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Crazed2APoint ENIGMA WRAPPED IN FOOLISHNESS's blog: "Crazed Times"

created on 12/19/2006  |  http://fubar.com/crazed-times/b36145  |  2 followers

Ok so this was something I posted on one of my friend's post on Facebook. It was a picture talking about Alton Sterling's police record. Not trying to spark a Facebook debate that leads nowhere. Just putting my feelings out there about how I see us as humans reacting to the things going on right now..... 


I wasn't gonna get into any of these topics on Facebook because these things just devolve into stupid back and forths that accomplish nothing. But after reading this post and the comments within this I just gotta say this.... Do I think Sterling was some great guy? No. Do I think the cops that killed him are racist? No clue. To me I don't look at this fully as a race thing. I look at it as an incompetence thing. SOME cops these days are just not good at their jobs. Whether it's from bad training. Them not screening the officers properly to make sure they're intelligent and able to handle pressure packed situations. Or just a case of good people that let the power of the badge go to their heads. There is no justification for what happened in the Sterling killing. I've seen all the angles of the video, and I seen the cop reach deep into Sterling's pocket and pull the gun out. They weren't in danger an they killed him. They had the upper hand in the situation. Was it because of race? Would this have gone different if he were white? We'll never know. But what we do know from the video this situation didn't have to end with ANYBODY losing their life. And all of this goes for the Castile shooting as well who had a 4 year old child in the backseat of the car when that killing happened. Killing somebody should never be the first or second resort. You don't kill somebody as a middle ground. It should always be the last resort and that's not what this was.


The thing that happened in Dallas is awful. The cops that got shot there didn't deserve what happened to them. But it pisses me off when I see a whole race blamed for the actions of a few. And that goes in all directions. Black, white, Hispanic, people from other countries ect. Now because of the actions in Dallas it's being called the start of a race war. Blacks are going out killing white cops. This was the work of 1 person. 1 insane idiotic hateful person. He doesn't represent the majority. He doesn't represent half of us. He doesn't even represent the thought process of not even 2% percent of the black race. Just like the KKK doesn't represent even 2% of white America. This was an unfortunate thing that happened because some people in this world are just flat out insane.

So basically my main points are that there are NO group of people, religion, profession (cops) that are all bad. The majority of human kind are good people (I like to believe). But we all just have the few bad seeds that can make a whole group look bad. People need to stop letting the actions of a few people dictate their views. The media is all about sensationalizing any and every story they get. They will push agendas to keep a story going. And a lot of people just believe EVERYTHING the media and the government tells us without looking into these issues and researching and forming our own opinions based on what we ourselves find out. We have the Internet. We have all the information at our fingertips, but we rarely use it. The world is bigger than just my experiences. The world is bigger than just the experiences of the people I know. Expand your mind and realize we need to stop painting full pictures of groups based on the few.

Happy Birthday Dad. 2012

''Another year goes by, another tear wiped from my eye,

Wish i handled it better, but can't conceal a good cry.

For every tear that drops, hope you know it's for you Pop's,

We were the type of guys that never said ''I love you'' a lot,

But for every tear that rolls it shows the love was there and never stops.

Going through a rut without you but what can i do or say?

My family was dealt this card that we had no choice but to play.

Now you're looking down on me, but i hope you're proud of me,

Picked up where you left off as far as taking care of the family.

Don't worry bout Mom i got her, take care of her forever and a day,

Even when i feel lost without you, i know you'll show me the way,

Funny how you gain more appreciation when someone goes away,

But i'm making up for that by tryin my best to honor you in the best way.

You weren't perfect, neither was i or anybody else in humanity,

But here i am missing you dearly, so you must've done somethin right apparently.

Even when you messed up, your heart was in the right place,

can't get mad, You made me happy, you made me sad, but the love never faded, you're my dad.

So i hope you're with my uncles acting up in the clouds  as you enjoy your day,

I'll be down on earth looking up at the sky wishing you a happy Birthday.''


Never a day that you're not on my mind. Never a day i where i stop loving you. Happy Birthday Dad. Until we meet again <3

Maybe I'm Jealous


written to the beat and vibe of this song by Slum Village ''Selfish'' for those to lazy to click the link :P


I'm digging you so much, it's fuckin driving me crazy

Don't know how to come out and tell you without being funny

Don't know if you ever look at me in a way other than friendly

Try to pick up on hints of anything waiting on a sign

I'm seeing chances but i'm scared to overstep the friend line

I'm getting jealous over dumb shit and you're not even mine

And not even sure if you ever thought of it, might just be in my mind

You're already in my heart, but i'm just the friend so i play my part

Even though someday it might be the very thing that tears me apart

Shit, i'm fucking up, i really need to breathe and calm down

So deep into these feelings that i just might drown

Love it when you smile, it's infectious, causes me to smile to

Seems to be a daily thing cus i always smile cus of you

Yeah it's true, can't deny it, pick on me, have at it

I'm addicted to your smartassness, it's fuckin fantastic

I also love when you present your ass and tell me to kiss it

You're an asshole but i'd do it, so just hand me my chapstick

I keed i keed, until you really ask me to do it anyway

Drop what i'm doing if you seriously ask me to do it today

No shame, i'm a freak and i  get to touch you so i can't complain

Just don't tell me to leave right after, cus i'd rather be staying

Cus you done drove me kookoo, a bird from out the kookoo nest i flew

I got a screw loose, i don't take the meds the docs told me to

12 step to sanity program, but 2 steps was all i could do

Point is, i'm crazy, but i don't mind being crazy about you


So yeah, fuck it i'm jealous

Hate the dudes around you, i can't help it

So yeah, fuck em i'm selfish

I want you to myself, i can't help it

So yeah, fuck it i'm selfish

I look at a falling star and make a wish

So yeah, i'm so damn selfish

Give up a billion wishes in exchange for that one wish

Tyler Durden
I'm trapped by her pearl - and her legs are wrapped around me, music caressing our ears and it sounds like a stream. But, that's okay, 'cause that's his girl, and she don't give a crap about me. But, I'll make her toes curl, and that's actually. She liked my smile, so she gave me a whirl and that's factually. Not exactly what she found me to be - I beat her mound like a beast. And, that's life when you're a mammal. My friends call me 'Danny'... but you can call me 'Daniel.' Hungry like presa canario - I treat her like a cocker-spaniel, rippin' shit up on the animal channel, after I poured us glasses of pinot grigio and lit the candles. We danced naked, fingertips caressin' love handles - no need for lingerie or sandals. I'm takin' her birthday suit like a vandal. Thank you for your tithe. I'm glad that God gave you life, but you could never be my wife. You can play the butter. And, and I'll be the hot butter knife. It's gonna be a long night. I'll make you speak in tongues and stutter right. And, that's all this is - you're a piece of glass. And, I cut it on sight. I see through you. I feel through you, and tha's all right.

It's been a long night, lust outta sight
bodies intertwine as our skin painted by the moonlight
we damn near combusted once lust turned into friction
bodies grinding so hard it seems unreal, must be science fiction
aye girl just listen, ya hear that sub woofer bass?
our bodies move to the bass line love the look on your face
biting yo lip so hard you draw blood, i'm sick so its a turn on
don't love you, but love what you do, now it's your turn on....
top, don't like peeps all over my jock, but don't stop
screaming bloody murder caused the neighbors to call the cops
tick tock, clock ticking but for us feels like the world stopped
only thing moving is us and the sub woofer when the bass knocks
for me it's a good time, for you it might be addiction
the look on your face from the gasm looks like some affliction
and damn girl how you gonna walk with all of that twitchin?
twisting around got you caught up in a whole notha position
so we start again, kissing, bitin, lickin and nibb-a-lin
i know i'm doing somethin right when i feel your nails diggin in
good thing i'm a one woman man won't have another lady inspectin
my body for marks, its time like this when single life is a blessin
causing bodily eruptions that left some of your liquids missin
like i'm about to be now that i've completed my misson
told ya from the start if this was relations of the heart
that after the night we just had we would never be apart
but don't look at it as a goodbye i'll still see you around
never know, maybe recreate the scene, act 2 of all this goin down
but i'm not a fortune teller, i can't tell ya what's ahead for us
and i'm so sorry that you confused love and lust between us
it was only lust, and i'm sorry but for me that's never enough
love that you love it soft, love that you love it rough
love how you feel, love that when it's rough, you handle it like you tough
love how it seems like you could never get enough
but the keywords in that are that i'm done, don't like it then ''tough''
i'm tired of pretending when it comes to that i've had ''enough''
i'm sorry it couldn't work out but in this world, that's life and it's ''rough''

Are these reflections of yur psyche?
Cause it sounds a lot like me
Brothers in illusion
A sensual collusion
The mind is first to go, and then begins the flow
a lusty, heady mix
pulled from my bag of trix
Helpless as you are, wanting to be my shining star
but the chase is my first love....

and the killer made the confession, how the chase demands attention, it plays itself and lends itself, the same as my affection..i wrestle with my inner ease, but settle for the inner beast, a tractor beam of sorts it seems,i relinquish thoughts of inner peace, replace with thoughts of demon queens, the time has come, im comin clean. ive finally found the place im from, the things ive seen, are magazines, she graced the pages magically, she lends herself to fantasy, anatomy drastically responded by simply askin me, what exactly is the filthiest of things, that youve ever seen, i replied, of 75 postions in this magazine, im currently at 63, well let me show you some things,..she pulled the strings on her top, she's tuggin, my heart popped, as the fabric hits the floor, im already at 64, she took her time to 65, im try'n arrive alive, i got 10 more commandments before we can end the night....



The way this lady is movin, hella erotic yet soothin
she knows the mag, obviously a pro at what she doin
flip the script on me, magnum to the lower anatomy
and if memory serves me correctly, this is the best...
the cure to misery, but she's becoming a riddle to me
can't figure out what page she's on
keeping up is hard when dealing with a lady lexicon
but i'm onnnn it, lovin every second of it
flippin the pages so fast that i  got a paper cut, shit!
she didn't care, took my hands and licked the fingertip
sucked on it a little bit, such a vamp, but i'm diggin it
kinda sick, but all's fair in lust and liquids
love can't exist here, but i think she's writin as we go
thought i was on page 75, but now i really don't know
emotions show, in the flow of our movements
was it the heat of the moment or the hearts involvement?
she pushed me offa her, said she had more to offer
climbed on top and instantly became my favorite author
now i can't get her off of my mind, infected my brain
read the liner notes, i was thanked for lettin her drive me insane
and i can't even complain, or look at her with disdain
for changing the book, but what the hell was her name?



awwwwwwww im shook, i swear it took, me, lemme count, 1.2.3, fuckin closest thing i can offer, she was off when i was on her, then on when i was gone, hollerin at this other jawn...lemme ramble on, so im like hey, started shootin game like an A-K, whoomp this,and whoomp that, damn the ass's fat set my 40 on it and i never got it back....like that! soooooooooo, as the story goes...its 5:45 and im on the way home, seen her standing all by herself and all alone...im like yoooooo...i think that we should bone, so you think that im a hoe? im like no, but ya dont exactly look like you got a place to go, sooooooooooooooo.......



The darkness is my kin, the stage for mortal sin
a night of endless pleasure that only we could measure
and now I'm skinspent, wondering where my shadow went
the light has made it known, I'm once again on my own
and the reality of my mortality once again hits home
for a moment it was real, the ways she made me feel
the passion was our guide, and we poured through the turns
no thought for rhyme or reason just enjoying the ride
a modern day Bonnie and Clyde? I don't know. that's a question for the soul to decide
but the daylight beckons nearer and my thoughts turn back inside
I know no more than this, after the stitch of carnal bliss, I can still taste that kiss....

My Dad

Aight Some of ya'll already know what's going on and have a lot of details some don't. But i wanted to write this to let my other friends on here know whats going on so they don't worry if they don't see me on here as much for a lil while.

On wednesday night i had got news that my dad had died in a car crash. Needless to say i have not been doing good over here. On top of that, 15 mins after finding this out about my dad, i also found out that i have 1 half brother, and 2 half sisters that i NEVER knew anything about. That situation will have to be a whole other blog altogether whenever i feel like writing about it....  This has been the hardest time of my life and this has broken me in every single way possible. i go from feeling numb to breaking down at any given time. Today and tonight i have been better. I just feel detached from everything though. But i am trying my best to keep my head up during all of this and i know me and my family will be alright at somepoint.

Well there it is. A look into my life at the moment. And i wanna make sure that all of you that knew about this before reading this, and who have offered me support and have been texting me and calling to check on me, or help get my mind off of things and help me joke around and feel normal, and the ones reading this right now who cared enough to click on this blog to find out what was going on with me I LOVE YA'LL.  ya'll have no idea how much that truly meant to me and has helped me. I don't wanna name anybody, just know that if you have texted or called or sent messages on here this is to you and from the bottom of my heart i thank ya'll. But i'll be around. Just gonna be sporadic for a lil while. Aight now that i have totally made the last part of this blog so sweet it rots the teeth. i'm out for now. Ya'll be good until i am back here full time. Once i'm back, you may resume chaos :P Peace

Rhyme session with Ant

You might say that I'm apathetic.
I don't care enough to dispute that

ANT the RANT Brass Knuckle Poets Society said:

Apathetic to protect what beats so fragilely,
Pathetic to think I could defeat feelings that I truly believe,
Sympathetic to such a degree, that other people couldn't care to see,
When a heart bleeds, what pours out is what we unwillingly concede,
We hold fast to our dreams, and don't speak of these things that make us weak,
We wear our masks, and conceal our true selfs, for fear of being a human being,
Emotionally upside down, so much that we can't tell the floor from the ceiling,
So we sit spinning on ceiling fans, grinning ignorant and feeling grand,
Watching the coffee table circle around our dangling hanging hands,
reaching for the remote for a semblance of control, over our daily demands,
In this digital world, of holograms, and personality scams it's hard to be a man,
My keyboard holds the key to my plans, I hit.. Option, then Escape, with Command.
Abort task, and learn to just sit back and relax, and read between the lines like a fax.


I keep my ear to the street,
and i listen to it's heartbeat,
look all around me, see roses growing right from the concrete,
feed it with drops of my blood but keep it discreet,
showing signs that i care will be used against me,
constantly, begging for a lil bit of sanity,
sorry, that was my insanity speaking...
i actually love my fucked up mentality,
brutality is more my thing,
fatality to quickly ends things,
i'm at my wits end thinking about the same things...
on a day to day basis,
i see all to familar faces,
those who are faithless,
and the ones so phony they're faceless,
i begin to feel restless,
but the blood is never on my hands, i'm like steel, i'm stainless,
use your brain less and less,
puts a stop to all progress,
so keep it moving and the future can be anybodies guess,
i've never claimed to be the best,
i'm a realest, i'm heart felt just get things off my chest...
the realest person you'll ever know in your life,
the type to snatch life right from your windpipe,
you won't miss it you weren't even using it right...
taken everything for granted,
seeds already planted....
weeds growing in the garden i always seen it comin,
you gave into temptation and left your world dented,
try to reach for the sky but your feet were cemented,
and i did that to teach you a lesson and cus i am demented...
been having an odd world view lately,
but hopefully the apathy i feel daily,
will be something locked in my personal history
can only move forward when your mind state is right
happiness is a real and always worth the fight
so i take my deep breath and remind myself every night
that all apathy aside, each day i wake can be alright

ANT the RANT Brass Knuckle Poets Society said:

Reel the real, mirror's in my face, but the image... is never really clear,
so surreal... to feel... so artfully artificial, articulate aficionado, with automatic android tears, I avoid crowds to get my inner-thoughts clear, from the pressures of an inner-city atmosphere, I sit amongst the winners there, in class to pass, but played the rear, a player punk'd by the pressures of his peers, learned to lead, concerned with what it takes to succeed, I used to burn the weed, then I turned 30, and needed to breathe, needed to believe in me, goals needed to be achieved, reality, live the life outside the 2D screen, no lies on live tv, my eyes too tired to see, these guys are nothing that I strive to be, so I walk in righteous dignity, self-assured defined by my own kind of divine divinity, my holy trinity, is mind, body and spirituality, heart on my sleeve, so hard to believe, until you sit and cry with me, I'm no angel, but I try to be, see the angle from a wide degree, 360... 5 days left to bleed, calender pages, fall to the floor like loose leafs, can't always be kickin it like bruce lee, fists of fury, clintching a fifth, with vision's blurry, Judas in my midst, keep your judgments for the jury, and I'm not budging, there's no hurry, budget the morally bankrupt, and give the opposite, big bucks, to those that deserve a come-up, Let's see what type of world will turn-up, for the rest of us, In Corrupt We Trust, the symbols on my currency, interestingly enough, go unnoticed as long as we can buy stuff that we love, I'm too in love, to practice tough-love, so I fantasize over lady luck, I want to rough-her-up, compromise my values, because the value, I place on valuables, validate, the validity, of my existence in this universe, sorry no time for you and I to verse, I'm on my way to buy my second wife, a designer purse, and a pack of lifesavers, to symbolize that my life's work got worse, haunted house in the middle of the suburbs, I'm such a giver, so I selfishly act charitable, the child on tv gets his or her, a life fully sponsored, but all I need is the life that I deserve, so I sit out on the side of the curb, disturbed, like the rest of the garbage on a Thurs, a hope to be recycled, or at the least get my life refurbished, with some superficial polish, and I'm nervous, hoping that my true colors don't surface, rusted faith, bruised, busted and scraped, with war-paint, mirror's in my face... but the image... is never really clear, just like I said in the first place. here to repeat the same mistakes, groundhogs day, same day, different year, trapped in between time and space, or however we define the moments that we waste away... before it all disappears.


Hard to decipher thoughts, of past things fought,
pride and happiness can't be bought, remember all you're taught,set to walk the walk, never listen to things people talk,
haters stalk, try to trip you up on your way to the boardwalk,
big money dreams, busting at the seams, precise like a laser beam,
cut from a different cloth extra clean, you push weight in the streets but i stay lean,
look at everything i'm seeing, have seen, maniacal laughter from below from the unseen,
demons around the scene, always come extra mean, unforeseen circumstances try to take away sights so serene...
brain hemorrhaging events, never knew what they meant, i'm always on a search for things that are heaven sent...
set to create happiness in any event, resentment leads to self confinement, so shackled i have never been,
hell will always be hot you cannot change the climate, smash fingers through hell's wall and climb up out of it....
hitch a ride on an angel, see life from every angle, leave every fucked thought i ever had strangled, go to a ledge and let all my burdens dangle,
caught up on my chain tangled, shake my chain till my pendant is single, look at the ledge and laugh at my burdens hanging like shingles...
go back to my block, my neck and shoulders have a new top, level headed now cleaning up the streets more than cops...
on a new journey now i cannot stop, fuck a road block, get over it by grabbing the top, of the universe and climbing atop...
observe what goes on, look at who's dead wrong, never judge though cus each always has it's own, look those who struggle and give em a loan...
doesn't always have to be money can be words of wisdom, i been through it i've felt dumb, so speak of my experience and hope it helps em....
righting my wrongs, while i'm writing these songs, giving a helping hand to help others along,..
so that when i'm gone, my soul can smile as it looks down on earth, finally happy cus i finally understood what life was worth

The Shining™ - Brass Knuckle Poets Society said:
Brass Knuckles shine like platinum: the epi-tome, handsome with a microphone. You cowards are cro-magnon, counterfits, like lead dipped in chrome, mellowdramatic, fairy tail gnomes. The Three Kings lift heavy weight and smash on the drones.

The Shining™ - Brass Knuckle Poets Society said:
BRASS KNUCKLES TO THE DOME, you can phone a friend or phone home, but that won't save you from a silver bullet in the zone. Me and my folks smoke killa' zones, and set fire to these sterile-ass clones. Cat's throw books, but I slap 'em wit' a tome. Kung-fu-spiritual, like Bruce Leroy, when I rome. Heavy liftin', heavy spittin' from heavy chromosomes. I'd hate to meet me in a dark alley, under full moon, alone. To rally me, myself and I'm known, to thump a scally-wag, with heavy hands like "tally ho!"


my wit is sharp enough to cut down the middle of a strand of hair, hella accurate could shoot carpet fibers floating in mid air, don't you dare step up to the plate you do not belong there, treat your head like a ball and smash it out of here, hit it so far that it punches a hole in the ozone layer... i walk around without a care but i'm far from oblivious, to oblivion and beyond turning enemies bodies to dust... ashes to ashes and an urn for your burned remains, it's all on me but i never wear the stains... you could never come equipped with enough to be more than a blip on the radar, cement shoes makes it definite that you can only be contacted by sonar, you can have the biggest dreams in the world by far, but i'll crush them and make you feel worthless like a string less guitar... to add more to the subject of what people who talk out they asses are worth, my birth was a blessing, your birth was a curse, even the powers of opposite day couldn't turn that reverse... i'm on another level, pedestal where only i can stand, i'm the pinnacle while you're about as handy as a pianist with no hands... or a penis with no balls, a vagina with no walls, a heart with no blood pumping is the main source of your downfalls... you wanna talk big and bad but you know that you're lyin, i went to the land of oz just to be a prick and scare the lion... and i also stole the heart from the tin man, i lack care, the exact reason you don't wanna fuck with me man, dead men tell no lies so look at this killin as me making you honest again.


The Shining™ - Brass Knuckle Poets Society said:
My ism's like a Jason blade, polychromatic like the prism set aside for that special day, sharp enough to cut the light and send it on its way. I make a whirl pool look friendly, how I tread water and wade. The pinnacle, like the Ace of Spade, like the Man you kneel before in the nave. Keep me out the pen, unless you like gettin' played. I'll neuter these killa's and make a pit-bull look bitch-made. I'll reiterate. Keep me out the pen, unless you like playin' hot potato with a hand-grenade. I'm the set of eyes that hold your gaze from inside the dark cave. You could enter, but it's a mistake, like driving drunk down a one-way, playing Russian Roulette with your fate, like trusting the pilot who fucked off the plane, told you to kiss your lap, as he told the radio, "may-day." I look at Death and wave, flip him off, and sick him on you, like the fast ball that misses home plate. I sharpen my canines and salivate, 'cause I'm hungry, like I didn't eat today. I'm not from California, I'm a trinity from the Bay - a third bear, a third man and a third insane. I think I'm okay. I like the feel of pain. I thought Hannibal was a genius, and I can relate, because I own a blood-lust, like a cannibal, that I don't know I how to sate. I Shine, like a door getting met with an axe blade, a blood-shot eyeball, and a voice that you here say, "Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeere's Mr. O'Shaughnessay!!"


the preciseness, in which i write this, makes me truly priceless, my rhymes are evil and god sent me a fan sign sayin i'm one of his vices.... my mind skitz as people act so frantic, such a panic ensues as soon as my punch is landed... can barely stand it, stuck in my own mind stranded, killed everyone on Gilligan's island that had crash landed... that's the psycho in me, mouth fully automatic not semi, treat jock riders like demons yelling out depart from me... hold exorcisms that go more wrong than linda blair's, turn your head backwards and bend ya back until your face is in your derriere... rivals get disemboweled in my search for the belly of the beast, you're not a feast, if you talk shit please get your weight up at least... hate the things you say, wish you weren't here today, like when i wake up drunk in bed with your mom and wish her and my hangover would go away... you don't make sense, like a mute goin into a confessional to confess some sins, my greatest sin is that i forever offend, i'm anti social and i'll bitchslap everyone at your family gatherins... slap em so hard that it leaves they faces with dents, red slap marks so visible you can see my fingerprints... so please keep it movin, i'm never in a mood to be soothin, fuck you is the kind of mood i'm in, commit crimes so heinous it baffles the heart of charles manson, hold your family for ransom and feel awkward cus i gotta see ya mom again, hi mr's cockface i meant to call ya but couldn't remember the numbers to be dialin, yeah i'm wildin, i need a lil self confinement, solitary with my voices again, don't need prison, jus need to stab you and use your blood as ink for my pen when i'm writin... so in closing, learn from your mistakes and maybe you'll survive, cus trust i'll leave you with emotional scars that last longer than rapsnap's been alive


i just don't care about the hurdles coming up against me
whats meant to be will be, no matter if its good or bad for me
honor the code of life, that not everything goes right
i turn left, shoulda turned right, got hit by something outta sight
out of sight out of mind doesn't always work out that way
cus no matter how far out of sight it still comes to the light someday
now some say, the grass is always greener on the other side
they lied, i tried, hopped over the fence and flowers i had seen died
listening to the whistling of the wind blow i caught a breeze finally
but no longer feel at ease, wind blowing pieces of me away from me
catch a few put em back in and on me
like a puzzle till i regain some of my damn sanity
i can't keep doing this my mind is to stuck on crazy
peddle to the medal like a daredevil, but the gas tank just hit E
question mark on the road got stranded in a town called mystery
2 paths to take one to be happy the other to be stuck in misery
my past always follows me, but my past is presently history
politely shove it to the back pray angels will hold it back
let me walk the road of happiness before my insecurities attack
heart intact, but my mind and body are so far back
heart and mind disconnect is pretty much where i'm at
mind and body on one side of the road, heart on the other getting cold
in the part that divides the roads what hovers in the middle is my soul
torn more and more as it gets pulled harder and harder
my soul is in agony and i can't blame my father
neither one of em, not the one that created life, or the one that gave me life
had rocky relations with both but i'm the one stopping things from being right
wrong or right, when it came to my beliefs i was ready to fight
so i will not quit while i'm stranded here with no lights
my life's in my own hands and i have a choice to make
wait for the sun to come up and choose a road to take
have no idea if i'll be right cus all of life is like the road im on, a mystery
after that realization the road turned into my room with 4 walls around me
oh the insanity, oh woe is me, what in the hell is wrong with me?
nothing at all, i just have problems just like any and everybody, leave me be

Stained Glass

I never claimed to be perfect, i just spit real shit and hope somebody feels it/ and if they don't they don't, shed a tear? nahhh i won't/ wanna complain? be my guest, be my very own pest, it's prob for the best, i'm always busy critiquing myself now i can finally give it a rest/ rest in peace to my extended family, dealt with more death then i can count, even using my fingers and toes wouldn't give me the right amount/  watching my momma breakdown was never easy to see, consoling methods consist of giving her my shoulder and letting her cry on me/ had to stay so strong, for oh so long, that i desensitized myself no longer cry when i find out somebody is gone, i feel so wrong/ like what the hell is wrong with me? i'm filled with so much apathy, it takes a lot to make me show sympathy, contradict that with the legit feeling of being happy, and showing more love to loved ones than i show for me/  wrap it all together and you get a complicated persona, might need to make a change but not really sure that i wanna/ nobody will ever be flawless, but i am still trying regardless, if i don't strive for perfection how can i  be a true artist?/ all i did in here was try to paint a small picture, a little look into my mind's confusing structure, stick around, maybe someday you'll understand me better, as i learn more about myself lookin into a stained glass mirror

Rhyme session with BKPS

-Each1 Teach1-of Brass Knuckle Poets Society said:
Oh the immediate irony of being the last of a dying breed thats willing to die violently..

the irony of that is just as bad as this catch 22, wanting to live but having no good reasons as to why you want too... come equipped with enough pain bottled up inside, you can see it in my eyes, i can share a lil bit that could make the devil cry.

-Each1 Teach1-of Brass Knuckle Poets Society said:
so as he's weepin askin oh mama why, we supply the dopeness that make it all alriiiiiiigh...pressure from the inside let loose unto the night, breathing as an exercise to make us all feel fiiiine, listen as the devils cries turn to tears of pride, damn my people did it, layed it all on the liiiiine.....gyesh yesh!

that we did, dark clouds erased ain't nothin but sunshine, but it started raining guess the devil got mad and whipped his wife's behind.... rain won't stop all the heat that we given, i heard hell is hot but who cares? we the only ones who can sit on the sun still livin... verbal ass kickin, which leads to people's egos not existin, like a dog confronted by a bear who quickly get's to tail tuckin.

-Each1 Teach1-of Brass Knuckle Poets Society said:
and best to get to runnin, inappropriate conduction like some barbies on a ruxpin, and let us not get nutty, masturbatin on the BART signing OH MY BUDDY!, Teach1 verbally slutty, ejaculating snickers till he peels somebody...Profession is rather popular shooting right into yer ocular....

couldn't even see us with binoculars, are status is way to stellar, 100 + 200 of ya'll still does not equal more than us 2 together, me and each1 slap ya'll in the faces with nutter butters... the things that you would do for a klondike bar are obvious, but not recommended trust, you do not wanna fight us... not even on your best day, we're pricks, we'll just watch you make a fool out of yourself and sleep the day away, come back the next day have ya'll reiterate the things you say, mid sentence just snatch your mic away... lego my ego, and trix are for kids and other brand sayings like that, light the mic on fire and politely hand it back.

ANT ᵀᴴᴱ ЯANT - Brass Knuckle Poets Society said:
knockin yer, box within my proximiter, that's not a real word! I don't give a fox...news... ya herd. manipulate landscapes in a mellow state, hello, I'm baked, see what I can make with red, green and yellow paint, like like Bob Ross, this fellow paints, but I keeps it ghetto mange, sneak to power inn lane, cut the lock on that damn gate, and get up on the freight, like the shipment was late, and there was not time to wait or take breaks, click to clack, as my cans shake, thinkin way back to that damn place in nineteen fuckin nighty eight.

-Each1 Teach1-of Brass Knuckle Poets Society said:
trainyards,the 710 @ Eastern, sharing an old lot with the RTD's beaters, listenin for cholo tweeters tryna a take a writers sneakers, the click clack's to boom bap like the bronx has beefers...i kiss one like Krs does, with a narrow millimeter, refining the fine lines like Rakims' kicked speakers.......BLAO!

ANT ᵀᴴᴱ ЯANT - Brass Knuckle Poets Society said:
window scribe, fuckit do it driver's side, vibe gets live, watch out for blue and red lights, team is hype so it's do or die... TOC kids? fuck them them dude's is jive, seen their crew, at the drive-through up by Del Paso Heights, they can suckon my penis stains, through a tobacco pipe... I heard that's what they like.

-Each1 Teach1-of Brass Knuckle Poets Society said:
ask me? its was KNL/STP, killin the valley freeways made that shit look easy, i made my home with Kaydubb's(KWS), crossin out NBT's, NTS's would always rock fresh but still couldnt test us.Moving it right along OFA came strong, but couldnt hold a candle when the gangs came along..either stop writing or start fightin, it was a sad sad song, some of the freshest to ever touch a stock tip got restless..the proud and the few that kept doing just what we do, had to watch our backs tight like each and every night....

American Psycho™ - Brass Knuckle Poets Society said:
I'm tryna' SAVV it out, while these weenies get patted down, by these pigs tryna' rub one out, stop they progress, drown and mute they sound. Silly clowns rockin' Cheshire Cat frowns. I grin and stand my ground. Yeah, who's laughin' now? I suggest you lay them handles down, migrate south, or get poached for your encroachment - foul. I'm blind to what these fuckin' clones boast about. They can't see me, like I was cloked on my approach, but now - when it's too late to duck, my reproach is spoke. Better keep them lips sealed, or I'll take the life from they throat.

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8 years ago
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