so this morning my cell kept goin off and finally i got up and seen who it was, it was nemacolins where my mom had worked b4 she died. i listened to the vm and called the woman back. she told me that there was a collection from the other housekeepers and from joe hardy himself the owner of nemacolins for me but it was distributed to larry. the dirty sneaky mexican my mom had dated and lived with b4 she had died.she did have me fax a copy of my moms funeral bill to them and they took care of that for me. now as far as larry goes, im raging right now, cuz i havnt talked to him since the end of march and couldnt understand y. i called my uncle lenny(my moms brothr) told him so he called larry. larry denied knowin anything about the collections or ever recieving anything. this dirty basturd is living it up on the money that was rightfully mine that everyone knows dam well my mom woulda never wanted him to have. sure they lived together on and off since my parents got divorced like 6 yrs ago but they were never married and for the past 2 yrs hardly spoke more than 2 words a day to each other and he slept on the couch and my mom in the bedroom. they were basically room mates. he had no fucking right to any of that money. my mom woulda wanted that for me and her grandkids to better our lives and get the fuck outa this area.
i know dam well the collections made were well more than enough that woulda let me not hafta work for atleast 2 yrs if i really wanted to. cuz nemacolins is like donald trump,2grand would be like 2cents to really fucking pisses me off that hed be this low of a person to do this to me and my mom.yes its just money and it would never bring back what matters the most, my mom but its just the simple fact it woulda bettered me and my kids like my mom wanted.he will get his wether its from me or from GOD himself for doing what he did.