I am not someone who much worries over whether someone rates my profile or photos after I rate theirs, and if they do, whether they do so now or next month; especially the way things are set up on this site, as someone I was acquainted with (Syn Derella) put it (and paraphrasing), my rates helped both of (me and another person) at the time (I hope and most of the time - not always), and whenever they return them, well, vice versa and no hurry truly and sincerely. I know that not everyone is of the same mind.
On the whole (to expand on an earlier blog, I guess, or rather compress, personalize, whatever, since absolutely no one can be ar**d to follow the copyright laws on this site) - on the whole, with exceptions due to my laziness and other things, I'll rate photos that
*I'm pretty sure you took
*or I'm pretty sure are in the public domain (I posted a link to copyright laws earlier)
*that general idea
but - yeah.
Did not want this - a variant of something I wrote some months back... - to disappear from the bulletin section after a brief while (though I will have to edit it for clarity.)
How to welcome newcomers?
1) Drop a link to your lounge on their comment section?
2) Drop your midget on their comment section (and something else, to make it look like a real comment)?
3) Say or comment Hello, welcome to fubar...
I'm lost here. Should one's interest be primarily in serving oneself with a side helping in welcoming the newcomer, or mostly welcoming with a few points gained from making the comment and becoming a fan maybe?
(Yes, even I can be sarcastic sometimes. Don't mind me.)
(And thanks to Proud Military Mom especially for reposting. I had not asked but I did appreciate ;) )
I have been allowing people in my family list to leave HTML in comments in my profile for awhile now. I forget how the permitted becomes the expected and soon one is stepping in photos. I need to be able to load my page quickly, and if people leave fewer comments because they're thinking about text to write rather than borrowing something from Friendster.Com Profile Images!, well, I can deal with that. Really. Heck with.
Not my policy, but fubar's un-fubar perfectly reasonable policy, which I shall be more actively enforcing on my profile.
(If you complain after I delete a comment or fail to approve it, and if you have or haven't bothered to read this, the TermsofService, etc., whatever- why should I care?)
Racy photo comments (by friends in my family who can post them) and text comments which make me think "isn't this a public area of the site? mightn't someone walk in on their parent at a bad time..." -
(the only areas where you're supposed to lock your doors- or which you have the option not to see at all- are the NSFW areas- blogs, photos, ...- not comments. So, I am putting the lid on -- a bit. One keeps one's area clean, or tries to.)
(Oh, in other news, the option to have one's actions invisible to others' in the "bar tab" is no longer a paid-user-only thing, I see...)
Said so awhile back but takes re-iteration I suppose... and more true now, than then. I rarely visit the bulletin section, I rarely post bulletins or repost them. It's like reading one's spam-tagged mail in hopes of coming across some... worse, really, much. If you post something in a bulletin and are surprised I didn't know about it - ... ah. If you want me to know about it there's a better chance, anyway, I will, if you post it in a blog. If it is essential that I know about it- find out my personal e-mail (I've put it in a reachable place) and mail me.
If someone is on my list (the person I was thinking about writing this to, a few minutes ago, isn't, but it reminded me), if they're not in my family or family material, participating in such boneheaded things as (but not limited to...) anti-downrater rampages; bulletins or blogs targeting people for things that aren't violations of the law or of the Terms of Service and essentially inviting others to harrass the people linked to; -- at my discretion of course, always at my discretion, I will often just ignore this it's true- but I will delete and perhaps block not the person in the bulletin, but the person posting it, or the person on my list following the link. (Or both, if I need to.) (If it really is a ToS violation, though, a bulletin is generally not the thing to do- write a bouncer. They won't and shouldn't answer other interpersonal spats but Terms of Service violations - like hate speech incitement - _are_ up their alley. Provide evidence- of course.) (If it's interpersonal but not a spat the police are probably the people to call, I suspect, not the site admins...)
stop sending requests to, and start dropping, people who (in their "about me" of their profile here, for example... this is site-related policy blog after all! ... ) proudly "don't give an expletive what others think" (any others, all others, without explanation, without qualification) and those who are proudly and generally apathetic, without further ado or explanation...
It's nice to be able to pretend that something's an ASpie thing when really one's just plain PISSED (off) - just joking on that last sentence.
is not first middle or last of my cares.
I don't take to ultimatums.
(Eg being told who I may not, or who I must, have on my list on a certain site will lead to perhaps irrational behavior- which I will not regret later. This is the in some cases belated/after-the-fact warning.)
I come to this site to decrease my anxiety. Someone who asks me to read their profile and sends me a friend request that shows that they have manifestly not skimmed let alone read mine- I am not going to agonize over how best to explain to them why I am denying their request, or try to get past the manifold barriers they have put up in their profile (very few methods of contact available, few of them appropriate) to ask them to provide more information or enter into a conversation -- so that I can ease my mind that we'd get along as CTFriends, that I wouldn't mind their having access to my protected blogs.
(Some people actively want people to join their lists and are fairly exhibitionist, blog- and photo-wise, though their attitude to making lasting friends may be more ambiguous; I do lose track of people, which I need to work on, but I am not a the-more-the-merrier person, I think, when it comes to adding people to my trust-lists.)
No. Deny it is, with people who can't be bothered.
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