43 Year Old
From Greentown, PA·
Invited by: BLiNGCHeeSe GRa...·
Joined on March 14, 2008
Relationship status: Single
Born on September 7th
·16 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
43 Year Old
From Greentown, PA·
Invited by: BLiNGCHeeSe GRa...·
Joined on March 14, 2008
Relationship status: Single
Born on September 7th
·16 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!
1.-I'm a smart ass and a sweetheart all wrapped in one. Feel free to look in my pics,the good the bad and the wtf was she thinking....just rate em ....I'm not hot or gorgeous. I'm far from being considered a model but, I'm me. I eat food, I have more fat than I should, I have scars, I have a history. Some people love me, some like me, and some just don't like me. I have done good, I have done bad. I'm random and crazy, I don't pretend to be someone I'm not. I am who I am, you can love me or not. And if I love you, I do it with all my heart!
2.-I'm not a fu-whore..plz stop asking me for NSFW.....scuzbuckets!!! There is not even one on my page and ur still gonna ask..there are plenty on here that would love show u...and you can show them your nasty shit...me, I am just not interested. EWWW!
3.-If I bling u its because I adore u or want to help u level up...not cuz i wanna c ur penis!!!!!....I dont want bling if you think I have to be grateful to u for something. GTFOH it's cyber world. I owe noone a thing. I will not sell my family spots so stop asking me!!!!!......if i need fu-bucks or credits i'll put it in my status!If I run something that helps my family..that's who its for!
4.-I've made dear friends here and ive made friends who have turned in to just hi's every now and then..one thing i can say is ive never changed...ill b honest with ya and tell u how i feel...prolly y there just hi's..when i c u act retarded or grasp for something u will never have...i lose respect for u.its ok to ask for things ,its not ok to ask for everything everytime bling comes out.
5.-I dont need to add...any groups to my name to support u...im not in high school....status on fu isnt important to me...my family and friends are.
43 Year Old
From Greentown, PA·
Invited by: BLiNGCHeeSe GRa...·
Joined on March 14, 2008
Relationship status: Single
Born on September 7th
·16 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone!