepest fear.
I am the One.
I am humanity.