----------------------------------- Hi My Name is Claudia(CaLudiaZ) AKA C.L.Z. Located in 201 Land also Close Enuff 2 NYC Im 25 years old 50% Puertorican /50% Colombian &Oh So Proud Of it Lost In Dreamland With You Know Who Wifey Material Love Shopping, writing poems/short stories& music Very Unique& Crazy&Plus an Extroversionist Have A KiLLeR Personality, & it will cause a Murder Scene So please call CSI Not CLZ to Clean up Love Going Concerts&Events,& Movies when i have time. Nicest person you will ever Meet&Chill with Plus I'm the type of person that is easy to get along with& easy to talk to. Love for the Arts&Poetry.
38 Year Old
Joined on November 22, 2006
Born on November 21st
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