44 Year Old
From Tazewell, TN·
Joined on April 6, 2012
Relationship status: Single
Born on March 24th
1 person has a crush on me!
I am NSFW!!!
First off, I've never been one to be able to 'explain' who I am...We are all complex and difficult energies, so bare with my limited About Me section...Plus we all have our own biased opinion of ourselves and what's written in this things doesn't really reflect upon who we truly are. I'm a single father of three. Worked in construction from homes to bridges for most of my life.Had an accident and now in the process of filing disability...Which fucking sucks, cause I love to create and build. Can't do much right now, so here I am. Always willing to get to know others...just ask or message if you wish to know any more.
*Warning: This flirt may bite*
This is a DRAMA any time you want zone...Because I don't give a flying fuck!
44 Year Old
From Tazewell, TN·
Joined on April 6, 2012
Relationship status: Single
Born on March 24th
1 person has a crush on me!
Art Building and Crafting Reading and Writing Hiking and nature More shit...just will complete later on.
Latest Status
Glenn the Baneful I feel like a complete idiot....I may see you all again soon or I may just take a permanent break.I do have love for my dearest friends here and wish you all the best that life can offer and I hope that you find the things in life that you so readily deser
Shiera Khan Let me try this again lol. I'm sure your friends will understand the choices you make on here. It's all in good fun of course and yes we all do need a break from real time. Keep your chin up! . Hugs n' lots of love
yeah same here. i picked up and left chicago and now reside in wisconsin with a job and all. nice to be back on track. glad you are doing alright hang in there
18 Rated and liked !!! ... you are invited to see WC Texas and DoubleD get fu married in The Darkside on April 6, 2013 at 8pm est time.... Hope to see you there :)