I'm far from perfect. But, I live to impress myself not anyone else. The sky is what helps clear my head at difficult moments. I still make wishes on pointless things. I speak how I feel. I don't hold anything in.I'm normally happy. & try to look at positive points in a shitty situation. I love watching movies. I love coloring, drawing & taking pictures. I like to think I'm very unique & creative. You may beg to differ. A lot of people have their own views on me. But, I say fuck em. They dunno half the shit I've dealt with in my life.
Hmm, Interests.. COMPUTERS COMPUTERS COMPUTERS COMPUTERS Fixing & randomly buying parts to build them. H/O Scale Model Railroading,FOOTBALL & HOCKEY! Tim Hortons Coffee, Drag Races, Music, Anime & other nerdy stuff.
generally easy person to get along with. Like to joke, be a smart ass @ times.
No I'm not here to get in your shout box and perv you. Just making friends.
39 Year Old
From Niagara Falls, NY·
Joined on January 23, 2013
Relationship status: Single
Born on August 27th
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