First off let me say I now realize I am my own worst enemy, i accept it, now just gotta try and deal with it. also have a new job title, "emotional crash test dummy". my brain is stuck on how I was able to concieve my boys by myself since thier so called "father" can do what he wants when he wants, off fucking a new whore, where he thinks it's more important to spend time with her than his children, beautiful boys who will always be connected to him, unfortunatley, unlike the fucking floosie he's shacked up with who he "only started seeing her after i left you", ok better pull the waders up high on this one cause the stench of his shit can be smelled from dayton all the way to columbus. so i hope your fucking happy and the boys will know you traded them off for some hussie that you haven't even known as long as your youngest is old. my boys will grow up to respect a woman and know how to treat her, and talk to her when there is a problem instead of going to a group of old fucking ex-drunks, who are in AA to begin with because they lost their family to their bad choices, and these are the people who he's actually following their advice, way to think on your own there jackass! and no im not bashing him in front of the kids, they only hear keys clicking on a keyboard and not hearing what i would give a million dollars to say to your face. your boys, whom u dote all over when you see them for maybe an hour whenever it's convientent for you, will know their father is a bold face liar and can never keep promises that he makes, even after telling me he would always love me and that he doesn't believe in breaking marriage vows, well dumbass welcome to the 21 century which a man's word is about as reliable as one square of toilet paper when you have the stomach flu. i never wanted to say anything bad about you in front of them, they will find out themselves when they are older what a low life scumbag you really are, and they will be taught by me and my mom who has always been more of a parent to my boys than you have. just down feel so bad when they never want to see you again after you broke the heart, spirit and soul of the 1 person who took you in and found you a job and gave you money left and right for anything you ever wanted. i told u i admit i am an enabler, but will i no longer have that job in my resume. find the next girl who is evena bigger sucker than i was, maybe she won't ask you to step up and be a father to your kids if god forbid you ever have any. you have already ruined the lives of the 2 most beautiful kids on the face of this earth, lets see how many more kids, women, and people in general you can fuck over now. oh and if you havent realized yet, karma is kicking your ass every morning you get up and don't speak to your boys, because they will know what a jackass of a "father" they really had, who was never a true "daddy" to them, i guess you would basically be called a sperm donor, cause your life is way more important to you than the lives of children who can't get a job to be able to feed and clothe themselves. enough bashing for right now, but you keep in your mind that karma is gonna have a whole more bunch of shit coming your way to kick your ass, cause that's all u ever were and ever be, a lying user, loser who will get what's coming to you when the whell turns full circle and all your meaness, arrogance, self centered life will come crashing down around you when everything you have put out there to me and my boys you will get paid back 10 times over! i just wish i had the pleasure to really see all of it come to fruition, but you've wronged so many people especially people who loved you no matter what you did, like being a fucking alcoholic and one of the most spiteful, cruelest, meanest asshole i think i have ever come across. good luck with your new tramp, and if i had it my way you would pay your boys not only the money you do and will owe them but if only you could pay with your blood too.
ok listen up people you want to get to know me you got a lot to learn. i want conversation. i love a theoretical conversation, and i love to be mentally challenged. i can talk about anything and love to learn new things. i am just a country girl at heart. i would rather be driving my silverado but when summer comes, its a 1997 30th anniversary limited edition camero convertible. with the top down and the wind in my hair its an awesome release. i would rather sit under the stars during the summer than go to a movie. get me a little power between my legs like a 4 wheeler and you may never see me again. i love shooting guns cause its like the ultimate rush. i am an adrenaline junkie for sure. i like playing paintball and am just as good with bows and arrows. know this that i have a lot of native american blood in me, blackfoot and sioux to be specific. i love nature and am a wiccan. i am non practicing at this point but would really like to get back into a coven as soon as i can. i love sex and if you think im an easy lay you can go fuck yourself now. you wanna know whats under my sheet i expect conversation and some affection. i can be a prissy prima donna or can get down and dirty with the best of them. i am extremely competitive but a good sport at the same time. you wanna know anything else ask, oh and to all you "beautiful" people who put us bbws down fuck you and burn in hell the last time i checked only god could be judge, jury, and executioner. you piss me off and just to let you know i hope you have a shovel cause you better start diggin your own fucking grave. i am over being teased and tormented by the people who thinks their shit dont stink, cause they probably have more flaws than any other person, starting with your hateful, superiority complex. and you gonna pick on me you better watch out cause i will put you in your place. if you wanna know anything else please ask. i usually dont hold anything back and i dont like sugarcoating my words. if you dont like what i have to say take a flyin leap and i got enough strength im sure i can give you a hand.