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53 Year Old · Female · From Goose Creek, SC · fuMarried to: graywolf is ... · Owned by The Black Side ... and is worth 2,260,015 fuBucks. · Joined on January 24, 2017 · Relationship status: Engaged · Born on October 14th · 5 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 19 different people have a crush on me!
53 Year Old · Female · From Goose Creek, SC · fuMarried to: graywolf is ... · Owned by The Black Side ... and is worth 2,260,015 fuBucks. · Joined on January 24, 2017 · Relationship status: Engaged · Born on October 14th · 5 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 19 different people have a crush on me!

As of 5 April 2024 I am updating and deleting parts of my about me!!!

My name is Felicia Ann Newberry. I'll be 53 on 14 October 2024 (I'll be 46 on 14 Oct 17 this was when I first started on Fubar) & I'm a libra. I'm 4 ft 8. I have lost 182 lbs since 21 May 15, now I weigh 118 & I still have 30 lbs 2 lose. I have reddish brown long hair & hazelish green eyes, I was born on 14 Oct 1971 on Eglin AFB, Okaloosa County, Ft. Walton Beach, Fla. In my blood I have Irish, German, Scottish, English (UK side) & Cherokee Indian. (I am in the middle of a lawsuit right now against my job and Eastern Alliance Insurance company who was over 3 of my workman comp cases right now plus my job wrongfully terminated my employment while in this lawsuit. I do have a lawyer for the workman comp lawsuit but not a wrongful termination lawyer yet. I have to travel to Columbia, SC on 12 April 2024 for the deposition against workman's comp and my job and I am really scared due to the fact that I have never gone thru a deposition before. Thank god my mom and my kids are going to be there with me). Due 2 my exhusband hitting me in the back of head with a baseball bat I sometimes forget things people say. So please be patient with me if I reASK you things that you had told me before. I divorced him on 12 Apr 2000. I'm a single parent never married my boys father. Both my boys were in boy scouts & are South Carolina Special Olympics athletes. WE ARE NOT RICH BY NO MEANS. My boys luvs going camping. Brandyn & Grayson plays South Carolina Special Olympics sports. Both boys: bowling, tennis & golf. Grayson also plays basketball & soccer also. Brandyn is also more disabled than Grayson. Brandyn is Autistic, tourettes, has a bicuspid aortic valve (with an enlarged aorta & leaking valve), adhd, 56 days premature, living with 1 good kidney (on 3 July 03 he had surgery on his rght kidney 2 unblock the right kidney), his left kidney (before he was born) was a multi cystic dysplastic nonfunctional left kidney that was surgically removed on 13 Aug 2013, before he was born we found out that he had severe clubbed feet & had corrective surgery in March 2006 that is now failing, scoliosis, severe speech & developmental delays & stutters. My likes are: Reading: Romance Novels & kid's books. Sports: basketball, football, soccer, tennis, hockey, golf, swimming, gymnastics, bowling, volleyball Men: Loving, compassionate, caring & A MUST OF LOVING KIDS or stay out of my life, a gentleman (old fashion gentleman if possible), NON VIOLENT & NON ABUSIVE towards women & kids. IF YOU WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT ME PLS ASK!!! Please do not let this scare you off from talking to me okay!! ONE THING THAT IS OFF LIMITS IS MY ASS, MESSAGE ME AND I WILL EXPLAIN! So please don't let this stop you from talking to me.


I am an Air Force brat as 14 October (1971) 2024 for 53 years.

Most people have 1000 wishes. a soldier has 1. To come home safe 97% of you won't post this, but 3% & are supportive. In their honor of some one that died, a wounded warrior.or who is fighting for your freedom.please post this in their.honor.

53 Year Old · Female · From Goose Creek, SC · fuMarried to: graywolf is ... · Owned by The Black Side ... and is worth 2,260,015 fuBucks. · Joined on January 24, 2017 · Relationship status: Engaged · Born on October 14th · 5 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 19 different people have a crush on me!
Being with my family! Camping, bowling, swimming, tennis & fishing. I love to watch baseball, soccer, tennis, football (yes you read it right I am a football watching kind of gal), ice skating, Special Olympics games because both my boys are South Carolina Special Olympics Athletes.

As for my interest in men, IT IS A MUST THAT YOU LOVE CHILDREN ESPECIALLY CHILDREN WHO HAVE DISABILITIES as I have two boys who are now adults(born in 2000 and 2003) who are in Special Olympics. If you do not love children please delete me and please do not contact me!!! I am sorry I was a little harsh but I have gotten my heart broken countless times. My kids are my world so if you want to be included in my world please love children plus do not not be abusive towards me or my children as I have been in two abusive relationships that almost cost me my life on November 25, 1999 by my ex husband and then almost cost me and my youngest son's (Brandyn)life when I was pregnant with him on February 16, 2003 by my kids father who I never married.

Felicia Ann

All music except for rap and music that murder, death, rape or drug words in them.
My parents, my grandparents Lancaster/Findeiss (mom's side of the family) & Newberry/Branham (my father's side of the family), all my family
Video Games
POKEMON GO, Gummy Drop, Gin Rummy, Super Mario Bros, Zelda, Frogger,

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