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Dr Turi's blog: "Dr. Turi's Blog"

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Guns Kill or Save Lives?

Monday, April 21, 2008 See all the great pics at http://www.myspace.com/drturi 4/20/2008 Dear Readers; I am glad many of you ordered my 2008 Moon Power and realize the value of my predictive work. I wish more people pay attention to the "Cosmic Code" and especially how the moon interacts in their lives. Do not hesitate to download a FREE copy of my 2007 Moon Power and check what last two years brought to you by reading your personal Dragon predictions. Most all, after downloading my book check on your zodiacal characteristics (or someone you care) and MASTER the section called "The Universal Law Of The Moon" it Free and priceless wisdom, all for you and all for FREE at http://www.drturi.com/moonpoweroffer2007.php Then if you like my work get the 2008 version at http://www.drturi.com/orders3.htmlmoonpower I certainly hope this Plutonic window did not get to you in a negative way but sad enough others young souls without "Cosmic Consciousness" lost their precious lives. The deadly children of Pluto as anticipated went on a rampage and many of them are form the "Gang generation" or the "Death Wish Generation" and the dark evil face representing their destructive deadly passionate nature is NOT yet understood by the police and in the name of ignorance many brave cops also lost their precious lives. When will the Police Academy realize the importance of my message and bring in the Academy such vital information? The day they stop lumping me with psychics or people like Mrs. Cleo more courageous cops will benefit from 35 years of my strenuous, practical research involving the complex human psyche and its relationship with the Divine. Check Faith email; Thanks Dr Turi you are DEAD ON about April 20th. Look what happened in my hometown of Chicago this weekend. Bloody Weekend: At Least 21 Shot, 4 Dead - It's been an especially violent weekend. At least four people are dead 21 of them shot on the streets of Chicago. What amazes me is that I saw ALL coming and that many politicians in power instead of getting REAL information and reading my solid predictive work chose to listen to Pope Benedict XVI (trying to save the dying Age of Pisces) calling on American Catholics to understand that "real freedom" means surrendering to the will of God mingling with a moronic crowd of 60,000 Sunday at New York's Yankee Stadium. What a waste of time where nothing tangible but archaic dogmatic bull can help you or any of our courageous police officers to be prepared for the "Cosmic Code" will. With the Dragon's Tail (negative) in Leo (children) of course all affairs involving love and children turned deadly for many ignorant souls while the Tail of the Dragon in the 2nd house of money affecting the US, the current recession makes the criminals more active. As mentioned in my book Moon Power 2008 I wrote (last year) to be ready for the police to make the news or you being involved for good or for worse, directly with the cops… Well I am not emancipated from the "Universal Code" and my predictions works also for me and in my case I spend altogether 4 hours on Friday night, then 8 hours on Saturday then finally 5 more hours on Sunday with the police. As all is PRE-set with the Universal Mind I did not "plan" this endeavor totally by "accident". No, let me reassure you right away I did not go to jail or did anything wrong at all (I am too smart for that) but let me bring you back a few weeks ago so you can understand the how and why of my experience with the police and why I decided to get my concealed weapon permit. Why did I train with APDI this weekend? In today's society, an alarming percentage of criminals are resorting to violence. Armed confrontations are becoming a more common occurrence. All you need to do is read your local newspaper for evidence of that fact. Coming out of store a 200 pounds muscular longhaired tattooed moron (probably fresh out of jail or on parole) opened his door car on my SUV hitting it. I did not say anything at all but for some weird reason he simply decided that it was my fault. The man was obviously high on drugs by looking at his enraged gaze and I knew better and apologized to him trying to avoid any escalation. Now in this situation don't event think of calling the police to help you because by the time they get to you, you may be dead. He called me every dirty name in the book but I kept my cool and while calming him down I moved on the other side of my truck where my baseball bat is stored just in case he decided to launch on me and inflict serious bodily damage. I my crazy life I had to deal with many crazy people as big or even bigger and more dangerous than this harebrained man and I always managed (thanks to my Martial Art training) to deal with them accordingly. This lunatic was nearly twice my size and three times my weight but I can also be wild if I have to defend myself. I am not in my 20th anymore and I have much more control of my emotions and I surely do not need to make the newspaper front page (bad publicity in this case) or lose my precious life because of a frustrated low life imbecile with nothing to lose. I am much to valuable to the children of this world than any loser and with such an important mission with the children to fulfill I have to think twice before doing anything stupid. I will at ALL COSTS avoid any and ALL confrontation but when intelligence and diplomacy don't work any more the use of animalistic brute force becomes your only option. Another word at the end of the day (or the moment) its either him or me and I will do ALL in my power to stay alive! I wish Draco (my 105 lbs trained to kill Doberman) was with me that day but this type of unpredictable situation could happen to anyone anytime and anywhere. Draco is programmed to literally kill anyone acting aggressively and threatening me (or a kid or anyone he has to protect) and unless totally insane one would NEVER think of challenging his long fangs and ferocious nature. My loving but very protective dog would have done the job right on the spot and make this lunatic think twice before approaching me but this day it was not the case. Allowing this dead brain to vent out his frustrations with profanities and moving away from him somehow defused the very dangerous situation and he finally drove away. But again this crazy soul could easily have pulled a gun or a knife at me and who knows I may not be here today writing this newsletter and educating you about self defense and guns… Then a few days later I was at a copy center when another lunatic again (note each time the moon was waning and in Scorpio) went for me and swore at me. He called me names because I asked one of the 3 people behind the counter to help me instead of digging into a huge pile of paper for a lost order. I was decent and waited for the clerk to finish talking to the concerned client and after over 10 minutes on the phone she should have take care of us (in line) instead of bringing more files to dig in while we were all waiting. Its called customer care and she could have easily dealt with that problem when business was slow. This frustrated imbecile was looking to impress the clerk (a pretty young girl) he perceived as a victim because of my request for faster service and in the process show his masculinity. I made the mistake to look at him straight in the eyes and told him to cool off but this did not help the situation. He went berserk threatening to break my bones; I thought it was a good idea to diffuse the situation by ignoring him totally. He erroneously perceived my silence as a form of submission or fear and kept swearing at me to impress the pretty girl but I still kept my cool. He left and that was it but a few weeks later we were waiting at a street red light together (what are the chances of this to happen?). He recognized me, brought his window down and unloaded more profanity at me. I was in chock and asked " Hey who are you, what's the matter with you man?" Not only I don't remember people's face well but I also forgive easily and move on with my busy life but this loser could easily have pulled a gun or a knife on me and threaten my life. Luckily for me this time he did not but I thought the next one may do so and if need be, I have to be smart and do something to protect myself just in case. I will do all I can to avoid such a situation with any dangerous crazy character but the reality is anyone can and will someday encounter such a person and chances are he may well be pulling a knife or a gun on you. Now what will you do? lose your life or battle to save yourself? That is the question and so far women are the prime target and too many of them died unnecessarily in the process. I want to make sure everyone of you understand that I am NOT afraid of death (been there so many times) but I have too much to offer to the children of tomorrow to let a crazy person interfere with my so very important mission so I decide to get my concealed weapon permit and this is exactly what I did this "Plutonic" week end. My God did I learn something there…I think everyone especially women should own a gun and be taught the law and how to protect themselves against criminals. Of course innocent "religious" lunatics" will immediately regurgitate the famous "You Shall No Kill" biblical junk and hope for Jesus to interfere. Do you really think CRMINALS cares about your life, Jesus or the 10 commandments? The sad reality is that; last week in Phoenix a crook stole a woman's car keys in front of a food store and killed her with a knife. She had her toddler in the back of the vehicle and at not avail fought the criminal with her bare hand to death to save her child. Do not fall for the 911 "serve and protect" police logo because I heard form them directly this is NOT the case and impossible for them to do so, unless you have your OWN cop walking by your side everywhere you go 24 hours a day. The simple fact is that if you are not trained to handle a gun properly to protect yourself or someone you care a ruthless (but smarter than you) criminal will not hesitate to use YOUR or HIS gun or think twice about killing you. You are an honorable law obedient citizen and you have the right to own a gun and protect yourself (and family) while the criminal has no fear and NO right to own one. But be sure HE will own many guns and given a chance he will undoubtedly USE IT against you. " After Samuel Colt invented his revolver, a common saying in America was, "God created all men, but Sam Cold made them equal". So many innocent, loving, caring people of all ages died because of their fear of fire arms, had they get the adequate education in handling guns they would be alive today. If you could talk to anyone of him or her be sure they would tell you NOT to make the same mistake and TO DO SO and stay alive, because the crook (caught or not) did not care about his/her life at all. Firearms stand next in important ace to the Constitution itself. "After a shooting spree, they always want to take the guns away from the people who DID NOT SHOT! I sure as hell wouldn't want to live in a society where the only people allowed guns are the police and the military". William Burrought I know that millions of Americans today suffer from urban psychosis, in which their world view is distorted by dishonest politicians and even more dishonest news media and their miserable environment of stone, concrete and asphalt. But the facts are simple; a handgun is a tool, just like as saw or a hammer. It's an ideal tool for self-defense. With a handgun and the right training, my 90 pounds beautiful girlfriend Terania, any of my 3 sisters (or daughters) even my old vulnerable mother can and will stop a 200-pounds crazy out of jail (or on parole) drugged killer. Your choice, educate yourself grow up, face reality or let a criminal kill you or someone you care… At the range today a concerned husband managed to convince his wife NOT to be afraid of guns and to realize the power she really have with a weapon in her hands. She was very scared just to look at the gun but 5 hours later the same vulnerable scared woman was able to put a full round of bullet right into the head of a criminal ready to rape and kill her. Of course after 3 days of intense training she changed her attitude, cast aside her fears and realize how precious her life (and her family) really is and now, she is a good as Clint Eastwood with any gun at the range I may add. Gun are like the stars they are impressive, beautiful and explosive and very dangerous (Supernova window/Plutonic trend!) and unless you understand and USE the "Cosmic Code / or the guns" WISELY and PROPERLY you may in time pay the heavy penalty if you chose to avoid these "tools" and lose your life because of your ignorance or your fears of them. If you think crime is going away you need to think twice. The "death Wish Generation" see, "The Power Of The Dragon" http://www.drturi.com/books.php is about to unleash its most destructive young elements in our society and they are GANGS TRAINING everyday not understand they destructive natal UCI… Sad enough the educational field, like the police Academy are not yet aware of the importance of my work pertaining to the "Universal Code" and many will lose their lives in the process. You better be prepared! Read about this deadly generation - http://www.drturi.com/books.php CLARKSVILLE, Indiana (AP) -- A group of southern Indiana middle school girls videotaped the beating of a 12-year-old schoolmate and posted it on the Internet in an attack that authorities believe was inspired by a similar one in Florida, police said. JOIN US IN SEDONA NEXT JULY http://www.drturi.com/astroclass.php Sharing Emails: From: MAD Subject: Iraqis Killed Since 1990: 2,229,602??? AS AN AMERICAN I WANT TO KNOW WHY WE ARE KILLING OTHER HUMANS? Dr. Turi, WHAT DO YOU SEE AS THE ASTRO REASON AMERICA IS KILLING 2MIL IRAGI HUMAN BEINGS?? DT -- WHAT DO YOU SEE AS THE ASTRO REASON WHY IRAQ IS KILLING 200 MIL AMERICANS HUMAN BEINGS WITH A NUKE? Give religious fanatics this dreadful technology and be sure this is what will happen to the US in the future...Most Americans are so blind and can not see further than the end of their noses with thousands running after the Pope trusting his dogmatic religious speech. Naïve people rely on Jesus' return to save this world while religious cults are raping their children. OMG! are you sure we are in 2008 yet? God thanks our brave soldiers are still out there doing the cleaning before they do cleanse this country in the name of Allah. I dare all of you Americans (and I am French) to FORGET 911 and this day of infamy and all our soldiers' lives including all the innocent victims that died this awful day. Your egotistic power oriented "religious" politicians will give you what you want to get to the White House and shine but it may not be what you really need in the long run…Like you I hate wars but the essence of America is in serious jeopardy while politic and religions (including the Pope working hard to save the last days of the Age of Pisces is not helping anyone to see the facts and the future as I see it. Now how many predictions did the Pope do that came true? You better check mine because I have this really bad habit to be RIGHT most of the time…http://www.drturi.com/predictions.php Blessings DT From A; Please comment on this Full Moon Grand Trine Alignment, which was found on the Coast-to-Coast web site. It appears to present a more positive outlook than the Dragon, actually seems to be 180 degrees opposite. Is there a reason for this? http://www.ncrising.com/2008_004_20_FM_GrandTrine.html DT – Yes may be to differentiate the real thing from other methodology? Well my friend simply compare the facts between modern astrology and my methodology involving the Dragon and you will see my obvious predictions. Modern astrology is loaded with math and complicated, mine is indeed very simple and unarguably accurate. Unless you become a student you may have a problem to relater to me. Use common sense observations check the values of Astropsychology and my predictions then learn the real thing with me next July in Sedona. There I will explain what's a grand trine in earth sign will do to the world by involving the Dragon. Note again I am the only one using Nostradamus' 16th century Divine Astrology methodology and what you want to really acknowledge if the end results with predictions. So far who's done a better job? NO ONE but me and this is said without mental pride, only the facts. (Especially on Coast to Coast) if you have heard any of shows or investigated my predictions…May be Craig'c collections will help you to judge accurately. Blessings DT From Craig; Pluto is back in town, Have Dr. Turi back on the show From this years Moon Power by Dr. Turi SUN., MON., TUE., WED., THU. — APRIL 20, 21, 22, 23, 24: RULERS — Pluto (drama/death) Venus (forgiveness) and Jupiter (foreigners). Full Moon — April 20, 2008 in Scorpio: THIS LUNATION WILL BE TOUGH ON MANY OF US AND THE WORLD AT LARGE! Use extreme caution. The next two weeks are going to be trying and dramatic for some. Be ready for a rough journey and expect news of death and drama. Disturbing news from foreign lands is to be expected. Pluto (suicide/drama/death) will bring a dance of destruction to this world where fanatic religious young souls will impose their deadly, righteous, dogmatic views on others. Powerful transformations in the world of faith and the church are ahead. The previous wake-up call provided by Pluto's impact on the WTC on 9/11 will induce a form of awareness, but also a death and rebirth for some people. Pluto will bring to light the shameful manipulation, sexual and financial secrets of organized religions and some of their religious leaders. As always with the Lord of hell in charge of this trend, better think twice before saying or acting on impulse. Expect nature's devastating forces to be active, and secrets, affairs of sex, and finances to be divulged. The police and blackguards will make the news. More than ever use diplomacy, as whatever you do now will have serious repercussions in your future. Time to keep a cool head and be aware in all you do or say. Pray for the souls of the poor victims and let's hope my message gets out to the world at large this time.As always if you are in the police force or work at night BE AWARE! The police responsible are NOT yet aware of my work and because of their ignorance many courageous cops will meet with death. Note: Attention: Pluto is back with us — Expect dramatic happenings all over; control is a must. Don't be a victim; be aware of Pluto's destructive power. Anything you say or do under his power will follow you for the rest of your life. Time to use extreme caution in all you do. Killers, rapists, psychotics, and the worst of society will be active. While Pluto reigns, you'd better stay home and let the ignorant get killed. Time to make good use of my work. Expect secrets to surface and news from the police force. Environment: Nothing will stop Pluto from his tragic assaults to the earth. Be ready for some serious messes from the worst of our society who will shock the media. Another quake shakes southern Illinois http://www.cnn.com/2008/US/weather/04/21/illinois.quake/index.html Story Highlights - Monday's quake was the 18th since a magnitude 5.2 hit the area Friday morning - Friday's quake was the strongest to hit in the region in 40 years - There were no immediate reports of damage in Monday's quake Two tornadoes strike metro D.C. - http://www.cnn.com/2008/US/weather/04/21/dc.tornadoes/index.html Story Highlights - First tornado hit St. Charles, Maryland, about 30 miles south of Washington Second tornado struck 30 minutes later outside Hyattsville, Maryland No injuries were immediately reported Fire burns Philadelphia warehouse - http://www.cnn.com/2008/US/04/21/philly.fire.ap/index.html Story Highlights - Cause of fire unknown Buildings reportedly unoccupied- Part of building collapses Presumed pirates take fishing boat off Somalia http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/africa/04/20/somalia.hijack/index.html Story Highlights - Spanish fishing boat hijacked off coast, Spanish Foreign Ministry official said - No reports of injuries to 26 crew members; ship was damaged, official said - Earlier this month, more than a dozen pirates seized a French yacht- U.S. and NATO warships patrol off the Horn of Africa to crack down on piracy The Dragons Tail in Leo lures many young people into the delusional age of Pisces. These youth could use Dr. Turi's message to swim upstream and not be fooled by the many forces against them. http://www.dailycamera.com/news/2008/apr/20/cus-420-pot-smoke-out-draws-10000/ - CU's 4/20 pot smoke-out draws crowd of 10,000 to Norlin Quad Police issue zero tickets during annual marijuana celebration Craig Get Creative!!! @ http://3rdstone.net JOIN N US WHILE YOU CAN USE THE DEAL! Use your credit card and order the "Cosmic Code Newsletter" with the $35.00 DEAL Scroll down to the STUDENT Rate from http://www.drturi.com/orders3.htmlnewsletter This deal is until the end of April ONLY and you MUST make a note when you order it that is it the special from The Life of a Monk 2 Deal. JOIN US http://www.conspirac.com The Premiere Conspiracy Event in the country returns for its 8th year on June 7 & 8, 2008 at the Marriott Hotel in Santa Clara, CA. Join us in Phoenix http://www.past-az.com/
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