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40 Year Old · Male · From Glenwood, IL · Joined on June 7, 2007 · Born on September 5th · 1 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!
40 Year Old · Male · From Glenwood, IL · Joined on June 7, 2007 · Born on September 5th · 1 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!

I'm actively participating in the College education system at a local community college. Currently and almost always doing independent research on anything I find to be of social value or interest. I'm watching every horror movie I can get my hand on. I'm helping my buddy out in his computer business; setting up rigs, running cables thru houses, installing OS's. Slowing putting together a pet project involving Linux and the education system.

40 Year Old · Male · From Glenwood, IL · Joined on June 7, 2007 · Born on September 5th · 1 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone!

Alkaline trio, Marylyn Manson, NiN, Our lady peace, god lives underwater, Six Feet Under, Revolutions of ruin, Armour for Sleep, Nirvana, Alaska, Bad Religion, Smoking Popes, Fingertight, Rise againsts, Opeth, Authority Zero, Blindside, Thursday, Our Lady Peace, Social distortion, the exies, the dresden dolls, flyleaf, bif naked, Fear Factory, Saul Williams, Jason Webley, Nothingface Apartment 26, POE, Tom Waits, Dismemberment Plan, Kenna, Flogging Molly, Dry Kill Logic, Bob Dylan, The Beatles, A perfect circle, Tool, Biohazard, the black keys, Crystal Method, Dope, Dropkick Murphy's, Heavens, Earshot, Goldfinger, Gary jules, Greenday, The Hippos, Jets to brazil, Kenna, The Living End, Modest Mouse, Slipknot, Mudvayne, Offspring, Rammstien, Rollins Band, Sevendust, Stabbing Westward, Stutterfly, Sugar Cult, Taproot, Theory of a Dead Man, Thursday,
Pi, Momento, Requiem for a Dream, Below, Night of the living dead, Day of the dead, Dawn of the dead, Land of the Dead, Dog bites man, Slam, Hostel, Saw, Saw 2, Saw 3, Irrversible, Band of brothers, Gook war, Lost souls, THE EYE 2, Tell me something, Run lola Run, The princess and the warrior, Waking life, Ravenous, Shatter Dead, Undead, Dog soliders, Saving Pvt Ryan, Bad Boys 2, Amelie, City of lost children, Dark City, dumplings, three extremes, SILENT HILL, munich, The chumbscrubber, JFK, Savior, Cannible Holocaust, Shatter dead, knockaround guys, the following, Devils rejects, District B13, the Hitcher, texas chainsaw, the thin red line, the new world, the children of beslan, ghost in the shell, the wolf brigade, Darkman, Darkman 2, Darkman 3, Evil Dead, Evil Dead 2, Army of Darkness, Joyride, Needful things, Carrie, The Notebook, The Stand, The Shining, Edward sissorhands, Bettlejuice, Cabinet des Dr. Caligari, The thing, The Exorcist, Rosemary's baby, Shawshank's Redemption, The green mile, Dreamcatcher, Hearts in atlantis, Apt. pupil, The Dark Half, Misery, Dolores Claiborne, The lawnmower man, Cat's Eye, Final destination, Final destination 2, Final destination 3, Silence of the lambs, Red Dragon, Zodiac, The Blair Witch Project, The Blair Witch Project 2, They Live, Bubba Ho-tep, Series 7, A Bridge too far, D-day, 7 days before creation, Die Hard, James bond
Ti Jean
Henry Rollins
Chuck P
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silent hills, fucking all of them

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