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47 Year Old · Male · From Dunedin, FL · Joined on August 11, 2012 · Born on February 18th
47 Year Old · Male · From Dunedin, FL · Joined on August 11, 2012 · Born on February 18th

Well because this is starting to be a problem with some people on here that were suppost to be friends, I have Ankylosing Spondlitis, A.S. This causes fusion of joints and spine including my ribs. I was just fine until I fell off a 3 story roof and fractured my spine in 4 places, messed up my right hip and knee. This accident cause my A.S. to become active which fused my lumbar area of my spine and my ribs. I walk with a cane because of the hip and knee being messed. Because of all this I don't work. I don't ask for a pitty party just putting it out there. This seems to be a problem with some poeple so if you have a problem with someone that has a medical problem but is great in every other way then I guess you should move on to the next profile. I like making new friends and hope we can.

What do I say about myself. I enjoy helping people and put other ahead of myself. I have 4 kids and I have shared parenting with my exwife, long story but if you want to know just ask me. I like spending time with family and friends but am just as happy sitting at home with that special someone. I enjoy watching movies. I listen to all types of music except rap but country is my favorite. I like taking walks with my dog Viking which has been with me through thick and thin. I don't like drama and will walk away from it without thinking twice about it. I like going for car rides in the country just to see nature at it best. I have slowed down my life a lot to enjoy life more. I'm always in a good mood, it takes a lot to get me upset about something, just relax and let things happen. I grew up in a house full of women, 2 sisters and my mother, which I think made me a better man. I fell family should come above all else and is very important. I also enjoy going fishing, fresh water or salt water doesn't matter to me. There is nothing like catching your own food and cooking it, cheaper too. I enjoy boating out in open water where there is nothing around. If there is anything that you want to know just ask me. I'm honest to a fault sometimes lol

47 Year Old · Male · From Dunedin, FL · Joined on August 11, 2012 · Born on February 18th

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