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44 Year Old · Female · From Northport, NY · Invited by: bryan secrest · Joined on November 29, 2006 · Born on October 1st · 104 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
44 Year Old · Female · From Northport, NY · Invited by: bryan secrest · Joined on November 29, 2006 · Born on October 1st · 104 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!

First things first...if you have a gf or a wife who's gonna be scoping out my page cus i checked you out..move on...if we become friends and then you get a gf who has a problem with it..keep going. I'm so not about the drama or the bullshit petty cat fights..grow a pair and then we can talk otherwise you're useless to me..with that being said....

I love the first snow of winter, i love the way the leaves smell in fall, i love the fresh scent of Spring and the way the city seems to come alive, i love the sweaty smell of Summer and lazy days laying in the sun. Cooking is my passion. To me there is nothing better than someone euphorically enjoying and consuming something you've created. Food is love. I love to laugh till i cry, and cry until i laugh. I'm emotional yet closed off and if by chance you touch my heart..i promise you that you will always be there. There is nothing i wouldn't do for the ones i care about. I enjoy long discussions lit by candlelight highlighted with beautiful music. Politics and religion are never out of the question. I think dialogue fueld by such passion is incredibly arrousing...and the intelligence that comes with it turns me on like no other. It's incredibly hard to offend me and i'm a great listener. However despite all this I don't reveal too much of myself. I fall in and out of love easily and you would never know that it even happened. I'm loyal to a fault. I'm the chic who emptied out her change purse into the hand of a homeless woman in the middle of midtown *yes i get reprimanded* lol I believe in the happy ending yet I always root for the bad guy. I'm both the madonna and the whore. I can be your little girl and the woman of your dreams. I'm just me, and while i'm still trying to figure out who that is i have no regrets. Change is inevitable, i'm never done being surprised, and i wouldn't want it any other way.

All about yourself...the survey.
All about yourself...
First name?:: Melody
Middle name?:: Lynn
Like your name?:: I'd rather be a Joey or an Alex..but it's unique enough i guess
Named after anyone?:: No but i was named Melody cus my daddy is a musician so it has some meaning
Any nicknames?:: Snuglebut,Snuggs,Shorty, Melly
Age?:: 26
Birthdate?:: October 1st 1980
Birthplace?:: Des Plains, IL
Time you were born?:: 11:32am I know this cus without fail my mother feels the need to tell me that at this time i was pushing you out of my vagina..two inches from my butthole..how nastalgic. lol
Current location?:: Long Island, NY
Height?:: 5'0"
Like your height?:: yeah why not..i don't mind being an arm rest for all you gigantic people ^_^
Eye color?:: dark brown
Contacts/glasses?:: i have night driving glasses..haven't seen them in YEARS
Hair color?:: black
Natural hair color?:: reddish brown
Dye your hair often?:: every so often till i get bored iwth a color or want to do something new
Righty or lefty?:: righty
Your favorite...
Type of music?:: anything that makes me feel
Band or singer?:: my daddy *singer* band..again anything or anyone that evokes emotion
TV show?:: Prison break, grey's anatomy, the office, law and order svu, CSI,Sopranos, desperate housewives, Autopsy..
Movie?:: impossible to anwser right now..Happy Feet..*i hear people wanting something...ME!* bwahaha fucking adorable lol
TV channel?:: A&E,discovery, travel, history..
Radio station?:: Z100,Krock..sattelite
Place to be?:: in his arms
Thing to do?:: cooking!!! listening to music
Food?:: give me a break lol that's impossible..can never go wrong with surf and turf
Non alcoholic drink?:: water
Alcoholic drink?:: long island iced teas, kettle one, merlot, reisling, get the idea? lol
Animal?:: english bulldog..a lil more exotic..panda bears
Holiday?:: if i HAD to pick..probobly christmas..depending on how broke i am lol maybe 4th of july?
Season?:: fall/winter
Sport?:: boxing!!
Place to shop?:: grocery store hands down..for clothing NY&CO..to just spend money..target
Clothing brand?:: anything that looks good on me i can't really be bothered
Scent?:: burning leaves..sauteed onions and garlic
Restaurant?:: wasabi..japanese hibachi
Fruit?:: peaches and kiwi,tomatos
Vegetable?:: brussel sprouts,asparagus,broccoli,cauliflower
Fast food restaurant?:: Burger King, white castle..although i HATE it the next day lol
Pizza topping?:: cheese garlic mushrooms..depends on my mood..i'm crazy about chicago style deep dish though
Ice cream flavor?:: don't like ice cream but..chocolate and peanut butter..which is weird cus i don't like chocolate either
Magazine?:: any cooking magazine, cosmo
City?:: NYC baby
Color?:: royal blue
Number?:: 69..hell idk lol
This or that...
Chocolate or vanilla?:: neither
Pepsi or coke?:: neither don't drink caffeine..have to choose..coke
Hot or cold?:: cold
Black or white?:: black
Dog or cat?:: bulldog/MY cats
French toast or pancakes?:: french toast
French fries or onion rings?:: fries
Hamburger or hot dog?:: cheeseburger with the works/chicago style hot dog complete with celery salt
Pepperoni or sausage?:: both
Britney or Christina?:: i'm 26..like i give a shit
McDonalds or Burger King?:: Burger King..although a big mac now and then suits me just fine
50 Cent or Eminem?:: eminem
Canada or Mexico?:: never been to canada so i choose viva la mexico!
Hug or kiss?:: nose smooch!
Movies or TV?:: tv...i'm too antsy to watch movies..although lazy sunday days are good for that
Truth or dare?:: depends on how much i've had to drink..take that however you want lol
Do you...
Shower daily?:: i'm unemployed..enough said.
Sing in the shower?:: when i'm happy yes :)dance too lol
Like to sing?:: yes
Like to dance?:: LOVE IT
Smoke?:: yes
Drink?:: yes
Cuss?:: mother fucker you better believe dat shit
Talk to yourself?:: ALL the time lol
Believe in yourself?:: i'm trying..man oh man am i trying
Play an instrument?:: the skin flute NO i'm kidding lol nopers i don't
Go to school?:: nope
Go to college?:: no
Have a job?:: technicly..no.
Like your job?:: no.
Want to get married?:: someday maybe
Want to have kids?:: like you wouldn't believe..when i'm ready
Get along with your parents?:: don't really talk to them and they live in another state so yes lol
Get along with your siblings?:: see previous answer
Drive?:: yesum and i'm a good driver ^_^
Do you think you're trustworthy?:: depends on what you're trusting me with.
Think your funny?:: does smart ass qualify as funny?
Ever toilet papered someones house?:: yes and egged
Gone garbage can tipping?:: no that's retarted lol
What are your parents names?:: Deborah and Gary
Siblings names?:: Gary Michael
Do you wash your hands frequently?:: i cook alot so yes
How many time a day do you brush your teeth?:: usually once
Collect anything?:: cook books, recipes, boy shorts, online boyfriends..that last one was a joke
Ever been in love?:: everyday...more times than i can count
In love right now?:: yes
What color pants are you wearing right now?:: white
How does your hair look?:: pulled back into a ponytail
Ever had your heartbroken?:: everyday..more times than i can count..it's life..
Ever broken the law?:: yes
Been arrested?:: lol yes..jail..the whole sha-bang..you want the story..and if you've gotten this far..hit me up lol
Been out of the country?:: a few times
Can you stick your fist in your mouth?:: nopers
When was the last time you got drunk?:: umm last night
Do you do drugs?:: not anymore..pretty much done it all though besides the real heavy shit..coke may have been the heaviest
When was the last time you were high on anything?:: last july when i went to my cousin's wedding reception..my bro made me smoke a bowl...hahaha@the word fork lol i'm a moron when i'm high i giggle a lot
Do you prefer the lights on or off?:: dimmed..or candle light
Would you ever get plastic surgery?:: not for vanity reasons...i'm not that into myself lol
Do you prefer boxers or briefs?:: on a man? boxer briefs
Do you like to laugh?:: love it..especially when you laugh so hard you get the silent laugh and tears roll out your eyes and then when you finally do catch your breath a snort comes out..have i said too much lol
Ever had a bloody nose?:: i was a tom boy..of course lol
Have you ever caught a fish?:: lol once..and it was my very first try..and with a net lol
What was the last thing you ate?:: burgers in gravy mashed potatos corn and garlic crescent rolls..love comfort foods :)
What time do you go to bed?:: whenever i pass out
What's your favorite color?:: you asked this already asshat, royal blue
Do you like to give or recieve?:: I love LOVE to give..it gives me a high..and the truth is that hen you give..you really get so much more in return.
Are you obsessed with anything/anyone?:: i obsess over everything..but never anyone.
Do you live alone?:: no
Do you own a blender?:: yes of course..and plenty of other kitchen gadgets i never use lol
Do you like the snow?:: i love it
Ever been up a mountain?:: believe it or not..yes lol
Ever been rootin'?:: is this a southern thing and does it involve farm animals?
Do you like surprises?:: only the good ones
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44 Year Old · Female · From Northport, NY · Invited by: bryan secrest · Joined on November 29, 2006 · Born on October 1st · 104 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
Stubborn,strong. I can be the biggest sweetheart, however fuck with my emotions and i'll drop you like you never existed. *smooch* <33333333 5'0 piercings, tat, intelligent, open-minded, sarcastic so if u make an ass of urself in front of me more than likley i will call you on it. idealistic, striving to be ambitious, hey that works right?
www.urfixup.com I'm a housewife..currently my hobbies consist of trying to get some sleep, taking care of 4 spazzed kittens...and Law and Order SVU fun shit eh? p.s i like when people comment on my pics...just sayin.. *wink wink* , Marines, cammies, guns, light eyes and dark hair, confidence, sarcasm, honesty, candles and music. Men that can dance, butterflies in my tummy, mystery, east coast accents, guys taller than myself *nice range eh? ;)* NYC, girth:D,merlot, tans, short hair, scary movies What is guaranteed to lose my interest...close-minded people, ignorance, target-market..u do ur thing i'll do mine,drama, stress, insecurity, people who judge before knowing the facts,grudges, cockyness, hypocricy, and stupidity..i swear it won't hurt you to think before you open ur damn mouth
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There pretty much isn't anything I don't listen to. I love celtic music! Soundtrack to Gladiator and Braveheart calms me and makes my heart beat faster all in the same. James Blunt, Crossfade, Coheed and Cambria,Hinder, Nickleback, Aerosmith, Metallica, Lincol Park,Tool, Tim McGraw and Keith Urban *yeah i said it..what?* LOVE southern rock!! Lynard Skynard, Michael Buble, Elton John,Johnny Cash, anything 80's anything 60's..Love Motown! If i continue this it will go on forever...basicly if the song speaks to me i'm sold..anything from country to metal to classical and jazz i'm a whore when it comes to music and i love it!
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I'm an avid fan of Horror Flicks..which now adays it's hard to come by a good one...House of 1000 Corpses, The Devil's Rejects, Cannible Holocaust, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Amityville Horror, Clockwork Orange..you get the idea. 40 yr old Virgin, Badder Santa, Blazing Saddles, Kentucky Fried movie, Office Space, Swingers, The Notebook *if you're a bird..i'm a bird* :) to name a few :) and yes i'll admit..Home Alone cracks me up lol i love LOVE war movies..Saving Private Ryan, We were soldiers, The Patriot, Black Hawk Down, Full Metal Jacket *what's your major malfunction numbnuts?!*, any Saw movie, Hostil, I'm not really into girly movies on and of course..Wedding Crashers *wanna play a game called just the tip..just for a minute..just to see how it feels?* *proper girl in the hat just eye fucked the shit outta me* Anything with Vince Vaughn i'm a fan of.
I read... a LOT! I usually have 3-4 books going at once. Currently reading The Notebook...but majority of my reading time is taken up with Non-Fiction. One might say I have a morbid fascination with Serial killers..before you think i'm a freak..i have to say it's the forensics of it all that fascinates me. example: I own every book written on Scott Peterson and the trial. I like reading ghost stories and things that make me turn my head to see if anyone is there *what was that noise??* type things. At the same time i'm usually reading 2 or more cook books...my collection of them is obscene.

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Activity Feed

  • RonniePonyStrongSnuglebut
    Happy Birthday

    4 years ago · Reply
    Hey sweetie..it has been a while..happy holidays..

    16 years ago · Reply
  • tokinSnuglebut
    Happy (belated) Birthday! I hope it was a good one.

    16 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ Snuglebut

    16 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ Snuglebut
    Happy Birthday!

    16 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ Snuglebut
    whats up?

    16 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ Snuglebut
    I see you scrollin.You hatin'.Tryin' t'catch you scrollin' dirty.

    16 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ Snuglebut
    CNN just reported that gas stations will start playing porn at the pumps so you can watch someone else getting fucked at the same time you are!!!!

    16 years ago · Reply
  • stevieSnuglebut
    thanks for the add :)

    16 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ Snuglebut
    Me too...I think it just may work, finally. Buddha knows I've tried enough times.

    16 years ago · Reply
  • Garet ever risi...Snuglebut
    Hello beautiful, I hope you have an awesome weekend...(-:

    16 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ Snuglebut
    Yeah, she didn't care much either.Much better off as friends. So we live together, until we go our seperate ways.

    16 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ Snuglebut
    Oh!I'm moving to Shell Beach.Leah and I are...pretty serious.So yeah, I'm moving in with her.

    16 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ Snuglebut
    We made better friends than anything.I wasn't feelin' it, so I ended it awhile back.She's moving to Chicago here soon.

    16 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ Snuglebut
    I made your mushrooms for Leah.She LOVED them.(The bacon and cream cheese ones, that is. I can't exhaust your bag of culinary tricks all on the first date, eh?)How have you been?I is movin'!

    16 years ago · Reply
  • CC007Snuglebut
    HAPPY EASTER YOU SWEET SEXY THANG!!! ;) ;) ;) @--)--)-------

    16 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ Snuglebut
    I could see your heart breaking.and I didn't need a clue.All I need is something.That can only come from you.A friend,a shoulder,Whatever you need.I will always be there for you,A friend,always,indeed.

    17 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ Snuglebut
    Love you too, Melly.♥

    17 years ago · Reply
  • Someone ⇒ Snuglebut
    Can do, Boss!

    17 years ago · Reply
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