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73 Year Old · Male · From Bowie, AZ · Joined on February 17, 2009 · Born on September 15th · 5 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
73 Year Old · Male · From Bowie, AZ · Joined on February 17, 2009 · Born on September 15th · 5 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!

Many years ago, I wrote a poem which was published last year. I had never named it, and after weighing between "Hope" and "Joy", I chose "Joy." It is very short and doesn't rhyme, but think about it.


Sundown is the promise,

Sunrise is the delivery,

Another day in your life is the goods,

And your love is the payment.

73 Year Old · Male · From Bowie, AZ · Joined on February 17, 2009 · Born on September 15th · 5 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
I love people, the good, the positive, the moral. Integrity, loyalty, decency. The interchange of encouragement, upbuilding in love. I love music, art, creativity, the mind, the heart. I love life. What a wonderful, free gift! How do we show our thanks? With love, and reaching for the best within ourselves, seeing the best in others. Smile.
Seeing the various ways that people treat this website, I reflect on their attitudes. Some have defined haters. I offer this definition: Haters are respect-challenged people who cannot recognize the rights of other persons to their own lives and thoughts; (haters are) persons who think that their own life has no value, so they hate life. Further, they see others whose lives do have value, so they are jealous of them and try to inflict damage to them by speaking bad about them, transferring their hate for themselves to them (or so they believe).
Lovers of life generally do not fall into the trap of downgrading others, but enjoy them, finding good in all, and praising them. Lift your glass to the good!

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  • respectful1 Wow! This os a great place to hang out with friends, meet new friends, and have fun w/o a hangover! Too bad they don't sell pot at the bar, though. On my opinion, this is the best social website there is. Everybody can do pretty much what they want to so long as they don't bother anybody else. There are some who do wrong to others, but they are usually handled quickly, and they don't come back. The bouncers are great, the security is great, fubar policies are, for the most part, great, and above all, the people here are great, and the friends here are great. Thank you, friends. You know who you are. Thank you. And keep on keeping on! Peace and Love!
    5 years ago · Comment

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