But I had to suck it up and go see one yesterday on account of an extremely awful toothache being accompanied by a ridiculously swollen amandaface.
This dentist was actually pretty great. Although she determined that a previous root canal wasn’t done correctly and she doesn’t do second attempts, her conduct and chairside manner was a lot better than most dentists I’ve seen before.
I don’t know if it was because I cried when she told me I needed another root canal or an extraction, but she only charged me $25 for the x-ray that her assistant took.
Shut up, I cried. I was/am in pain and I don’t have dental insurance at my new job yet. I didn’t bawl, but as she was talking to me about what my options were and how she’d refer me to a great specialist, I couldn’t stop the giant waterworks from escaping those tiny little ducts.
So yeah.
I’ve been home since yesterday afternoon and am on lovely antibiotics and pain meds. My face is still ballooned up on the left side like a chipmunk that’s only saving half as much food for later, but the hotter than hot bath I took this morning where I submersed most of my face for an hour seemed to help a little.
If I had a straw, I would have dunked my whole head under water, but instead I left one nostril above sea level.
Ohman. How sexy is that?
I hate that I hate dentists. Can someone bring me some ice cream?
got asked out on a date.
Like, a real date. I think.
I didn't know actions like this still occured. I think maybe I imagined the whole thing. At least, I hope I did 'cause I feel like a total ass for not wanting to date him.. him being this nice, cool guy and stuff, and me being the frigid escapist chick.
Amanda doesn't date. Amanda doesn't know how. Aaaannnd Amanda is going to curl up and watch movies and come down from her Cinnamon Life sugar high and stop referring to herself in the third person.
ps. Totally watched a theater screening of TMNT tonight, too. It was pretty cowabunga, dude.
Buy some peas and go to a frozen lake. Cut a hole in the ice and leave the peas next to it - when the polar bear comes to take a pea, kick him in the icehole!
-As told to me by my six-year-old niece, Samantha Dangerously
I went to Circle K, and the bastards didn't have any pizza.
I ended up settling for a chicken sammich, Froster made with like a bazillion frozen syrup-y goodnesses, and gummi worms, but not before I enjoyed a quiet little game of flip-flop roulette on my way out of the house.
Oh, you've never heard of such a thing?
It's where you choose a right and left flip-flop in the dark and hope for the best. I had a 75% chance of looking like even more of a dork, but somehow I managed to beat the system and selected a matching pair.
You will have to settle for normal dorkiness.
Amanda in pajamas!
I don't know why I'm holding up a peace sign. I am dumb.
ps. If my hair was a little longer or my boobs were a lot perkier, I could almost go as Brooke Shields in The Blue Lagoon for halloween this year. Minus the bushy brows. And stuff.
Update 6-18-11: Winner! higgs boson
So, I never really do these kinds of things, but I figured, why not participate in at least one fu-owned auction, yeah?
If you would like to bid, go for it. If you can at least rate & share, that would be cool beans.
If the picture link doesn't work, try going here.
Thanks! XD
So, dude leaves a comment on one of my Phx Comicon pics that I guess I should have just ignored.
For someone who hates the shoutbox, I thought I was being pretty fucking nice.
Curtain opens. Apparent unsuspecting victim enters from stage right:
anddd SCENE!
He blocked me. How will I ever go on?! I've never blocked anyone so, uh, thanks for doing me a favor, man?
ps. It takes two clicks to add someone as a friend. Nice try.
pps. Your profile is more than six months old.
Six months ago, wasn't I Easy A? How long has this dude been watching me?
Things that make you go buhhhuhuhhuhuhuh.
ps. Anyone have any green paint? I always wanted Hulk hands.
Especially this one.
Wanted! In no particular order of importance:
I realize I'm irrational.
I'm still pretty neat, yeah?
SQUEE. I need to get my nerd on.
What do youuu want?
...I'd pull out every fucking strand right now.
Yeah, do unto others blah blah blah, but don't EXPECT something to be okay just because you might be okay with it if shoes were on the other feet.
I work really hard and, although what I have to show for it may not seem like a lot to some people, I've come a long way in the last few years after completely starting my life over. It's not acceptable for something of mine that might even seem minor in another's eyes to be taken for granted, whether it's things I've provided for myself or the friendship I offer to others.
It's hard for me to open up my life to people because when I do, the privilege to be in it is too often abused. If you're in my life, I care a whole fucking lot about you and just want the same respect I show you, you know?
Calm. Blue. Oceans.
I think that bling is made in poor taste.
You know the one.
I'm glad that we don't have to wonder or worry about that particular monster's intentions anymore, but I will not celebrate anyone's death. Ever.
It's not like someone else isn't going to step up to the plate and take his place at some point, if that hasn't happened already. There will always be people with vendettas. It's unfortunate and tragic, but it's true.
Don't think you're being cute or clever by sending it to me either. I will just delete it.