There's a pain in my heart again.
How do I make it stop?
I know I've done it before.
But it just keeps coming back.
This pain I feel inside
Every time I love.
It just makes others hurt,
Every time I care.
I've tried not to care before
It only makes it worse.
To make someone else happy
And keep my pain inside.
I've overfilled with torrment
As others fill with laughter.
To have someone all my own
I know will never happen.
I always have to share what's mine.
And to be put last is common.
No matter what my heart may feel,
It screams, it shouts for me to say,
That there's got to be some other way.
I think I know of what it speaks.
I haven't done that in years.
Now I think of it, my beautifuly sweet abyss.
Take the blade and make it quick.
The only way to make it stop.
The only way to make it heal.
Bleed the heart.
Bleed the heart of all it's pain.
Bleed the heart of all it's anger.
Bleed the heart of all it's malice.
Bleed the heart of all it's hurt.
Bleed the heart.
Yes bleed it 'till you're numb inside.
That is the only cure.
Let it flow 'till the venom's gone.
And if I die trying to rid the poison.
Make them believe I was your only one.
As the darkness wraps it's kindness around me
Make them believe I was your only one.
I'm in the tub, don't let them see,
Let them be your only ones.
I just want you to know I tried to be better.
I tried to be your only one.
As I feel the pain drain away take comfort in the knowege,
You were MY only one.
I knew what I did was wrong and selfish,
So I cured myself and now...I'm gone