33 Year Old
Joined on April 9, 2008
Relationship status: Married
Born on March 28th
I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!
33 Year Old
Joined on April 9, 2008
Relationship status: Married
Born on March 28th
I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!
random shit i made up 1. THE CHRISTIANS ARE COMING TO GET YOU, AND THEY ARE NOT PLEASANT PEOPLE! 2. YOOH KNOW WHAT YOOH NEVER HEAR ABOUT? A BUNCH OF JEWS GETTING HIT BY A TORNADO. 3.Theres something i like about the clitoris, but i cat quite put my finger on it... 4.There is now a Starbucks in my pants! 5. everything beeps now! 6.when someone asks yooh what time it is, glance @ your watch and say, "it's either 6:15, or mickey has a hard-on." guaranteed they'll ask somebody else. 7.i think pimps should have an employee of the month the way other businesses do. it would be good for morale.and ill bet blow jobs would improve, too. 8.i think highways should have a beer lane 9.yooh know what we need? Black Jell-O 10.spots are dots up close, dots are spots far away 11.Never forget, Hitler was a catholic 12.i r smart i r making rice crispie bars for teh homeless. 13.have you ever had your hair catch on fire? its not pleasant! 14. i had a pickle come out my nose once... but not only was it a pickle but it was a SWEET PICKLE gah that was painfull! 15. your fayce is racist! 16. my mom dosnt let me do that sort of thing while im in the nude. 17. i have a friend named reeses TOP THAT! 18.y are all nudist men flacid? asspecially if they have thier nudist wives to look at! 19.i bet its hard for a nudist to hide a boner! 20. imma FUCKING SAINT! 21.im cute your jealous 22.retarded people make me laugh 23.i wish i was a t-rex! 24.lalala your a whore lala 25.rohnald mc.donald wears nore make-up than jefree star! dose that make him famous 26.i wonder if jesus worked a corner? 27. why the hell would yooh want to be an oscar mayer weiner? 28.and now the infamous CHEWBACKA! 29.why the hell is it green? 30.omg commit suicide right yooh retard! 31.30 years from now gas will cost 200 dollas! 32.your fly is undone! [[note if yooh looked yooh should get tested for down syndrome!]] 33.your mom has aids oh btw HAPPY B-DAY! 34.i bet yooh couldnt satisfy a mouse with that thing 35.santas dead... 36.I NOW OWN YOOH AND THAT CAR FULL OF MEXICANS! 37.careful Mexicans always carry knives! 38.and now for my new trick i will need my little brother and the highest bidder 39.your mother was a man b4 yooh where born 40.WTF IS JELL-O CAKE?!? 41.toy sory is evil! [[long story]] 42.puff the magic dragon has some serious issues! 43.plzz help Arnold Schwarzenegger find a new voice he is starting to give me a fucking head ache! 44.THATS VAGTASTIC! 45.imma kick yooh in the vagina and make your overies bleed if yooh dont get me some chicken! 46.lol who ever thought of butt pills? like i really want to insert a pill into my anus! 47.wayne's world has a great intelligence 48.Nicosia, heart burn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea YEAH PEPTO BISMOL! 49.Dorathy: i don't think we are in Kansas anymore todo! Todo: well no shit dorathy wtf are theise? FUCKING MIDGET BEASTS! i am getting out of this place your on your own yooh crazy bitch! 50.don't tell anyone but i keep Mary Poppins held hostage in my broom closet! 51.I AM THE RED RAINGER THE OTHER GUY WAS A PANSY COMPARED TO ME! 52.human meat sack! 53.did yooh know humans have some of the same DNA as a banana? that means im allergic to myself... 54.men and their penises... i really need to get laid! 55.Walt Disney was a sexual motha fucka! 56.believe it or not but pap smears really do hurt especially when they scrape teh vagina! 57.i dont get why guys like boobs so much!... [[looks over at brook]] nvm! 58.imma pervy sage all the way! 59.jesus was just some crazy fucker that made up a higher power and got a crap load of other crazies to believe him! 60.i wish i had a rawkin pink bunny suite 61.Ill Keel yooh wiff meh RAINBOWS! 62.oh no the zombies escaped! 63.don't yooh hate it when you pull a muscle in your vagina? 64.jiggalos and jello
33 Year Old
Joined on April 9, 2008
Relationship status: Married
Born on March 28th
I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!
I AM MARRIED, i am crazy, intelligent, bold, and exciting! i am always busy but i always have time for friends i am different yes but i am also described by my friends as one of the coolest people they have ever met i am unpredictable and yooh have no clue i don't expect yooh to like me right off hand but yooh cant hate me yooh don't even know me so don't judge me. at least get to know me. i keep secrets and i don't give them away i am reliable. trust me. get to know me. and we will have fun. i spend a lot of my time fucking around lol and not always literally fucking around no i am not a slut nor am i whore. i love to dance. and i have currently taken up running. i sett goals for myself and try my hardest to keep them [[current goal: growing my hair out]] i am a big fan of gore and i think its hilarious when someone i don't know gets hurt. i have a ton of friends from a ton of places so if yooh try to hurt me ill hurt yooh back and if i cant my friends will. my dream jobs are modeling, fashion design, or artist i can spend hours just sitting at a table or in a recliner just drawing and i enjoy it i wouldn't ever give up my creative artistic abilities. i am a crazy person but yooh learn to love it. and i am not afraid to scream random shit in the streets. so all i ask is that you get to know who i am and that your try and look at it from my point of view. i love yooh. sincerly Britain Nichiole Nelson.
Gwar retard-o-bot MSI the moldy peaches combi christ NORMA JEAN Marilyn Manson NIN the faceless Muck Sticky Orson wells Nile Opeth bloodhound gang the who rammstein the used misfits Necrophagist Calvary Kids Gary Juels Gravity Kills Hanzel und Gretel Lords of Acid Oomph! Peaches Cephalic Carnage Radiohead Skinny Puppy Saliva Tricky The Greatful Dead OFMG! VYNCENT FLAW knights of the abyss Mastadon Breathe Carolina The Medic Droid I Set My Friends On Fire SKY EATS AIRPLANE The Devil Wears Prada Pantera Lamb Of God August Burns Red Haste the Day OTEP Drop Dead, Gorgeous Static X THROWDOWN Psychostick ABOUT A PLANE CRASH Mushroomhead Madina lake cobra starship the presets neurosonic jack johnson dir en grey lily allen regina spector
Empire Racords Drop Dead Fred Dazed and Confused Ever After JUNO martian child cloverfeild good luck chuck Sweeney Todd the land before time the forbiden zone train spotting star wars trilogy the ewak adventures meet the robinsons freaked dinosaur transformers dazed and confused evan almighty jurasic park series Knocked up pretty in pink sixteen candels breakfast club super bad Party Monster Fear and Loathing Spun Girl Interupted Sleepy Hollow A Clockwork Orange Nightmare Before Christmas Donnie Darko Fight Club garage days hard candy Edward Scissorhands Boondock Saints American History X Beetlejuice 11:14 evil dead evil dead 2 army of darkness shawn of the dead hot fuzz dawn of the dead poison ivy dazed and confused night of the living dead benny and june chasing amy mall rats dogma jay and silent bob strike back clerks clerks 2 jersy girl the silence of the lambs lords of dog town Rocky Horror Picture Show VanHelsing Fur Kung Fu Hustle Carrie slc punk underworld underworld evolution Sin city 10 Things i hate about you kill bill vol 1 kill bill vol 2
Elvira omg she is fucking amazing i wish i where more like her
Hunter S. Thompson if you know who he is you will know why i like him :3
Video Games
HALO!!!! mario bros. alot im not going to fucking name them all! cunt.