I am gifted with the ability to remember some of my dreams I have..I usually try to keep a dream journal around but thats not easy to share.
THis Dream I had started out when I was 16 (dream age anyways) I was in this psuedo waterpark/Aquatic centre deal. I was having fun and went down this water slide which starts at one level of the building and ends at the bottom level of the building.
As I reached the bottom of the slide I splashed in the watter only to be jumped by 3 guys and held under water to drown....Apparently the lifegaurds had no eyes or were shocked to inaction as they did this to my dream self.I fought back and won but in the process my arm was crushed and so was one of my legs...I float on the water face down actually breathing in like I would oxygen....Then this dream leaves me and rushes into another one which is me in the future...
Dream age is about 20 something this time..Probably early since I have most of my hair. I was working for a company which branches outside of the building in a escalation of procedures. I'm friends with all the people who work there but I'm somewhat different from them. After a few sexual encounters from a brunette named Mary it again fast forwards.
It's now about this time in the future and it gets a tad bit strange this time. I was at the movies with my Brother in Law. Then this man...Danny I think his name was came up and tried to pick a fight with him and succeeded I think. After this section of the dream I went home and danny was staying with the family. The Minute I see him a push him up against the wall and told him I would kill him if he didn't leave right now.My father pulls me off and told me I'm tired and go to bed. So I did.
I spent about a hour trying to sleep then I tols my father what happened. He asked danny up stairs and here is the wierd part. My father removed a piece of skin at my temple and inserted a visual jack from some device. I play back the incident with my Brother in law and he sees for himself and asks Danny to leave. Danny refused and I grabbed danny and lifted him over my head.
While I was doing this my father explained I was in an accident when I was younger that I lost my arm, My Leg, and some minor brain damage in the memory centre of the brain which was corrected with cybernetic implants (The incedent at te aquatic centre) I throw Danny out then I wake up with a smile on my face..
Apparently the sexual encounter with Dream Mary was pretty damn good lol
The Slightly Eccentric dreamer type person