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53 Year Old · Female · Joined on June 9, 2012 · Relationship status: Single · Born on July 16th · I have a crush on someone and 3 different people have a crush on me!
53 Year Old · Female · Joined on June 9, 2012 · Relationship status: Single · Born on July 16th · I have a crush on someone and 3 different people have a crush on me!

I'm here to have Fun... a little escape
Loves to play..
Loves to smile..
Loves to laugh..
Loves to flirt..
Loves Bud Light
Loves Crown on the rocks
Works Night Shift so I'm up all night usually on my days off..
will chat with you but I'm
Not here to hook up....
Not here to look at your NSFW pics but I might He He..
Do not cam
Do not skype
I do have yahoo messenger


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Sign by Danasoft - Get Your Sign



53 Year Old · Female · Joined on June 9, 2012 · Relationship status: Single · Born on July 16th · I have a crush on someone and 3 different people have a crush on me!
I like to read favorite Author Christine Feehan mainly the Dark Series.
and some other stuff...

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  • cheerish What ya thinking about?
    • scooter1477 HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! with love scott
      9 years ago · Reply
    • tom007x have a wonderful fun weekend beautiful
      10 years ago · Reply
    • Disposable Daily Poem:
      A poet more than others may seem to deceive
      as pretty pictures their words do weave
      To some it may come as a complete surprise
      but written through tear clouded eyes
      are many a love poem that they find so dear
      Scorn not a poet who's shed many a tear
      he doesn't mean for it to be wrong or be a lie
      to write such pretty things as he does cry
      He merely paints the picture of how it should be
      and leaves it there for the world to see.
      10 years ago · Reply
    • online
      Trek49ca Congrats on leveling
      10 years ago · Reply
    • Disposable Daily Poem:
      The rabbit chased the fox all the live long day
      who would have ever thought it would be this way
      while the red fox is pursuing the fat white goose
      I wonder how in the world it managed to get loose
      the goose manages to knock the farmer in the drink
      seeing such what on earth are we suppose to think
      look there is a real big dog raising a baby deer
      back where I come from it would seem quite queer
      a dog is playing the piano while it howls along
      and try as I might I cannot identify that song
      things I thought I knew seem wrong, what a boob
      all because of a modern miracle, thanks YouTube
      10 years ago · Reply
    • Disposable Daily Poem:
      I often think about the years I have spent alone
      as most of my life I have gotten along on my own
      About the lonely nights and the yet lonelier days
      caused no doubt by my looks and my peculiar ways
      I guess it is something I must've gotten use to
      or perhaps they just do not matter because of you
      I still remember them but on them I do not live
      I use them to remind me how great a love you give
      these days I tend to walk around wearing a smile
      looking forward to being with you all the while
      Things are looking up now, no longer looking down
      it feels as if my feet never ever touch the groun'
      what a wonderful difference you have made in life
      all of these years you have been my loving wife
      10 years ago · Reply
    • Disposable Daily Posted Poem:
      Looking across in the darkness of the night
      watching you sleep by the moon's pale light
      it is indeed a truly most wondrous delight
      and for me a mesmerizing and precious sight
      Always it crosses my mind while laying there
      how lucky I am for one like me you do care
      a lady of qualities both so true and rare
      lost in thought I cannot help but to stare
      as the moonlight reflects off golden hair
      A lady of dear character it is so very true
      and that is the most precious part of you
      but you are so very lovely to look at too
      a truly mesmerizing and glorious view
      Together so long, I'm in love with you still
      and no doubt that love you I always will
      my life and heart with happiness you fill
      and just to see you is always such a thrill
      Why you could love me I guess I'll never know
      I do know that I truly am in love with you so
      a treasure, a pleasure, my dream assures though
      that that love for you will always surely grow
      10 years ago · Reply
    • Disposable Daily Poem:
      I am but a knight of honor hunting for a righteous queen to serve
      who believes in forgotten principals and from duty will not swerve
      A hopeless romantic who is on a quest for a love that will be true
      romantic, yes, hopeless only because none are able to love me too
      A poet who never can be a minstrel as he does not have the ear
      so I sadly lack the pretty music that the ladies seem to hold so dear
      A lonely writer, wordless and alone as he searches for his muse
      an inspiring lady that his heart and mind for forming words can use
      What is one to do when he knows that he is not a complete man
      dealing with knowing he's only half of the couple God had in his plan
      she always will have my heart but does not want the rest of me
      And sadly I am left here incomplete and no true direction can I see
      10 years ago · Reply
    • Disposable Daily Poem:
      I can hear a siren howling way off in the dark
      just a few moments before the dogs begin to bark
      it breaks the sweet serenity of the country night
      and wakes me from my sleep with a bit of a fright
      What poor neighbor is it that is in so much need
      they cannot just call for me to return a good deed
      It always makes feel so bad, that screaming sound
      but at least it lets them know others are around
      who are coming to their comfort, coming to aid
      instead of being alone with attention being paid
      Good or bad, I guess it depends on your view
      I am glad it isn't me and pray it is not for you
      10 years ago · Reply
    • Disposable Daily Posted Poem:
      Listen to the wind as through the trees it blows
      look at all of the colors that nature proudly shows
      the leaves dressed in glorious pigments and hues
      telling all Autumn is coming they spread the news
      There is an urgency and crispness to the Fall air
      warning everybody that Winter will soon be there
      The birds are headed south and no longer sing
      there is solace in knowing they'll be back in Spring
      Seasons come and seasons go, the clock of our years
      Like the people, some bring happiness, others tears.
      There is good and bad in each and every season
      and as with the people they are there for a reason
      rather it is good or bad it to me so often seems
      depends upon our own preferences and dreams
      10 years ago · Reply

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