49 Year Old
From Arlington, VA·
Joined on August 10, 2010
Born on January 11th
·1 referrals joined!
My Name: Gcat My Fav Cartoon Character: Garfield the cat My Fav Team: the NY Giants My Fav Beverage: Grappa My Fav Hot Drink: Genseng My Fav Vacation Spot: Greece My Fav Fruit: Grapes My Fav Band: Guns n Roses My Fav saying "Life's an ocean. Ride the wave".
49 Year Old
From Arlington, VA·
Joined on August 10, 2010
Born on January 11th
·1 referrals joined!
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GCat I'm collecting "Likes" and "Fans" today. Feel free to Like me or be a Fan....
never been Ive always wanted to check it out, I mostly go to JackRabbits & FreeBirds Kinda a Local Band Junkie,LoL & Tradewinds is My Fave Bar to hang out n shoot pool at