Dear Rush,
Normally I don't write letters to anyone let alone radio personalities
as I don't have anything to say. However, I've been motivated to waste my
time and write one to you as I feel your Martinn Boorman-esque behavior
warrants one. Throughout history people have spent years figuring out the
mysteries of the world. The great pyramids, Easter Island, Stonehenge, The
Lost City of Atlantis, and so forth. The one mystery I can't solve is how
anyone can consider you to have an intelligent thought in that empty drug
riddled head of yours. I find it interesting that you can somehow place
yourself in a holier then thou position when you have had so many issues
yourself. Having trouble forgetting your "Obama the magic Negro" song
parody? How about the years you were completely addicted to pain killers?
Oh wait here's a good one...How about the time you absolutely slammed
Michael J Fox saying he was lying about having parkinsons disease?
You are a half crazed wombat running around trying to stir shit up in
the only way you know how...deceit, insults, and ostracizing. You are a
disgrace to everything God ever expected out of humans and personally if
you were strung up by your heels and beaten like a mule I would have no
problem with it. You are a vicious jackass and a vile suckfish. Richard
Nixon has more honesty in his treacherous little body then you will ever
have. You are a racist and a homophobe and I believe you are doomed to an
eternity in Hell where you will be constantly violated by gay black men.
How's that for a savage thought eh fat man? After all that is your worst fear
isnt it? The thought of gay people and blacks sends shivers up that fatback
spine of yours doesnt it Rush? Well, you savage jackal, I have no doubt that
at some point you are going to get yours and I can only hope I am there to
witness it.
I'm sure when your beady little eyes start reading this you will just
ball it up and toss it in the garbage along with your 50-a-day whopper
wrappers. However, if by chance you have made it to this line without
stroking out or choking on your ham sandwich, allow me to say one more
thing. Even though you are a vile greased pig, I have to admit that everytime
you open your bullhorn I am proud to be an American. For freedom of
speech is what allows you to be who you are and it is what allows me to
write you and tell you what a savage hyena you are. I would rather shove a
buick up my ass then spend one more minute listening to you. And so much
for that.