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you just click the salute on the tooltip and you can access all of the pictures atleast in the album that the salute is in how weird is that?

pics being marked

so my friend has a pic that is totally not nsfw to me  marked because it involves two men about to kiss...but other people can float in the ticker with shifting pics that have them holding a penis in their hand and it isnt marked and this is a person who has been harrassing another friend to the point she had to lock her profile down to only friends ....what is this bullshit can us bi people and the gay and lesbian community not show  our side of the spectrum just because  we arent  "straight"? its such crap that you can have a chick about to obviously suck on a penis  but not two men kissing ..GAH!

tag you r it

i was tagged by darth goatse.........thx eeeeever so much Instructions...... Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose at least 5 people to be tagged, listing their names . Don't forget to leave a comment that says, "You're it!" on their profile and ask them to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you. 1. i hate hate my boobs 2. i live in a tin can 3.my back hurts right now 4.im bisexual 5.i think these things are dumb 6.i wanna smash the kids dad with a sledge hammmer 7.im sleepy right now 8. im wearing leopard print underwear 9.morgan is asleep on my lap 10 .i can shoot milk from my tits(ask punkin and mo mo they have been witnesses to it) i tag gothadelic , daddy rocks hard, drunk fox ,master virgin sin, and terrorfel
so ok im cheap i shop at dollar general for tp and diapers and snack type foods for the kiddos ....well we are strolling ok im walking mor is in the cart and noah is in the basket and i got the older two walking behind/side me and we pass this thing that holds the bouncy balls in it well lil miss morgan says uh uh uh uh and points at a ball ....so i am learning morgan grunt aka cave man language so any way it means (and i know this bc she wouldnt take any other ball) give me that pink one with the princesses on it ..my child who laughs at scary things and laughs when she hears dani filth and opeth scream out their lungs to entertain me and others wants THE PINK BALL WITH THE PRINCESSES on it how does that equate? makes no sense so i go to owens aka kroger to some of you and there is this ball that morgan could use as a hamster ball if it was a solid hard plastic instead of bouncy ball plastic costs 3.99 plus tax of course but she has the pink one with the princesses on it already in the car i say no no no you dont need it and she shakes her head no a bunch of times and laughs it off then see's the yellow western union sign (we have discovered yellow is her fave color and points and laughs like the silly child she is haha sorry this was so long i just thought it was funny
Due to the climate of political correctness now pervading America, Kentuckians, Tennesseans and West Virginians will no longer be referred to as "HILLBILLIES." You must now refer to them as "APPALACHIAN-AMERICANS." And furthermore . HOW TO SPEAK ABOUT WOMEN AND BE POLITICALLY CORRECT: 1. She is not a "BABE" or a "CHICK" - She is a "BREASTED AMERICAN." 2. She is not a "SCREAMER" or a "MOANER" - She is "VOCALLY APPRECIATIVE." 3. She is not "EASY" - She is "HORIZONTALLY ACCESSIBLE." 4. She is not a "DUMB BLONDE" -She is a "LIGHT-HAIRED DETOUR OFF THE INFORMATION SUPERHIGHWAY." 5. She has not "BEEN AROUND" - She is a "PREVIOUSLY-ENJOYED COMPANION." 6. She is not an "AIRHEAD" - She is "REALITY IMPAIRED." 7.She does not get "DRUNK" or "TIPSY" - She gets "CHEMICALLY INCONVENIENCED" 8.She does not have "BREAST IMPLANTS" - She is "MEDICALLY ENHANCED." 9. She does not "NAG" you - She becomes "VERBALLY REPETITIVE." 10. She is not a "TRAMP" - She is "SEXUALLY EXTROVERTED." 11. She does not have "MAJOR LEAGUE HOOTERS" - She is "PECTORALLY SUPERIOR." 12 . She is not a "TWO-BIT HOOKER" - She is a "LOW COST PROVIDER." HOW TO SPEAK ABOUT MEN AND BE POLITICALLY CORRECT: 1. He does not have a "BEER GUT" - He has developed a "LIQUID GRAIN STORAGE FACILITY." 2. He is not a "BAD DANCER" - He is "OVERLY CAUCASIAN." 3.. He does not "GET LOST ALL THE TIME" - He "INVESTIGATES ALTERNATIVE DESTINATIONS." 4. He is not "BALDING" - He is in "FOLLICLE REGRESSION." 5. He is not a "CRADLE ROBBER" - He prefers "GENERATIONAL DIFFERENTIAL RELATIONSHIPS." 6. He does not get "FALLING-DOWN DRUNK" - He becomes "ACCIDENTALLY HORIZONTAL." 7. He does not act like a "TOTAL ASS" -He develops a case of "RECTAL-CRANIAL INVERSION." 8 . He is not a "MALE CHAUVINIST PIG" - He has "SWINE EMPATHY." 9. He is not afraid of "COMMITMENT" - He is "RELATIONSHIP CHALLENGED." 10. He is not "HORNY" - He is "SEXUALLY FOCUSED." 11.It's not his "CRACK" you see hanging out of his pants - It's "REAR CLEAVAGE" Please use your best judgment when referring to these people, so as to make it more comfortable for the rest of us. ok i thought it was funny


so ok the kids were bought bunk beds and they were delivered today well yea he works third shift but he was awake when they were delivered and awake to tell me that the beds needed moved out side so i ASSUME that i am going to get help moving the old bed frames and mattresses .....WRONG! he sits there and critisizes me while i have to move the frames which are SOLID metal iron at that . what the fuck kind of man sits by and makes another human being move heavy metal beds by them self and then tells them that they are doing it wrong but is unwilling to help? his name is ROBERT and i happen to be married to this lack of intelligence name calling verbally emotionally abusive male that needs to be nuetered the way they do goats on farms (with a rubber band around the scrotum til the scrotum falls off) are nuetered any way had to vent, any way does any one know any one who needs trundle beds ? who lives in indiana? yea im done with bitch fest

50 Odd Things



Take this survey

1. Do you like blue cheese? yes
2. Have you ever smoked heroin? no
3. Do you own a gun? no
4. What flavor do you add to your drink at sonic? cherry
5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? no
6. What do you think of hot dogs? eh they are food when there is nothing else
7. Favorite Christmas song? silent night
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? mt dew
9. Can you do push ups? yes
10. Why do you post surveys? boredom
11. What is your favorite piece of jewelry? my class ring
12. Favorite hobby? playing video games
13. Are your toes painted? no
14. Do you have A.D.D.? no
15. What is one trait that you hate about yourself? all of them
16. Middle name? ann
17. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment nothing
18. Name 3 things you bought yesterday? sweet tea ,final fantasy 12,dinner @bk
19. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? mt dew ,tea,kool aid
20. Current worry? too much to list
21. Current hate right now? robert
22. Favorite place to be? away from here
23. How did you bring in the New Year? watched everyone get drunk and become asses
24. Where would you like to go? japan
25. Name three people who will complete this? james already did does he count? and i dont know
26. Do you own slippers? i dont know
27. What shirt are you wearing? a black one
28. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? hell no i feel like im gonna fall out of bed
29. Can you whistle? yes i can
30. Favorite color? black,purple
31. Would you be a pirate? sure
32. What songs do you sing in the shower? none
33. Favorite girls name? rowana
34. Favorite boys name? micah
35. What is in your pocket right now? my phone
36. Last thing that made you laugh? morgan and the troll face
37. Best bed sheets as a child? i only had plain clored ones
38. Worst injury you have ever had? broken collar bone
39. Do you love where you live? kinda
40. How many TVs do you have in your house? 4
41. Do you have any pets? not anymore
42. How many dogs do you have? zero
43. Does someone have a crush on you? i wish
44. Who is in the bathroom right now? no one
45. What is your favorite book? anything anne rice
46. What is your favorite candy? milk duds
47. Favorite Sports Team? cowboys
48. What song do you want played at your funeral? in this river
49. What were you doing 12 AM last night? talking on the phone to mike or eric or chad or someother friend
50. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? oh damn i over slept the kids are late


More MySpace Surveys @ MySpaceBulletins.com

awww she's but hurt

so ok the mumm expired as i was posting the comment and so this chick who is all but hurt because she red my comment which included mo mo and punkins comments on it in it and after punkins i put ya got the moron part right because punkin said fu-reality is an oxymoron lol which i found amusing any way she sends me a kiss lmao fu butthurt some one sounds a little butt hurt dontcha think?

all about me

Your Autobiography Part 1: The Birth of You: Were you a planned baby?: nope Were you the first?: nope Who was present at your birth?: my mom a doctor and some nurses and a scapel Were your parents married when you were born?: yes What is your birthdate?:11-06-1978 Part 2: The Family How would you describe your family?: full of people i dont know because they choose not to associate with me Siblings or an only child?: 1 and a half If you have siblings are you oldest, middle, or youngest?: middle What are your siblings names and ages?: chris 35 ashley 18 Which parent do you get along with best?: uh they choose not to talk to me so yep i do Wat do you fight about?:nothing we dont talk Do you have step parents? yesh Part 3: The Friends Do you have more than one best friend?: uh i dont have a best friend really unless u consider my best net friend kara beara Who are your best friends?:uh look up What do you like to do when you are together?:we chat online? Do you share the same interests?:sometimes Which friend can you tell anything to?:kara Part 4: Your Personality How high/low is your self esteem?: i have i could give a rats ass less esteem Are you an extrovert or an introvert?: im just a vert some times extro some times intro Are you happy?: no Do you live life to the fullest?: nope probably not Part 5: Appearance Are you comfortable with the way you look?: um well i aint changed it or tried to so i suppose Do you have any piercings besides your ears?: noooooooo Describe your hair. brown and brown Do you think love is the best feeling in the world?: no it is the most sick demented feeling i have ever experienced Do you believe in love at first sight?: no im afflicted with extreme emotional connection but i dont believe love is a visual experience (it sucks) Part 11: Experiences What was one of your greatest experiences?: um the kids are ....but thats it What was one of your worst?: too many to list not enough time to list them Have you ever done drugs?: uh i tried pot but threw up on the dude who gave it to me Have you ever thought you were going to die?: everytime i get in the car , when my gallbladder exploded, when i got so dehydrated the doctors thought i was gonna die , and when i wish for it(it hasnt come true yet ) Have you ever suffered from depression?: yes at one point in time or another
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