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63 Year Old · Female · From Chouteau, OK · Owned by BOOSTED Pegster... and is worth 1 coin. · Invited by: DJ ONI · Joined on February 26, 2012 · Relationship status: Widowed · Born on March 30th · 1 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!

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love on my son he's the best


@ fubar

hello my name is Linda I don't really like talking about myself but I'll try. here goes i am a widow of an 18 yr. marriage it has been very hard on me these last 2 yrs. but there have been a couple of ppl on here that have really helped me whether they know it or not. i am a mother of 5 and love every child mine or not a Grandmother of 10 and I couldn't be more proud.

This may not mean anything to any of you but I have had a major stroke and it has taken me 12 yrs. to get to where I am I am able to walk talk and do almost anything again and it means everything to me alot of hard work and it paid off so don't ever say "i can't do it" I am proof you can. I love anything tht has to do with outdoors. fishing camping swimming anything on the lake maybe that's why I live a couple blocks away from it. i love to cook especially grilling anything. I try making up my own recipes but they don't always turn out but at least I tried. If u want to be my friend fine just don't leave a blank request. If all your after is messenger get off my page there is a block button and not afraid to use it. I have learned alot from ppl on here and love them for what they have taught me so that just goes to prove you are never to old to learn they know who they are. thankyou for that.


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63 Year Old · Female · From Chouteau, OK · Owned by BOOSTED Pegster... and is worth 1 coin. · Invited by: DJ ONI · Joined on February 26, 2012 · Relationship status: Widowed · Born on March 30th · 1 referrals joined! · I have a crush on someone and 2 different people have a crush on me!

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