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Stats for Mar 14

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49 Year Old · Male · From Youngstown, OH · Invited by: Marie Antonia h... · Joined on April 29, 2008 · Born on April 14th · 2 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
49 Year Old · Male · From Youngstown, OH · Invited by: Marie Antonia h... · Joined on April 29, 2008 · Born on April 14th · 2 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!


You are The Magician

Skill, wisdom, adaptation. Craft, cunning, depending on dignity.

Eleoquent and charismatic both verbally and in writing,
you are clever, witty, inventive and persuasive.

The Magician is the male power of creation, creation by willpower and desire. In that ancient sense, it is the ability to make things so just by speaking them aloud. Reflecting this is the fact that the Magician is represented by Mercury. He represents the gift of tongues, a smooth talker, a salesman. Also clever with the slight of hand and a medicine man - either a real doctor or someone trying to sell you snake oil.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

49 Year Old · Male · From Youngstown, OH · Invited by: Marie Antonia h... · Joined on April 29, 2008 · Born on April 14th · 2 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
well a little about me i am diverse in what i like and what i have tried so if you want to know just ask

but the basics so far

i read books i know a novel concept
mostly sci fi fantasy and mysteries
recent books the dresden files and the wheel of time series i am saddened by the passing of robert jordan author of the wheel in time series i was awaiting the final book

more i am /was a medieval re-enactor i would say i am semi retire after 15 years life has changed and what can i say i am older

i made my own leather armor as you can see in some of my pictures i will be making a new suit with time and money permitting along with other leather goods

i am a Norse pagan if is my heritage what can i say

and lastly i have recently made the choice to extend my college education by attempting to get my degree radiology with a minor in psychology
movies sci-fi fantasy drama comedies
most notiable is 13th warrior star wars most all of them
star trek gladiator 300 the jerk the last samuri

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