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Happy birthday

Have you ever wished the earth would open up and swallow you? Well that was the way I felt on the evening of my birthday. I had 'treated' myself to a night out. Well, there was no one else to 'treat' me and it was a Saturday, so I had no work the next day. So I went up to the cinema and saw the latest Bond film, which I thoroughly enjoyed. It was classic escapism, totally improbable plot, glamorous women, madcap special effects, great! After the film I went for, originally, a couple of drinks. I meant to get the bus, about half past six, head home and eat in my local Italian restaurant where they dish up some lovely pastas and excellent sauces. So much for 'plans'. The first drink went down well and then, as I ordered the second, I saw this woman pass the end of the bar, on her way to the toilets. She was bout 5ft 6, black hair, shapely legs and a very nice bum. "Do you like what you see?" asked a voice behind me. I turned around to see a man, about my height and a little older than me, though that isn't hard at a mere 23. He was smiling and looked reasonably affable. "Yes, I do like what I saw. She looked like a nice lady from the back and I hope to catch sight when she returns to see if she is as nice from the front." "Oh she is, believe me. I know, I'm her husband." Earth; open; now!! "Lucky man. I hope you don't mind my admiring her from afar." "I don't mind in the least. What are you drinking? G and T is it? Here, have another one and you can join us. Sandy, this young man was 'admiring you from afar' and I suggested he join us. Here's your vodka, and here's you gin, ...?' "Sorry, Frank. Pleased to meet you both." "Hi, Frank, I'm Sandy and this is Bruce," said the dark haired beauty beside me. She had returned as I spoke with Bruce and she had a beautiful smile in her voice and on her face as I looked at her in embarrassment. "Come on, Frank, we're sitting over here. Now then don't worry, we won't bite, unless asked to." Bruce had a smile on his face as he guided me to their table and sat down. Sandy then sat beside him on the bench and I took the chair opposite them. I was still not too settled in their company. There was some sort of undercurrent here which I could not fathom. What was the term? Ah, yes, a hidden agenda. "So, Frank, what has you up in town this afternoon?" "Well, Sandy, it's my birthday and so I went to see the new Bond film. Now I'm enjoying a drink and then I aim to go home and eat and listen to some music. What about you two?" "Oh, we're out on the prowl, I suppose. You see we work most weekends as we run a small sweet shop, but this weekend we are having a refit so we are closed and, as it's Saturday, we thought we'd hit town for a couple of hours and see what we have been missing whilst at work." "Luckily we came in here and found you, or you found us, whichever. Sometimes lady luck is with you and today she was." Brian was smiling, again, as he said this. I was beginning to wonder what I was getting into. I needed a breather so I took their drinks order and went to the bar to gather my thoughts. Hell, they looked O.K. I just wish I could figure out what the unspoken messages were. They were obviously up to something but I couldn't figure out what. That was about to change. "Frank, have you ever heard of swinging?" asked Brian, when I returned with their drinks. "Well yes, I've heard of it but I don't see...." "Sorry, pal, we're swingers. We saw you long before you saw us. We have been here a good twenty minutes longer than you. When you walked in Sandy just said..." "Yummy! Him I like." "... then she went to the toilet; and the rest is history." "You were looking for me, or a least another man?" "Yes, we were and we have found you and we hope that you don't mind. If you would like to join us for dinner we would be very happy to feed you and then we can go on from there, if you're game. It's entirely up to you, Frank, no pressure. If the idea doesn't appeal you are under no obligation. It's all up to you now. Cheers." Brian sipped his whisky and Sandy glanced at me with her lovely brown eyes and my head span and whirled. Hell, I wasn't a virgin but I wasn't the most experienced 23 year old in the world and here was one hell of an offer. What would you have done? Well, I said yes. Come on, this was going to be 'different' if nothing else. Hey, you only live once, unless you're James Bond. We finished our drinks and went out to dinner. Nothing fancy mind you. We all agreed on fish and chips from their local chippy and took it back to their flat, over the sweet shop. It was a very smart flat. They sat me down at the small dining table in front of the window and Sandy went to the kitchen nook to put the fish suppers in the microwave whilst Brian put on some music and then asked how I liked my coffee. After eating our fish and chips we moved to the suite and relaxed with our coffees and I had to contemplate my next move. We were on coffee as we did not want to work through an alcoholic haze. Well, this was it, decision time. Finish the coffee and go home or...? "Well, Frank, do you fancy helping me to satisfy this young minx? She takes a lot of loving and sometimes, like tonight, I could do with some help." The way Sandy had been sitting opposite me in the armchair, gently parting her legs so that I could see her inner thighs and occasionally licking her lips, had been working under my skin for the past few minutes and now, with Brian's words, she smiled deliciously, like the cat who got the cream. Well, my cock was answering for me, it was getting hard and I needed to shift in my seat to accommodate it. "If Sandy really wants the dubious pleasure of my body I'm very pleased to offer it." Oh man, was I happy to offer it. This couldn't be happening. Not to me. Hell, I'm no Adonis, I'm just plain old me, nothing special, Mr. Anonymous. "Oh yes, I very much fancy your body, Frank, very much." With that she rose from the settee and came over to my chair. I was rising but she put her hands on my shoulders and pressed me down again. "Wait, wait. You just sit there whilst I get you ready. Brian, put another CD on, then you can join us." "Yes, Ma'm." "Now then, raise you hips so that I can get these trousers down. Good man. Oh look, you seem pleased to see me. Here, help me out of this blouse. That's it. Now the skirt, here at the side. Yes, good boy!" Now she stood before me and my proud cock in skimpy pants and bra. Then Brian appeared behind her and unclipped the bra. Her lovely breasts sprang forth and then he helped her to step out of her pants and shoes. She had a neatly trimmed pubic area and her tits were proud but soft. What my father would have called 'a nice handful'. I guesstimated about a 36 inch bust and her legs definitely went 'all the way to the top'. Heaven could wait, I was already in Paradise. "Still like what you see, Frank?" asked Brian, from behind Sandy's shoulder. "Even more than ever. You have a beautiful body, Sandy. Now, please, may I get rid of these trousers?" "Here we go," said Sandy, as she pulled them off, along with my pants, socks and shoes. I took no time at all in losing my shirt and Brian was stripping as fast in the background. Then Sandy smiled at me and pushed me back into the chair as she descended onto my throbbing member with her warm mouth. As she knelt in front of me Brian approached her from behind and started to finger her pussy from the rear. Then she raised her hips slightly and he slid his cock into her wet and willing cunt. At the same time she was cupping my swollen balls, rubbing my thigh and liking and sucking on my throbbing member. I was not ready for this sort of action and so I had to warn her. "Sandy, I'm going to fucking come very soon if you keep that up. Hell, I can't take too much more." "You can come...when your ready...because I'm nearly there...as well..." "Me too, girl, keep going," said Brian. Well, I didn't need much encouragement. Sandy kept bobbing on my shaft and Brian kept pounding her from behind, which I felt through her, if you follow my drift. In fact that was one of the sexiest things I have ever felt. Knowing that he was fucking her whilst she fucked me, it was enough to make me come, so I did. Sandy didn't even gag. She looked me in the eye and kept swallowing. Then she licked the crown of my cock and sighed. Then Brian caught my eye as he threw his head back and went rigid as he spurted into Sandy, who was rocking backwards on his cock. Within seconds we had all succumbed to each other and we were all sated, for the moment. "God, that was fantastic. Thank you, Sandy. That was brilliant." "Glad you enjoyed it, Frank. Now, lets get into bed and snuggle up, recover and see where we go from there." Well, firstly I excused myself and went to the bathroom. When I returned Sandy was missing and Brian was in the kitchen alcove. "Over there, Frank, first door on the left, the other one's the study. Here, take this in with you. I'll be in in a minute. My turn for the loo." I went into the bedroom, carrying the tray with the white wine and glasses. I received another shock in the bedroom. A true king-size bed. I'd seen them in the films but I had never seen one live. It was a great expanse of pale blue sheet, with a blue duvet thrown back and a very sexy young woman sprawled out diagonally across it. My limp cock decided to stiffen up, again. Sandy noticed the twitch and smiled, as she raised herself up and asked for some wine. "What on earth made you pick on me? Hell, I'm not the handsomest of men out there, Sandy. Brian is far better looking than me and he has a much leaner body. Sorry, but I'm just curious. What did I do to deserve you?" "Your neck and ears." "Pardon?" "Your neck and ears. I just have a thing for necks and ears and yours are damned sexy. Come here, put you glass down and I'll show you." Which she did. She sat beside me on the bed and slowly, sexily, licked her way up my neck from the shoulder to my ear lobe. Then she nibbled my ear, circled it with her tongue and then slid down my neck again. Whilst doing this she held my head steady in her hands and I simply went with the flow. I did absolutely nothing but enjoy the sensations her wet tongue was causing. Then she released my head, took a mouthful of wine and turned to me, kissed me and, as I opened my mouth, passed the wine from her mouth to mine. "She been nibbling again? Sandy, move over. That's it. Now, look what I found in the bathroom. Any use to anyone?" Brian held out a bottle of baby oil. "I can think of one or two uses myself," he said as he poured some into his hand. "Sit back, Sandy. No, here, in between me and Frank. Now I can work on your back. Frank, I think the lady could do with a little attention further south." I agreed, as Sandy was gently fingering her damp pussy lips, so I set about returning the earlier favour. I stretched out over the bed and applied my mouth to her warm cunt. Sandy put her hands on my head and guided me to the exact spot that required my attention. I was pleased to learn that she had a relatively large clitoris, making my pleasuring of her that much easier. I licked her slowly and firmly, as I had been taught to by an ex-girlfriend. She had taught me many things before returning to America after her exchange year at my college. "Oh God, that's gooooood. Oh, yes, more, more....ahhhh!" Sandy was squirming up and down whilst Brian had given up the back massage and was now oiling her breasts and kissing her neck. "Keep going, Frank. She'll stop you when she's had enough. Either that or she'll drown you. When she comes she really comes." Sandy was moaning and arching her back. Brian was busy massaging and I was trying to breathe as I worked on Sandy. Slowly I introduced two fingers to her vagina as I worked at the top of her pussy and, when she felt them, she grabbed my arm and pulled it in towards her. "Yes, please. Oh, more. Yes! Keep going. Brian, suck them, come on, guys, fuck me." We didn't need any further encouragement and for the next few minutes we were a writhing heap in the middle of that fabulous bed. At last Sandy heaved her hips up and grabbed my head. "Enough, please, enough." I stopped licking and she subsided again, quivering from head to toe. Brian had also stopped and he passed me some wine whilst Sandy lay supine, but still quivering. "Oh boy, she hasn't been like this in a long while. Well done, Frank. I think she came, just a little bit. Cheers my man, thank you. That was just what we needed. You were a very fortunate find. I'm glad we met you." "Cheers, Brian. I'm glad I met you as well. You O.K., Sandy?" "I'm fine, thanks. God, that was good. I haven't been eaten like that in ages. Then your fingers. How'd you know where to put them? God, that was good." I told them about Abby, my American girlfriend. She was the daughter of a sex therapist and her mother had taught her a lot about the human body and pleasure. Sometimes its not what you know but who you know, which leads to you learning some important life skills. "Luck lad. Sandy and I are still learning and I think Sandy just learnt that there is a lot of fun to be had from your tongue. You are a lucky man and one day some woman is going to hang onto you. Meanwhile I think I need to put another CD on. Sandy, give the man some more wine." Sandy shared the remaining wine between the three glasses and then sat up at the head of the bed. She patted the pillow beside her, told me to move up and gave me my glass. "Thank you, again. That was good. You know, we aren't really strange people. We like to find new partners now and then so that we can experience variations on the sane old theme. We are not into bondage or S&M, nor role playing. We just like good sex, and that was good. Now, Brian, finish your wine and then I think I owe you two a final fling." Brian took his glass and emptied it in two swallows. I had just finished mine and Sandy had already moved down the bed and turned her back to me. As Brian turned back to the bed Sandy reached out for his cock and started to wank him, slowly and carefully. At the same time she raised her beautiful little bum and backed towards me. Well, I had a nice solid erection looking for something to do so I thrust it deep into her waiting cunt. Sandy's hand started to move faster on Brian's cock and her vagina started to clamp onto mine. I was watching her wank Brian as I fucked her, doggy style, and the whole scene was really making me wonder if this was real. I had never, before, been involved in a threesome. My experiences were all one on one. This was bizarre but also fantastic. I kept up my rhythm and, as Brian started to moan, I knew that this time I was going to fill Sandy with my sperm. Her hand was massaging his cock and he was fighting the urge to come. "Give it to me, boys. Come on, cough up, guys. Come on." "O.K. little lady. You asked for it. Here it is!" I couldn't hold back any more and exploded inside her. "Good boy. Now you, Brian, come on man. I need a facial. Come on." That was all the encouragement he needed and he promptly squirted semen over her face and neck. "Good boy. Thank you. Now I need to recover ... again!" So saying she laid down and rolled over onto her back. Brian went to the bathroom and returned with a damp flannel to wipe her face. I went to the toilet and then to the kitchen, for a drink of water. "Bring me one, would you?" "O.K. Brian. What about Sandy?" "No thanks, lover. I'm fine. Very satisfied in fact. Actually, I'm shagged and bloody content. Hurry up and come to bed." I took the drinks into the bedroom, where I found them snuggling down under the duvet. Sandy lifted the cover on her left side and I climbed in and slid down the bed beside her. "Right, lights out, guys, this girl needs some beauty sleep. See you both in the morning. Good night, Brian. Good night, Frank. Oh yes, and happy birthday, Frank. Happy birthday.
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