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52 Year Old · Male · From Tampa, FL · Invited by: DarKeNeD AnGeL · Joined on June 24, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on June 30th · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!


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52 Year Old · Male · From Tampa, FL · Invited by: DarKeNeD AnGeL · Joined on June 24, 2007 · Relationship status: Single · Born on June 30th · I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
Ok, a little about me. I am a fun-loving father of 2 awesome kids. I am here to meet FUN new people from all around. I love to laugh, smile, joke and have INTELLIGENT conversations. I am a huge animal lover and interact well with and love kids. I volunteer to help animals and kids whenever I can. I have been through a lot in my life. Lost my mother at age 47 to cancer, lost a kid at 3 months, had 4 heart attacks and obviously survived to tell the story. (hereditary). I am not here for drama or people who think they are better than others. People like that can kiss my ass. I look for beauty INSIDE, not just outside like a lot of people do. People say "live life like it's your last day" but yet treat people like shit and don't know what it is like to think it really is your last. I have faced death multiple times and lost over 100lbs and have become one of the best, big-hearted people I know. Enjoy life and love everything you have every second you can. Never know when it may be the last second. I am by far not perfect but I try to be the best I can every day.

Other things about me: I LOVE sports, sports, sports!!!! Watching or playing. I will try ALMOST anything once and think I have a very open mind. So if you want to learn more and possibly make an awesome friend, hit me up!!! Love to hear from you!!!

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