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64 Year Old · Male · From Anchorage, AK · Joined on June 5, 2012 · Relationship status: Single · Born on December 20th
64 Year Old · Male · From Anchorage, AK · Joined on June 5, 2012 · Relationship status: Single · Born on December 20th

Merry Meets All and all in one.

well it back to the drawing board I was wanting to open the gate the druids way and then the wiccan stuff came up so I decide to add both which is pretty long,but then I thought I can open like the wiccans way do the stuff as a druids way combing them that way I can close the gates like a wiccan and the other holidays as a wiccan and then to the meditation.but I started to get really odd I deicde to make a way for the druids cause we have a daily ritual and then add the runes or tarra cards then make a hell bank and then make a hell bank hell bank post office also to spend the day with the dead.then the animal spirits communing with the nature spirits,then a day with the shinning ones then with my individual teacher or god and goddess.Its really odd and weird when knowing ebony cause u can take nightmares away and you heal people in there sleep even in prayer but if you do it meditation it really hard in a way cause your working against sometimes a black or black magick person when healing it almost becomes like matrix like type but you on either horse and or dragon or in flight like eargon movie but matrix like type,it become really strange almost bazzar like sometimes,like the druid virgin that turns and shapeshift into a drock or something hidous when do battle with evil warlock it happens to mystics a lot cause of healing and battling and begin a ufo to there own people by killing them for know reason.anyway another thing I was knowing that I had good reasoning with the animals sometimes making them eat better and giving good reason why and where i guess that about the time when the morrigan the raven goddess came to me and said she well be protecting us in the time of the revolations and well be use the crows and ravens to reteive us to have get us and bring back to life during the revolation times.I guess that way she said told me that,for taking care of the raven here for her in Alaska and then the wolves my dear friends I couldn't I took and made people understand how important it is to bring back the wolves and when I was little there a medtitaion the celt shamans do to help the healing of the earth I did that before it turn out pretty good.well that all for know. sill working on combining the druid rituals with the wiccan rituals.and I came up with a way for the druids to spend the day with the dead after the druid prayer ritual I decide to use the runesto use the tarra cards to help me with the problems I am facing then to open a hell bank of sort and then a hell bank post office the bank is to start the post office this way I can send a letter by way of via dead and burn it in a medal or cast iron pot,then so on nature spirits and the shinny one then one on one with my god and Goddess.Then my other teacher or tutors which are the dragon and wolves practicing is a good thing. Wait until you hear about my pyshic powers ways it really pretty neet.another part of the celtic shaman way of mediation.be one with the spirits around its really neet how you pick up a psychic ability r sensitivity of an animal sence orYour 6th sence and tone and vibrations and so on.then get even strange like making fire come from hands and burning things.or healing some one with just the touch by shocking them like shock therapy almost by touch like ackupuncher almost. there the psi ball which I cant do yet I can only do wind energy for know,i hate when I manfest a fire sometimes.anyways some of those fights really do damage especially on people. everthought when peopl go off on one another.pretty bad wait until you get to the universer of the multi verse of space.really bad just like the old tribes of africa if they feel that witches haunt of a curse they come for yea and kill ya sometimes.back then anyways know it is more mind meditation and in flight and magick.like we druids said we can be are worst own evil.

Michael DragonWolf of Arrow

Druid Graphics

~Magickal Graphics~

Druid Graphics

~Magickal Graphics~


Dragon Comments & Graphics

~Magickal Graphics~

Blessed Morrigan, whose sacred names are three,

I do not pray for strength, for you show me the strength within me.
I do not pray for courage, for I follow you willingly into battle.
I do not pray for wisdom, for you teach me of the Crone within me.
I do not pray for blessings, because I live each day in blessed Magick, following the ways of the wise.
I do not pray for prosperity, for I live in gratitude of the abundance which flows through my life.
I do not pray for love, for love runs like water to me through my family and friends.

I pray to remember these gifts, for in my despair I can lose my way, and lose my awareness that I am a daughter of your ways.
I pray to remember that when I look into my image, your face is reflected there, and I can carry any burden because you live within me.

in the city of angels is where the lower world lays of the dead ancestors been then there the Summerlands which takes us back to rebirth which the cycle of life.So we can always believe in the death and rebirth for are ancestors and kn ow that someday well walk the earth again as someone else and may probably wont return as one of are family memebers or maybe even be your friend.this songs says it best i think.

64 Year Old · Male · From Anchorage, AK · Joined on June 5, 2012 · Relationship status: Single · Born on December 20th
some of my interest you might think that I be nuts, but if look at others you well find them very
nuts and insane like because of them force there words of so call feelings down other peoples mind and throat,like some religious people I have come across,besides I don't bite...... much, but this should help you for starters what I am and what I enjoy doing.

Druid Graphics

~Magickal Graphics~

Druid Graphics

~Magickal Graphics~

Druid Graphics

~Magickal Graphics~

The purpose of the Earth Rosary is to pray for the healing of the Earth and Her children.

The gold/ brown decade is for Africa
The purple/rose decade is for the Americas
The green decade is for Europe
The blue/aqua decade is for Oceania
The white/yellow decade is for Asia

If you are making an Earth Rosary, use the colors of your choice for the beads, or just use any standard rosary you already have

Earth Rosary

On the medal, cross or pendant of your rosary say the

Prayer for the World:

May the World be led to the Truth and the Light, through the King and Queen of Peace, Justice, Mercy and Love. May we be shown the Divine Purpose of the Earth, and receive Her brightest blessings!

On the first bead say the

Sky Father Prayer:
Our Father, who art the Heavens, hallowed be Thy name
May peace and love reign on Earth as they do in the Summerland.
Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us for hurting our Mother the Earth. Help us to teach others The Way of Caring.
And lead us from destruction by delivering us from ignorance and greed.
So mote it be.

Say the Hail Mother on each of the next three beads for Our Mother the Earth, who has been so desecrated at the hands of mankind:

Hail Mother, full of grace Thy gifts to us are abundant!
Holy Earth , Mother of us all
Our beloved, living home! Receive the Healing Energies we send to You
As we receive your Most Holy Healing Power, Goddess Almighty.
So mote it be.

On the 5th bead say the Sky Father Prayer again:

Our Father, who art the Heavens, hallowed be Thy name
May peace and love reign on Earth as they do in the Summerland.
Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us for hurting our Mother the Earth. Help us to teach others The Way of Caring. And lead us from destruction by delivering us from ignorance and greed.
So mote it be.

As you pass through the gate of the central medal and enter the circle of this rosary, honor the blessings of the Guardian ArchAngels of the four directions and elements:

Ariel, ArchAngel of the Earth,
Guide us now and at the hour of our rebirth.

Raphael, ArchAngel of the Air,
Help us to heal and to care.

Michael, ArchAngel of Fire
Let love be our greatest desire.

Gabriel, ArchAngel of the Waters
Protect the God/dess' sons and daughters.

On each of the decade beads say the Hail Mother prayer:

Hail Mother, full of grace Thy Gifts to us are abundant! Holy Earth, Mother of Life! Our beloved, living home! Help us to care for and heal You and others as we would Care for and heal ourselves. So mote it be.

On the divider beads that follow each decade, say the Glory Be to Gaia, the Sun and the Great Spirit:

Glory Be to Life-Giving Gaia, And to the Sun for His Light and His Warmth, and to the Great Spirit that dwells in all Living things on Earth. As it Was in the beginning , is now And ever shall be, World Divinely created and without end.

Close the circle of the rosary with The Earth Blessing:
Let the sacred circle of this Rosary remind us of the Miracle that is the Earth.
Let Her love and peace Encircle us and guide us in all we do.

Blessed Be!
Blessed Be!
Blessed Be!

Prayers for your Druid Beads

On the gold Sun Bead say:
Blessed (Father, Mother,) come to me,
and cast your lovely, golden light.
Give light to earth that I may see
your glory shining ever bright.
Triple Kindred, Blessed Be,
and true well met, my soul's delight!

On the space say:
I bind unto my self today the
Memory of the Ancestors.

Meditate on the Memory of the Ancestors . . .
On each Ancestor Bead say:
Ancestors, Ancient Ones,
Remember me as I remember you
Old Ones, hear my prayer,
And accept my offering of love.

On the space say:
I bind unto myself today the
Comradeship of all Earth Spirits

Meditate on the Aid of the Earth Spirits . . .
On each Earth Spirit Bead say:
Fur and feather, leaf and stone,
Aid me as I aid you.
Earth Spirits hear my prayer,
And accept my offering of love.

On the space say:
I bind unto myself today the
Power of the Gods and Goddesses.

Meditate on the Honor of the Shining Ones . . .
On each God and Goddess Bead say:
Gods and Goddesses, Shining Ones,
Honor me as I honor you.
First-Born of Earth, hear my prayer,
And accept my offering of love.

On the space say:
I bind unto myself today
The Presence of the Three Kindreds.

On the gold Sun Bead conclude:
I bind unto myself today
The virtues of the starlit Heavens,
The glorious Sun's life-giving ray,
The whiteness of the Moon at even;
The flashing of the lightning free,
The whirling Wind's tempestuous shocks;
The stable Earth, the deep salt Sea,
Around the old eternal Rocks.
So may it be.

Celtic Goddess Rosary

On the Charm:

In Arianrohod's Caer Sidi, magickal realm of the north,
Your castle in the stars of Caer Arianrhod,
Queen of the Silver Wheel, the Greeks Ariadne.
The stellar goddess of time, space and energy.
We entreat Your protection for our loved ones.
O, Weaver goddess of the land of Erin, Rose of the World.
Bless our prayers, our workings, our beloved

First Bead: Bandia, Bbantlarna, Banrion, Mathair
(In English, "Goddess, lady, queen, mother".)

Second Bead: Bandia, Bantlarna, Bbanrion, Mathair

Third Bead: Bandia, Bantlarna, Banrion, Mathair

Fourth Bead: Bandia, Bantlarna, Banrion, Mathair

Fifth Bead: Bandia, Bantlarna, Banrion, Mathair

Welsh Flower Bride

The Medal:

Blessed Be, O Highest and Holiest Ladies!
Hail, our beloved Ladies of the Celts,
To You, we honor and worship,
In the Old ways, when Woman was the Center
Woman was the Creatress and the World
Your temples of worship well laid.

First Decade: (repeat once per bead for a total of 9):

Blodeuwedd, [pronounced Blythe-ed]
the Welsh Flower Bride
Born of blossoms of Gwydion and Math
[pronounced Mott]
Lover of Gronw Pebr, [pronounced Growen Perev]
denier of Lugh [pronounced Luke]
Beloved of the owl with the flower Bride Blodeuwedd of the sacred flower

Dividing Bead: The All Praise
All praise Yours, our Ladies.

Second Decade: (repeat once per bead for a total of 9)

Brighid, Lady of Bright Inspiration
Inspiring muse of bards,
Patroness of smithcraft Fire, illumination of the Celts,
The Roman Illuminating Brighid, inspirer of the bard

Dividing Bead: The All Praise
All praise Yours, our Ladies.

Third Decade: (repeat once per bead for a total of 9)

Epona, Queen of Horses and Fruitfulness
Gaulish Epona, Macha, or Welsh Rhiannon
Corn, fruits and serpents are yours
Fertility and nourishment your
Fruitful Epona, Herdswoman of the horses

Dividing Bead: The All Praise
All praise Yours, our Ladies.

Fourth Decade: (repeat once per bead for a total of 9) Morrigan, Irish Phantom Queen of Death with crow
Sexuality, Conflict and procreation under your red brow
Three-fold goddess of life, death and sensuality
The Washer, Nemhain, Bradhbh, Queen Mebdh in mortal
Warrior Morrigan, Queen of the cycle
Dividing Bead: The All Praise
All praise Yours, our Ladies.

Fifth Decade:(repeat once per bead for a total of 9)

Cerridwen, keeper of the Cauldron and Underworld
Inspiration and divine knowledge brewed in your pot
The sow, your holiest totem, Welsh crone of fecundity
Mother of Gwion and Taliesin, most gifted of the Welsh poets
Mother Cerridwen, of the divine cauldron

Hail, our beloved Ladies of the Celts,
To You, we honor and worship,
In the Old ways when Woman was the Center
Woman was the Creatress and the World
And Ireland, Gaul, Wales Your own,
Our hearts in Your hands, our will is Yours
Keep and protect our children as you do all Celts,
Your chosen people, in Your prayers. So Mote It Be!

Tirgereh, who wrote the above Rosary, says: Memorization, of course, is preferred. You may, however, choose to alternate your rosary prayers based upon need or whim. In which case, memorization may be difficult until lengthy practice is employed. [This rosary is structured like a Catholic Rosary, with the exception of having nine beads per decade instead of ten.] To make the sign of the 5-Rayed Star (pentagram): start with the first two fingers touching the forehead, then proceed to the left breast, the right shoulder, the left shoulder, down to the right breast, and ending again at the forehead.

Gothic Comments=

~Magickal Graphics~
druids often called white devils because of are stories of are barbaric ways in war and prayer and rituals,and are offerings preform of scarfices.The stories of us druids drove people to control us with those stories where ever we were,and we even get called black jesus just by some of the other insane stories that are told of us.


Call on Eponia for dream work,fertitlity,war,use her help banish nightmares in children.As a self-triplicity she can teach women the needed leson of being whole and complete within within themselves,and to be sovereign.Men can "mate" with her to help attain similiar strengths.She is also compatilbe with sex magick and divination.

Druids where often time called the dawgs of war.we have also been know as monster of magick.Most magicians prefer to work alone,or perhaps two or three together.The group methods would only become necessary if they needed to... work intently on the same spell,such as preventing and invasion of their country,averting another war,or eliminating the terrible consequences of some goverment deciding to use nuclear weapons.This method was effectively used during world war 2 by witches and magicians in Great Britain. It show just how stronge we are when 2 or more get together.

When love is in the air and when all that love fallin around us that earth mother gives us that makes men and women walk on holy water.Just one those loves Earth Mother helps protect us all that much better and all that love makes her even ...stronger to help us and take cares of us as work hard for her and are flesh is are payment to her and not are souls.If you listen to the Ancestors they well tell you story.We are in her and she is in us.

Everyday there are restless souls,everday I see it happeing to people,almost as if they are succiding there skin with there restless soul happenings.It almost seems like there doing there bottoms up to there skin.

Movies like merlin and other movies like fellowshio of the ring and so on.i think you well enjoy this one.

Here is another movie i enjoy Born of Hope there other part of i believe of fellowship of the ring.

My idols are my guardain a angels which are dragons or mon tah and wolves.

Dragon Poem Pictures, Images and Photos

a poem about WOLVES Pictures, Images and Photos
Video Games
some of the games i enjoy are everquest 2 and diablo and wow.

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