From Santa Fe, NM·
Joined on July 22, 2006
Born on January 1st
·2 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
From Santa Fe, NM·
Joined on July 22, 2006
Born on January 1st
·2 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
I'm 27. I have Cystic Fibrosis. I used to have Asthma, Chronic Bronchitis, COPD and Emphysema. Those are all lung diseases. As of March 2nd 2011, I became the recipient of two new lungs thanks to a double lung transplant. So far I haven't had any rejections which is good because those things can be NASTY. I also have Cerebral Palsy. Over the years I have collected quite a few wounds. Some people collect Hallmark cards, I collect scars. I am a testament of life's brutality. I have been covered in my own blood. I've come back from being on Death's doorstep more times then I care remember. I've had to learn to walk from scratch four different times. I've walked on broken bones...I've been through so much pain that it's disconnected me from the world.
All three of my eyes are open. Despite all the shit that has gone down and all the sickness I've had to endure I still fight. No, not because I am afraid to die, I'm just stubborn and pissed of that I haven't gotten my own life with independence. So now I have set out to prove that I'm worthy of receiving two new lungs that some one had to die for me to have. Now it's time to get back to work since when I was in the middle of making something of myself I died.
I'm single. My having Death as a mistress is a turn off girls, too many of them just the don't have time to understand. So many can't even look me in the eye. They feed me lies to try and make me feel better. I suppose it's because when they see me they see their own mortality and they don't want to face that. I've only dated one girl and she dumped me because I got my hair braided in cornrows. She went on to say that they only reason she dated me was because she felt so sorry for me. Needless to say I've been wary of relationships because how badly I got played. I'm not against them though despite being treated like a pity case.
I love poetry, I write my own it helps with all the Hell I go through day in and day out. I also love to work out. It helps with all my disabilities plus I get to work off the tons of sexual energy I have stored up. Yea, I work out a lot 2-3 hours a day. It helps me stay focused and helps me block out all the hatred and fear I come across daily.
I give love to all the sexy women on FUBAR. Their albums give me a chance to use my imagination when I comment them. No, I don't ask to NSFW I could care less that's not why I make friends with chicks on here. I'm an insomniac so don't freak if I comment a shit load of your pictures. I'm not a perv, and I'm not stalking you. Commenting gives me something to do.
I'm blunt and I give it straight to your face. If you want to know anything else just ask. If you read this whole thing thanks. Because I know that most people don't read these things. I'm REAL an I'm here for friends not drama.
From Santa Fe, NM·
Joined on July 22, 2006
Born on January 1st
·2 referrals joined!
I have a crush on someone and 1 person has a crush on me!
I love Metal! I listen to other kinds of music though. It's good to stay diverse. I love the blues you can thank my momma for that. I love Johnny Cash. Bob Marley he's awesome to. I'll listen to all kinds of music sept pop music thats evil shit right there. I listen to rap not that shit they play on the radio. I like Old-Skool like KRS ONE an such and of course Dr. Dre and NWA, ICE-CUBE and Eazy E. I love Jedi Mind Tricks.
Latest Status
Boondock RIP Clayton. He passed away last night, March 22 2013 around 8:45. You will be missed and loved by so many.
So Beautifully ... I'm still not over you, I'll never get over you. I love you so much, I miss you even more than I could imagine. How much I need you here, how much I wish was said and done before you left. I know I promised I'd be OK without you, but you know by know, I lied. I'm miserable without you, I miss the sound of your voice, I miss every little thing about you, and God, I wish you were still here. I need you more than ever. When you left, you took my heart, my soul, my sun and my smile. I'll keep every promise I can, everywhere I go, everything I do, you are with me. I love you, my King. Time does not heal all wounds, I've learned that the hard way. Please, please, show me you're still by my side, please come to me in my dreams, hold me and tell me I'll be OK, I will get through this, just the way you used to. King, you were my all, and without you, I feel so alone and lost. I won't ever give your heart away, until I finally am in your arms in heaven. I just wish I had one more day, one hour, to tell you all I never said. You always swore you'd never leave me, even when we both knew someday you'd have to. I just hope you're still with me now. All my love, from here to Heaven, always, until I see you again. <3
Victoria you kn... I cant believe your gone my dear and very much loved friend. Im still in shock that your truly gone when you had so much living yet to do and so many memories yet to make. I will cherish our many long talks & our silly texts that only the closests of friends understand. You fought long and hard my friend against fight . I know your smiling down on all of us with that beautiful smile that could melt even the hardest of hearts. I'll miss you so very much ... till we meet again my dear friend. RIP My beloved & oh so dear friend Clayton
Happy Birthday in heaven Clay. We miss you. Brandon is 22 now and I need advice only you could give. You left an impact on every ones lives and we hope we impacted yours. Kisses for you and give some to Isabella for me too..
Just came across your page again..still can't believe you're gone. Im pretty sure I even still have you added on MySpace (lol!).. I know you'd get a kick out of that retro shit. I miss you, Clay...I hope you're having a blast up there and not laughing too hard at my ambitions these days. Love you always , sweet friend
Clayton, I miss you, we didn't talk as much as we said we should have, and I wasn't around much and for that I'm sorry! I loved our chats and your love of the UK and all things British used to make me chuckle! Well, heaven gained another Angel , and at least you can't suffer any more pain! Love you tons Clayton, Rest In Peace x
Almost six months to the day since you left and I am worse now than I was then. I miss you so very much, I love you to Heaven and back. God, I need help getting used to you being gone. I know all the promises we made right before you passed, and I know I didn't keep mine when I promised you I'd be OK without you. I knew you needed to go, you suffered so long, and I watched it for almost a decade, I didn't want you to stay and suffer, but I never wanted to say that words I had to two days before you died, I never wanted to say you could go, but I had to, for you, like you did so much for me for so many years. I read your poems to me, your promises of you love and devotion and I know you meant every word. Please keep watching over me and loving me, you got me through so very much, and talking to you before you died is so very bittersweet now. I'll never stop loving you, wherever I go, you are with me. I'll always keep all my promises to you, outside of being OK without you here. I can't wait to see you again, hold you and tell you all the things left unsaid. I will grieve you until I take my last breath. God, how I need you. Good night, King. Please come see me in my dreams.
Clayton your were an amazing friend and I loved u. U taught me a lot. Make sure you tell Isabella all about me when u see her in heaven. I miss u my friend.