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Lucky Mija's blog: "Fuck This Shit!!"

created on 06/08/2007  |  http://fubar.com/fuck-this-shit/b89770

What Lead Me Here

Its 3am and once again I cant sleep and I wonder what lead me here alone in the dark. Sad part is Im far from alone. I have amazing friends who created the family I have around me but some how I feel empty everytime I feel my lil girl kicking inside me. Im holding on to something so tight that I am realizing isnt really there and using it as the way to run away from the world outside. Some how I judge the measure of my happiness on whether or not Kevin is around me in some form. A text or a pic. I havent heard his voice since the day he left back in January and it scares me that I cant remember it. If I ever had to describe it to our daughter I couldnt tell her. I look at the pictures and feel like Im dying. Im tired of this feeling and I need it to be over. I need to run away with the chance I have in front of me yet I cant get get him off my mind. I am so scared to give a fuck about anyone else again cuz at least with Kevin I expect to get hurt and I expect to cry and rarely laugh and never with him by my side. I dunno how to accept the idea of someone wanting to be here for me and my daughter and its scary cuz when I lose all faith in Kevin and the life I imagined he says something that shows me in some strange way I matter and that he does think of our lil girl and wants to protect her from the bad people in the world. Only problem is thats never gonna be enough and I dont think hes ever really gonna be here so I have to get on with life. Some how some way I gotta get passed this and breathe without him and it breaks my heart in so many fucking ways cuz Im so afraid I will take away my lil girls daddy from her by doing so and I dont have that right yet if it were to happen then itd be by his choice not mine and its just not fucking fair that Im who feels the guilt of that and the burden of that pain. It really sucks being the mommy sometimes==Loving your kids enough to kill yourself is too much sometimes...

Who Am I?

Who am I

            To not know where I am going

                        To only know where I have been

                                    And to not see the joy therein?


Who am I

            To see only darkness

                        To not come into the light

                                    To not see the beauty in life?


Who am I

            To prove to others

                        What exactly I can be

                                    Instead of first impressions?


Who am I

            To not see me as me,

                        To see me as a former shell

                                    Of myself?


Who am I

            To let my choices and my self

                        Be overshadowed with sadness

                                    In a relationship ended?


Who am I

To let someone dictate

How I feel

What my worth is?


Who am I,

            To judge myself so poorly

                        To deem myself bad or unworthy

                                    To hate myself so much?


Who am I

            To know I am worthy

                        To know I am loving and loveable

                                    To know I am my own true self?


And although it is difficult for me to see, in time

            I will continue

                        I will survive

                                    I will accept myself again

                                                I will love again

                                                            And I will be loved again.


While this may take time:

Who am I?

                        I am me,

                                    That is all,

                                                And that is enough.

Sometimes Love

Sometimes love means
Knowing when something isn't working.
Painful as it is
It is far better to let go
Let loose
Before the love turns to something else.
Vile, evil thoughts
Blames, you did this or that
Recrimination, jealousy
Angry words and actions
Hate and rage and bitterness.

Sometimes love means
Letting go.
Loving someone enough
To look inside, to see past
The fear of being alone
The painful loneliness of coming home to no one but yourself.
To say that it has to end.
Not for your selfishness
But to save you both
From worse things in time.

Sometimes love means
To not only love the other
But to love yourself enough
To realize that
You have to have the strength
The will, and the power
To persevere,
To not give up and give in
To not say "come back, all is forgiven".

Sometimes love means
To be alone,
To have nobody
To live inside yourself
To continue with life
When all you feel is hurt.

And to be all right with that.

With and With Out You

I want to be rid of every memory. Every second of the days I spent with you. Every kiss. Every embrace. Every stupid I love you because I cant live with and with out you. Yet you are apart of everything and what I am now. Every dream of your face staring back at mine but never seeing me, looking through me because I dont exist. Youve become my biggest fear when only weeks ago you were the only thing that calmed them. I keep waiting for this pain to stop so I can breathe. I dont know what was ever real cuz more and more you rob me of that. How did a year of my life become bullshit nothings and mean absolutely nothing? But every time I put my hand to my stomach and I feel this wave of relief wash over me and I remember how proud I am of being Rebel and Presleys mother and I know that for every lie and ever tear and every time you will break my heart theyll tape me back together. I can feel you every day and I hate it. I cant run away from facing the mistake I made in you. I cant deny we existed or that I love you or forget what it felt like in your arms at nite when youd whisper it in my ear. Some days are better than others but even thats a lie I guess. I just learn to put on the happy face alittle better. Its so hard to live with you in my life so completely when Im living every day completely without you. I wish it was different and that I could turn it off and let everything go. I miss laughing. I miss not cringing when Im touched simply because the hand isnt yours. I miss my fucked up little life before you saved it. I miss you and nothing will change that. Im sorry for all the things Ive said and all the things Ive done. Im sorry that I wouldnt change a thing. Im sorry that the only thing I want different about me is you and that while maybe the things you said to me werent honestly what you felt or meant but that to me it didnt make them untrue. Im sorry everything went away. But I thank you for not letting me forget. For making me remember and how I am some how better because of you. And thank you for making me love you

"Lassen Sie Mich Ihr Engel Sein.
Lassen Sie Mich Ihre Liebe Sein.
Lassen Sie Mich Ihr Leben Sein.
Weil Sie Meins Sind."

Parnoid Conclusion

That I should likely be more paranoid of those who are paranoid of me.LoL I mean to a degree I am used to the normal baiting and hooking that most people do with me in attempts to either pull one over on me or get the upper hand.But when its done in a way that I realize what is being done and what the angle its kinda pointless. At that point Im clued in to the other person and thus put up my guard simply because if there is some reason a person doesnt trust me or thinks Im up to something then its very likely that they themselves are.Granted Im not gonna lie--90% of my life I usually have an agenda and I rarely care what or who gets in my way as long as in the end I am happy--Blame my fathers encouraging my Daddy's Girl mentality, thus inducing the self serving nature I tend to have. Granted, however, in some situations I really dont have agendas and do feel remorse or at the very least sympathy for people who dont deserve the nasty shit that happens to them.Yet it is usually that sympathy or remorse that leads to the other persons paranoid intent and their steadfast belief I am out to get them.If I didn't show sympathy I am beginning to believe people would trust me more simply because they would expect me to be a self serving bitch and know that 90% of the time I only care for my own amusement thus no angle just me simply being me.LoL Funny how that works--When I am actually not doing anything vindictive or malicious is when people trust me the least and are paranoid instead of when they really should be paranoid and worried cuz I am actively attempting to seek my own amusements despite the harm it may do to another person. People are stupid.


I have a Pattern. This Pattern has ruled my life for years it would seem. I have a Pattern of falling for men and a woman(love you Robin) that are incapible of ever truely being mine and mine alone. I fall for married men, engaged men, significantly attached men or men who just in general live far enough away as to they may as well belong to someone else anyways. Not to say that any of these people or the relationships were/are bad ones. In fact they are the best ones of my life. They have been the relationships that had the least bullshit, the most honesty and in general were the reasons I survived relatively emotionally intact this long.

These men I have loved. I have cried for and cried with. They were my best friends. Some where lovers. Some never did more than hold me. But each loved me with all they had and their devotion was complete. Granted for the most part save one or two relationships, every second I have had with them, every I love you, every desire and hope was stolen away from their partners. Women who were completely in the dark that I ever existed. Women who never knew the renewed joy these men found had nothing to do with them. I was both the devil and angel.

Maybe it was the desire to be loved with out the commitment of the every day that made it so easy. We got the best of eachother, never any of the bad. We filled the empty spaces with the intentions of forever, both of us knowing it was simply pipe dreams and pillow talk. We always agreed that they could never leave their women for me. Generally they needed my loves more than I did. They had families and children and homes and every day lives that I had no intention of interfering with. My morality does have some limits.

For me it only proved further that you cant help who you fall in love with or how many people you may love at once. I believe that you can be in love many times over in a lifetime.That soul mates are various and many. No matter how short lived these relationships have been or whatever ones have evolved into deep friendships they were all as real and honest as though I was their only love. Never did I feel like I shared a single minute with anyone else when I had been with them. I was their worlds.

But today I sat and thought about why I develope the unattainable relationships I do. It had occured to me that relationships where I was the first or the one and only failed horrifically and dramatically and ended on very bad terms. The relationships with forbidden men have never ended badly. Most of are still close friends, and a few have gone their own way for one reason or another but never with ill will. Fuck there are a few who's wives/girlfriends found out about me and in the end it saved their relationships and the women are now good friends of mine too. I forever tried to fix their marriages and relationships. It was important to me because even if they shared moments with me that was still the bulk of their lives and so it was the focus.

I believe its easy to fall in love with people that are otherwise taken or live far away because I know the limitations of those relationships. They don't lead to my forever and always. There will be no families or the house with the white picket fences in our future.It is entirely about the moment because there isnt a tomorrow. Rarely will I wake to their faces. Never will I hope to be more than an indulgement of ego and pride.There is no social outcasting because our relationships are private and truely between just us. Few people if anyone knew of these relationships. Maybe that is my lure. The understanding that it will be happy as long as it lasts and that because I went in knowing the limits I cant truely be hurt in the end.

Its a scary realization for myself to be having. Currently I am second and first in my own right and trying to please them and myself at once. I have a possiblity of a future, a lasting relationship and an honest and open one provided I can manage my damage. I would leave behind everything I have built for my life here in Vegas if and when it would be possible to start over else where for this chance. I hid behind fears and thats what gave me the Pattern I have. Fears that if a person was my world and I was theirs then they would leave me behind at some point like Nic and Jeremy did. It was a stupid and yet rational fear give my life and circumstance. Maybe this is all just childish and fairytale hopes but maybe its time to be my own little Cinderella and have the impossible.....Accept love and forever.

I Think Im Happy

Or at least I know I will be. Im in a bad spot I know this. The insanity that is my life and a baby on the way. But I have watched some of the strongest people I know overcome worse odds, some in just the last day even. I myself have been the breaker of odds my whole life. Some because other people were to stupid to not give up on my. Some because I was too stubborn to walk away or die. From the ruins have come my greatest joys. Emily. Nathan. Ivy. Even the children that I never held breathing. From those sorrows I know the depth of my own ablity to love and be happy and survive. Some people say I need to just get over it and grow up. And I guess maybe from their perspective I should, by the worlds perspective. But it just shows me that they havent ever given into what it means to truely lose their world, their life, their love. I wish with all my heart I was able to let it all go. Yet I cant. I dont want to really. Its all I have left of my former self. The self that lived in an ignorant bliss. A world that didnt know pain and tears and depth of how worthless I was to other people who claimed to love me the most. My parents, my family, my lover, my partner, my soulmate. All these people have done the worst to me. Inflicted the worst types of cruel intentions. Im not saying I was innocent of causing my own wrongs Im just saying that those people took something away with the help of those they valued and loved more than they did me. They took my faith that I was worth loving. That I was a good person. That living for them, loving them was wrong and dirty somehow. Even now those people I still keep in my life because I am too much the fool to walk away. Even though they dont love me and use me I cant let them go. I want them happy and I want them content. Even though most of the time that comes at the cost of my own tears. Simply because the few times their smiles are for only me it gives me some sort of twisted peace. Sense of self that I once had. Most days all I hear from two of them is how wonderful she was. How much they love her. How much they hate me or how stupid I am or worthless. She only has loved them at one time or another the last few years-For me its been so much longer. No matter how they have thrown me away or hurt me or used me I love them to this day and I put myself in their path when ever they need me. Either she was strong enough to leave and not look back or she was too much a cynic to stay. Either way she never has to be haunted. Compared. She is their light and I am their darkness and from them came my children. Thus I believe the true reason I cant let them go. Why I cant get over it. I cant look at my childrens pictures and not remember. Not cry not hurt not wish we had meant more to them than she did. And in many ways its not fair or right I blame her but I cant blame them. That means Id have to accept that my children mean nothing. Are nothing in the eyes of their fathers and I cant ever do that. Thats not good enough. If she had never come around it may not have changed anything, I still would have lost them but to different women, Not the same one. Its hard enough to lose the people who hold parts of your heart, Its unbarable to lose them both to the same person. To realize one woman beat you twice, that she was worth turing their backs on years of history and any reconition of their children. My parents chose themselves or their vices or their spouses over me. They gave up on me before I ever needed to be saved. My family well I dont even know them cuz they say I am too broken and that I lost the ability to love and all my humanity along time ago and cant be fixed. Irony huh--I cry and live and hurt and laugh but Im just a shell supposedly-A Michael Meyers of sorts only Im able to hide in polite society. I can see that execpt they think I hurt and destoy other peoples lives and the only hack actions Ive ever done were to myself. Now my soulmate she is the only one who redeemed herself time and time again. We still both hurt eachother often it seems but we have always found our way back. We will never share a life of tradional means, not even in an alternative style. She walks this life with another and I struggle through a throng of others but there is apart that is simply mine thats kept for only me. And I couldnt ask for more than that, She is my best friend and thats worth everything. I have very little in this life. A room. A few pictures. A few friends. Some clothes. But I have something more than most people. I have a love and an understanding of what that means more than most people ever will. I have learned to not even take for granted the emotion and experience of a broken heart full of shattered dreams. That in and of itself is a gift same as every moment and experience of life. I know the joys I have had even in my lowest points. I know that to some people in the chaotic mazes of their fragments of self I have been the light that has gotten them through even after I have hurt and destroyed the trust of love between us. I may not be the brightest light or the best person but I am sometimes the only thing they got. Thats love. A complete sacrifice of self and knowing and surrendering to whatever is needed to save some part of someone else. I have given and recieved that kind of love and it hit me today that its more than enough to be happy for. That this life is my own and enough to be happy about. I dont care from what or from who this child came from-Its mine and its a chance and a hope and piece of the faith I was losing. I may have to make ammends to many people in this life still and some over this but for once I am not backing down or letting those who want to hurt me take from me the joy of this life. Not again. Not now. Not ever. So I think I am happy...Or at least getting there.
Hard to believe in two weeks its gonna be two years since I got married. That strangely wonderful horrific event that changed the course of my life forever and made me who i am today. Granted the relationship has long come and went but the memories will last a lifetime. Me and Jeremy are in a very different place than either of us ever expected to be and while occasionally we both still hurt over water under the bridge we are in a relatively good place with each other for the first time in years. He is still one of my closest friends and forever my family. We share the love of children, a bonding that even we lack the understanding of, and a personal obligation for and to one another. We accept how things are finally and we weave in and out of the others lives attempting to let the other move on when they need it. For us both I believe it was the stepping back and letting the other fall that both nearly kills us and forever saves us. I dont know what will happen or where we will go from here but its good to know that after all we have done to hurt and destroy the other we found our way back to what matters the most--Our friendship.

So Mr. Reece, Here's to us. For everywhere we have been, everything we are, everything we ever had, the family we made and where ever we go from here.

Can I always have this dance?


For The 1% Your face. Your voice. Your flaws. Your simplistic perfection. Your stupid little grin. Everything about you. In my mind it Floods. Hopes long since forgotten. Emotions, thoughts, actions. Doubts, fears, confusion. Needs, desires, overwhelming.... Floods. I don't know how, Or when, Or even simply why. You are forever on my mind. From the second my senses awake Till I finally drowned them out at night... Floods. Wishing deep Prayers unheard. Maybe unanswered. Wonders to be called your own... To my existance, overpowering Grabbing my soul at my core, it Floods. Sitting alone Hoping to hear some sound Anything telling me your here.... I suddenly realize to my own dismay What was a simple attraction A momentary infatuation Turned on myself to your requirements Submission to domination Has become something more And you yourself in me Floods. Somewhere between then and now This flood crept in. This flood is likely to drowned me, This is a fact I cannot deny. Into my heart Apart of my soul, A mark upon my mind And forced the flood to hit And delightfully hurt me And sweep me away to your sea. Tastes of salt and Senses fail as your will Floods. I realize I love you and You aren't with me. I am your momentary infatuation. An unreachable possiblity of morbid indulgence. As I lay down here alone The joys of your rejections and The pains of your acceptance And your indifference of me in your life Floods!


I have a Pattern. This Pattern has ruled my life for years it would seem. I have a Pattern of falling for men and a woman(love you Robin) that are incapible of ever truely being mine and mine alone. I fall for married men, engaged men, significantly attached men or men who just in general live far enough away as to they may as well belong to someone else anyways. Not to say that any of these people or the relationships were/are bad ones. In fact they are the best ones of my life. They have been the relationships that had the least bullshit, the most honesty and in general were the reasons I survived relatively emotionally intact this long. These men I have loved. I have cried for and cried with. They were my best friends. Some where lovers. Some never did more than hold me. But each loved me with all they had and their devotion was complete. Granted for the most part save one or two relationships, every second I have had with them, every I love you, every desire and hope was stolen away from their partners. Women who were completely in the dark that I ever existed. Women who never knew the renewed joy these men found had nothing to do with them. I was both the devil and angel. Maybe it was the desire to be loved with out the commitment of the every day that made it so easy. We got the best of eachother, never any of the bad. We filled the empty spaces with the intentions of forever, both of us knowing it was simply pipe dreams and pillow talk. We always agreed that they could never leave their women for me. Generally they needed my loves more than I did. They had families and children and homes and every day lives that I had no intention of interfering with. My morality does have some limits. For me it only proved further that you cant help who you fall in love with or how many people you may love at once. I believe that you can be in love many times over in a lifetime.That soul mates are various and many. No matter how short lived these relationships have been or whatever ones have evolved into deep friendships they were all as real and honest as though I was their only love. Never did I feel like I shared a single minute with anyone else when I had been with them. I was their worlds. But today I sat and thought about why I develope the unattainable relationships I do. It had occured to me that relationships where I was the first or the one and only failed horrifically and dramatically and ended on very bad terms. The relationships with forbidden men have never ended badly. Most of are still close friends, and a few have gone their own way for one reason or another but never with ill will. Fuck there are a few who's wives/girlfriends found out about me and in the end it saved their relationships and the women are now good friends of mine too. I forever tried to fix their marriages and relationships. It was important to me because even if they shared moments with me that was still the bulk of their lives and so it was the focus. I believe its easy to fall in love with people that are otherwise taken or live far away because I know the limitations of those relationships. They don't lead to my forever and always. There will be no families or the house with the white picket fences in our future.It is entirely about the moment because there isnt a tomorrow. Rarely will I wake to their faces. Never will I hope to be more than an indulgement of ego and pride.There is no social outcasting because our relationships are private and truely between just us. Few people if anyone knew of these relationships. Maybe that is my lure. The understanding that it will be happy as long as it lasts and that because I went in knowing the limits I cant truely be hurt in the end. Its a scary realization for myself to be having. Currently I am second and first in my own right and trying to please them and myself at once. I have a possiblity of a future, a lasting relationship and an honest and open one provided I can manage my damage. I would leave behind everything I have built for my life here in Vegas if and when it would be possible to start over else where for this chance. I hid behind fears and thats what gave me the Pattern I have. Fears that if a person was my world and I was theirs then they would leave me behind at some point like Nic and Jeremy did. It was a stupid and yet rational fear give my life and circumstance. Maybe this is all just childish and fairytale hopes but maybe its time to be my own little Cinderella and have the impossible.....Accept love and forever.
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