38 Year Old
From Kyle, TX·
Invited by: 1107085·
Joined on January 5, 2008
Relationship status: Single
Born on October 3rd
hey im anesha aka princess aka choclate drop but you can call me whatever you like just chose from the 3 lol im not to much of a party girl but when i do i party hard cause i dont go out every weekend im to busy tryin to stack many and buy my material things lol clubbin dont get you coach working does:)
just got enilisted in the air force so im waiting to go to basic its starting to look likle things is coming up for me:)
38 Year Old
From Kyle, TX·
Invited by: 1107085·
Joined on January 5, 2008
Relationship status: Single
Born on October 3rd
Hello,my very special friend just thought i'd pop in and say Hi!.Hope alls well with you,and your all set for another wonderful weekend..sending love and best wishes,take care.xxxx
Howdy...this is ya buddy Andy here..and im sorry i haven't been around much...but i have been thinking about you..i want you to enjoy ya weekend an get all the things your heart desires cuz ya only live once..an yesterday is gone so make the best of what you do....remember you are precious and a beautiful person inside an out..dont let no one steal ya joy.....keep a smile on your face.....so on that note i leave ya with a big MmmuuuuaaaaahhhhhhhhH take care sweety....Bye!!!!!!!
Hello my special friend, just wanted to wish you a wonderful and happy weekend.be careful an safe..my life has been so much betta since i met ya..lol..please remember that i'm always here if you ever need a shoulder...i luv you an ..mmuuuaaaahhhh on ya cheek...!!!!or lips if you allow me.bye for now.
Hello,my special friend..just thought i'd pop in and say HI!on this beautiful saturday evening ..it's glorious here in scotland,you'd think it was summer may long that continue...i hope its beautiful were you areAnd your all set for another wonderful weekend .well time for me to get a cold one out the fridge have a fantastic day,and whatever your up to enjoy and look after yourself..xoxoxoxoxo