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Snuglebut's blog: "Dear Melody.."

created on 12/29/2006  |  http://fubar.com/dear-melody/b38893
I've been working hard the last couple days on the site..we got a new roomate so i've been busy the last month or so but there are about 4-5 new entries...when and if you have the time let me know what you think :) much love and hope everyone is having a great night! Melodysedibles.com
Looking for roommate for 3 BR house 1.5 bath. Washer/dryer, small yard, living room, Dining Room/Office, Eat in Kitchen, Fireplace. Walking distance to downtown Northport and harbor. $600 + Utilities, 1 month security. Male or Female. Contact me for pictures!!
http://www.melodysedibles.com/ NEW POSTS!



can anyone help me??

i've been trying to post new pics for a while now, but everytime i try to the site shuts down my browser...wth is going on??

On a snowy night

There is a storm on it's way here and so what better night to sit home, have a couple drinks, and talk with friends online :) So if anyone is bored and doing the same, I have an idea. I just answered an inquiry on my site about a certain ingredient and found that i rather enjoyed looking up the answer trying to help :) No, i'm not suggesting everyone gather around me and ask me questions lol I'm not that self indulgent, trust me lol But If there are any other foodies out there who maybe would like to discuss and swap ideas i'm totally down I have about 20 new posts on my site complete with pictures. :) Melodysedibles.com Simply leave a comment or questions and suggestions there and i'll get back to you right away! I should be on for at least the next hour or so Hope everyone is having a great night!! <3


Melodysedibles.com 14 NEW POSTS!! This is still a work in progress but in the last couple days i've been doing a lot of work on it and so I figured i'd share it and see what ya'll think so far. If you know me you know that i'm both an aspiring chef and personal chef with that being said.. This will not be just a *blog* . My goal, in the very near future, is that I can offer you a chance to taste a lot of the dishes that I talk about on here. Pretty soon..by the end of the year..there will be options set up allowing you to purchase a few choice …delights? lol I’m also toying with the idea of doing gift baskets..and yes oh yes..even some desserts. If you like you can register to the site already. So whenever you have the time or are bored i would be greatful if anyone could give me some feedback on it :) Thanks so much!! Melody

bwahaha SPOT ON!

LIBRA September 24 - October 23 Ruling Planet: Venus - The planet in charge of beauty, love peace, and stirring sensuality Libra is one of the sexiest signs in the zodiac, but if Libra can't get what they want from one lover, they will opt for two! They are notorious for having double standards in that situation too. They'll look you in the eye and say "never cheat on me, coz I would never do it to you", even when they have a hot night of passion planned with someone else! Librans are more turned on 'giving' than 'receiving'. They have a big heart and are the least selfish sign of the Zodiac. Libras are not very open about their thoughts or fantasies. They'd rather say nothing than tell the truth and offend or embarrass you. In bed, it takes a while for them to be comfortable enough to tell you exactly what they want. FAVE POSITION As long as they are lying down, they're happy! BEST SEX TOY K.Y. Jelly. I will say no more! LIBRA MALE IN BED The Libra man sees sex as an exciting adventure and he'd be very keen to do it in kinky places like a restaurant toilet! He likes being a bad boy if there's a chance he might get caught. He'll try out any fantasy you have, but whether or not you can keep a tight hold on his heart remains to be seen. However, he can be a bit of a pushover, and is perfect husband material, and he'd prefer his lover to take the lead. He is romantic and considerate! LIBRA FEMALE IN BED The only thing that separates Libra men and women is what's between their legs!Libra girl wants a strong man who understands that she needs her individuality and freedom. She is turned off by burping, farting, and bad breath. Good personal hygiene is crucial if you want to get to 2nd base.Librans are very good at lying to get their own way. When your Libra girl groans in bed, look into her eyes to make sure she's not 'faking it'. THE BEST WAY TO TURN ON LIBRA Libra's Love Zone is their lower back and butt, so please, squeeze and pat your Libra's butt whenever you get a chance. When you're kissing, reach under his or her top and stroke the lower part of their back, starting in the middle and working your way down to their butt. Take your time and be gentle! To really drive your Libra wild? Have you ever heard of the term 'Rimming'???Does it surprise you that a high percentage of Libras are gay?

kinda pathetic

so we moved about a month ago..i love this place i truely do. my only gripe really is that i'm alone all the time. i'm in the best shape of my life. actually i don't even know what i'm trying to say. Who knew that 5 years into a relationship i'd have more questions than anwsers...if i were single do you think i'd have more friends? I'd give anything right now just to go into the villag and have a drink and some laughs with a friend ... anyways i'm out of ideas lol just a small vent i guess


Random Body: This may just be the most random survey you've ever taken!! 1. What is your best friend's Dad's name? Lon 2. What body part do you hate? ummm hmm can't really say..i'm pretty pleased..maybe my eyes, they're always lookin tired 3. Who was the hottest teacher you ever had? blah i can't remember his name..but he was pretty hot lol 4. Have you ever made out in a movie theater? yesum 5. What body part do you wash first? shampoo first 6. Do you have any piercings? tongue belly button and ears..used to have nose..want to get labret but jay won't let me lol 7. Do you have any tattoos? one big one 8. Is your driveway steep? naw not so much...just long 9. What's your favorite flavored Pringles? sour cream and onion, chilli cheese or pizza ^_^ 10. Have you ever been tied up? umm yes actually.. 11. Whats the weirdest thing you've been grounded for? lol i spent my entire adolesence being grounded..nothing wierd really..i got grounded for sneaking out or sneaking people in a lot 13. Have you ever had two dates in one night? dates? hmmm probobly...never really went out on dates it was more just *hey ya wanna hang out* lol 14. How many times have you been cursed at? oh more times than i can count lol 15. Which shoe do you put on first? the one that is nearest to me 16. How old are you? 26 i'm gettin old lol 17. Have you ever been to a gay bar? nope never 18. Have you ever had any Friends with Benefits? yes of course 19. Is there one thing all of your love interests have had in common? they're all assholes..no i'm kidding...all were sarcastic and had personality 20. Did you French kiss before you were 16? Yes 21. Have you ever been cow-tipping or snipe-hunting? no sir 22. Who is the last person you usually think about before you fall asleep? who knows lately dan, but i usually try not to think 23. have you ever had a song written about you? why yes i have 24. If you had to choose to not ever wash your bed sheets again or not wash your bath towel ever again, which would you do? ew ok both are kinda gross..umm i'd say towel i suppose..although i could always just change out the bed sheets... 25. Have you ever found anything in your parents' bedroom that was questionable? lol again..more times than i can count. 26. What was your childhood nickname? monkey, Mel, Boo 27. When is the last time you played the air guitar? i think the other day at the yard sale 28. Have you ever peeked in the opposite sexes locker room? lol yes actually..how can you not..don't ever go in there go it's rather gross lol 29. What's the weirdest thing you have done while driving? ummm put my leg out the window i guess 30. Have you ever bitten your toenails? lol probobly 31. How do you normally eat your Oreo cookies? don't eat them..but..in the rare occurance i do..with milk 33. Name something you do when you're alone that you wouldn't do in front of others??? i have no idea...i'm pretty much all out there..random...i'm wondering why the hell my contractors are listening to spanish music when umm they're clearly not spanish 36. How many drinks does it take before you get drunk? drunk...around 4 37. Why are you doing this survey? stuck in my house 38. Do you scrunch or fold the toilet paper? do a lil of both..i like to mix it up ya know 42. Have you ever stuck a foreign object up your nose? actually yes i have lol when i was a kid my dad too a piece of plastic and put it in his nose and pretended it was a booger...later on i found it..did the same and ended up snorting it..had to go to the hospital to get it removed lol the shit you remember 45. Have you ever called your love interest by another girl/guys name? LOL yes..and in my defense i was drunk..it's his fault for taking advantage of me!! 46. Have you ever gotten caught sleeping while on a date? yeah but it was like 3 am it was a long day 47. Have you ever played naked twister? no but i think back fondly on many a game of strip poker ^_^ 48. Have you ever been drunk at work/school? yes yes yes yes yes sure why not 49. Have you ever found your date's brother or sister to be hotter then your date? i'm sure i have 50. How many Bryce's do you know? my baby cousin ..actually he's not really a baby anymore but..one 51. What makes you laugh? home alone 2, people falling down, russelll peters, other people laughing, politically incorrect shit, overtly zealous religious people, luke, jason , sarcasm, my brother..shall i continue?
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