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The Thought Of SEX

These thoughts saturate my mind Prey and infatuate my mind I don’t mean to procrastinate my time But all these beautiful women I can’t help but to think of them The footage of their every motion Stored away in my memory The leading lady in my sex film Only lords know how bad I really want to sex them When my rose finally peeks Through it’s concrete Will they stop to smell the roses? And grab me by my stem I will catch them if they fall All they have to do is Grab me my sexual limb I will lift them up And take them back down again

What Women Want

Well my friend came across a challenging idea i need from you all to writing about what you want in a man************ As you grow up in life and your mind and body change, you get ideals of what your dream guy would be like. And as you get older in life and been through trials and tribulations with relationships the dream doesnt seem like a possibility anymore. Encountering so many men, wherever that may be, and none of them even hold a candle anywhere to what you really want, the quest for a perfect man ends up being a fairy tale.

Expand your Mind

Don't be afraid of what other's say or think, they aren't you and they don't know your mind and who you are inside. They don't know your imagination or dream's, your goal's or success'es, your happiness or pain. Don't be afraid to express yourself for other's to see, or worry about their judgment's they pose on you. If you allow other's to get to you, then you have allowed them to win the race without no effort from you yourself. Block out their meaningless babbling, they are only strong in number's, they are nothing unless they have peon's like themselve's standing behind them. Just remember, if you keep your mind strong and have faith in yourself, that no matter how many number's of people they have behind them to attack you and what you believe in, they are then nothing............Expand your Mind. Once you have found yourself, you will see how foolish and ignorant another can be, and instead of being insulted by their petty little word's or action's, you instead shake your head at them and see them for what they really are. It get's to the point that you are embarassed for them, they shame themselve's and don't even realise it, what fool's.............. Impress yourself, don't worry about anyone else, if you don't have pride in yourself no one will have pride in you either. Take time out to be kind to other's, they will in return be kind toward's you, it's rewarding. If for some reason someone just look's to be rude in your direction, it will eventually come back on them, they insult themselve's without even knowing it, they have a false sense of importance and actually think it's real, they are cheating themselve's of good thing's. They have no value's, why? It can be many reason's. Just plain ignorance, uneducated, laziness, no moral's, not being taught by a mentor, who know's, the reason's can go on and on...... Don't tarnish your mind with hate and spite, it will consume you and cheat you from life. Be wise with your action's and word's, think before you speak. Know what you are talking about, have your fact's straight and don't go about it guessing at what it could be. If you want respect you have to show respect, you act like a fool, then you get what's comming to you. There are reward's and consequence's in life, they are given to you by your action's alone, you choose what you want them to be by how you present yourself toward's other's. Love yourself, be the better person. If you don't Love yourself you can't Love another. If you can't Love yourself then you won't be anything, you'll hate and be nothing, have nothing, then your life is nothing. Don't waste your life, it's the only one you have, and it won't last forever. Leave a good impression of yourself for other's to remember you by, don't let yourself be forgotten once your gone, because you most definatly will if all you show to them is ignorance and foolish act's. They will shrug at your existence and forget you just like that. Peace.
Our culture believes strongly that exposing children to any expressions of sexuality, such as pictures or words, will harm them, even when the activity being depicted is not itself harmful. Many people believe, for example, that a child will be hurt by seeing a photo of a couple making love, even though the lovemaking itself is in no way harmful. There is no other harmless activity that children (or adults) are similarly barred from seeing or hearing about. In no other arena does our society fear that depictions of activities are in themselves harmful. On the contrary, our society even allows children to see depictions of activities that are harmful to those involved. The average US child, for example, witnesses one hundred murders every month on TV. That’s called family entertainment. One consequence of the cultural belief that children must be protected from sex is that children are denied important sexual information. This systemic and culturally conditioned ignorance is probably the single biggest influence shaping childhood development. This willful ignorance makes normal sexual events such as the onset of menstruation, wet dreams, the desire to masturbate, and the unintentional observation of sexual activity terrifying to children. Withholding sexual knowledge is a deliberate engineering of early childhood sexual experiences to make them forbidding, scary, disgusting, guilt-ridden – in other words, anti-erotic. I know some of you reading this may be saying, “Not me!” but this is how an anti-erotic culture instills its values to successive generations. Sexual ignorance is then reinforced by culturally generated disinformation. Distorted beliefs about masturbation, “nice” girls, fertility, “performance,” female orgasm, and homosexuality alienate us from our bodies, from the other gender (tell me this last one isn’t so!), and from our own desires. Your little girl, as of the end of today, will have literally received dozens of negative and unhealthy messages about her body, for example. Society maintains sexual ignorance through designated gatekeepers of sexual information. The people who often teach sexual values in our culture are anti-sexual and often have a subversive political agenda for manipulating sexual thought and behavior. For example, while for a long time people were (and still are) directed to their physicians for sexual questions, sexuality is typically excluded from most U.S. medical training. In any case, people most often “learn” about sex from their peers, those often least qualified to do so. Most authority figures imbued with the legitimacy to educate about sex are similarly ignorant and untrained: TV talk show hosts who are uncomfortable with sex and are primarily interested the sexual extremes and distortions that increase ratings; clergy who are afraid of sex, often sexually abstinent themselves, and more committed to limited sexual choices such as monogamy and reproductive sex (what some youth I know call “breeders”); journalists who are superficial, limited to “family language,” and committed to narrow definitions of sexual normalcy; parents who are uncomfortable about sex and convinced that good parenting means protecting their children from sexual stimuli; mental health professionals whose training often includes only “abnormal” sexuality, and whose agenda regarding sex is generally to help people adjust and conform to anti-sexual societal norms. As I have been attempting to articulate in the past, learning to doubt our sexual normalcy is key in internalizing societal sexual repression. Since real sex is neither honestly discussed nor observed, no one really knows what others feel and do. No matter what you say children grow up in families with sexual secrets, where it is impossible to feel secure with one’s sexual thoughts and feelings. And even in the rare cases where children are raised in sex-affirmitive households, there is still the issue of having to be raised within the larger family – our society, which repudiate anything and everything you have taught your dear child. Advertiser’s, in their mad dash for the Almighty Dollar, continuously encourage customers to question their sexuality (of course, they’re always ready to fix the resulting insecurities by selling a product *wink*). More money is to be made from the various institutions set up to define and repair what becomes considered as abnormal sexuality. Frigid women? Erectile “dysfunction”? “You’re too fuckin fat!” “You’re not pretty!” “You’re not manly” Creating anxiety about what constitutes “normal” is a form of social control. The power to decide who is sexually normal is the power to validate and invalidate in a powerfully basic way. Fears about not being normal keep us from expressing our eroticism freely and joyously. In trying to be come normal, instead of trying to discover who we are, we act out our anxieties both sexually and non-sexually. In this way, American culture frightens teenage boys about not being sufficiently masculine. As a result, adolescent boys project their anxiety by running around deriding each other as fags. Of course, these boys then deny and repress any erotic impulse that could possibly be considered homosexual, such as tenderness, surrender, nurturance, or any other feeling of real emotional warmth toward other males. Believe me, almost all my male friends hate it that I hug and kiss them on the cheek when I greet them. Some will threaten me with physical violence if I do that “faggot shit.” It’s hilarious! Boys learn that sexuality is about proving you’re a man. How can a boy (and many men) be anything but intensely homophobic? Yes, even your boy… Our culture reduces feelings of gender adequacy to a reward if we perform well, like a circus animal and that’s tragic. How frightening it is to have something that should be a birthright transformed by society to something we have to earn repeatedly. With so much at stake, it’s no wonder that sex oftentimes feels like life and death. This makes sex outcome-oriented – an irony since sex is one the most process oriented activities of life. In our culture we’re invested on the aspects of sexual expression that’s easily measurable, such as erection and orgasm. Aspects of sex that are more ambiguous such as sensuality, powerplay, or intimacy, are seen as less important and certainly less interesting. Another way we are taught to distrust sexuality is through the fear that our sexual feelings will get out of control. Children of both genders, for example, are taught that boys cannot be trusted to control their sexual impulses. We learn that masturbation is bad, and then feel in danger of losing control when our bodies yearn for that forbidden touch. We learn that not only sexual behavior, but sexual thoughts and feelings are bad, and we are painfully aware of the conflict in having to constantly sanitize our sexual desires and fantasies. It’s a culture that at once fears and magnifies sexuality, we all feel terribly vulnerable to the temptation of the sexually forbidden. Religious attitudes that link eroticism to lust encourage us to think of sexual desire as a process that sabotages responsible decision-making. We’re taught that if our sexuality gets out of control we are likely to damage ourselves, our loved ones, innocent people, even our communities We will offend God! We will be permanently stained. Our erotic baggage is that we have to spend every minute of our lives repressing sexuality in all its guises. In this way, sex becomes the most powerful, the most evil force on earth. How can we overcome society’s irrational fear of sexuality and encourage proper respect for both sex and eroticism? This is a complex question, but in the midst of all the hand-wringing, there are certainly some clear paths that beg to be explored. As in all solutions, we first have to recognize the problem. We must stop denying the existence and validity of childhood sexuality, first of all. In addition we need to recognize that pleasure is a need and a right, not a privilege or a luxury, and recognize that eroticism can be expressed in many ways without causing problems of any kind. Most importantly, we need to challenge the concept of normal sex. As a society (and not merely as individuals, for this is a societal problem), we need to recognize the devastating consequences of the suppression of sexuality, including violence, relationship dysfunction, and poor health. We desperately need to help people, especially our children, understand that anxiety about sexuality is normal, it doesn’t mean they are inadequate. we need to confront and resolve our negative feelings about the body; expand the fuckin’ social definition of sexy so that it is more inclusive (real women have curves?) Most of all we need to see more clearly the link between anti-eroticism and consumerism; this ridiculous belief that the way to enjoy sex is to acquire and consume rather than simply be who you are. On a policy level, we need to take sex education in schools a lot more seriously, as both preparation for adulthood and healthy decision-making; make accurate information about all aspects of sexuality easily available to adults, adolescents, and interested children; and challenge the social policies that are anti-sexual. We must change the language of the debate to uncover the various ways anti sex values seep into the collective consciousness, such as pro-lifeanti smut (anti-sexual), and we must educate leaders on all these issues, including medical students, journalists, clergy, and mental health professionals. (anti choice) and I will say that the fear of sexuality is so deeply embedded by custom and tradition in our collective psyche that we have come to think fear is a necessary part of sex. This is bullshit. In fact, eroticism can, by its very nature, transform us precisely because it can provide us with the direct experience of fearlessness. Fear of Eros is not a natural law. It is the result of cultural, social, and political forces, and it is championed by those who benefit most from it. For centuries the erotic impulse has been feared as a fundamental problem. It is time we come to recognize it is a fundamental solution.
Happiness is never something you get from other people. The happiness you feel is in direct proportion to the love you give."

Hello beautiful

Here I am...single and looking....What happened to all of the really nice women?
I want to worship you I’m so thankful I want to kiss and compliment The sides of your ankles Until your leg trembles Like it’s about to fall Into shambles Your body needs some inspiration And I’ll make you an example Before you are able to Count to__ I will be giving you something That’s hard to handle Tongue baptized by flames When I swallowed the flame From your candle I make a wish For the ages That you remain timeless You feel so vibrant Like my life depended on it Is how I dive in The locksmith To Pandora ’s Box And make ecstasy come out of hiding Our grinding becomes an alliance Pulsating is a science This voyage is historic My private passenger Ascend up the stairway to heaven Take you from behind You arched over azure’s banister I immerse your stamina Think beyond the usual Sexual clichés I’m no amateur Before our flesh Become tangled In personified pleasure

45 Things Girls love.....

most of it is true, so I thought I would share it with all of my friends as well. Ladies......if you find a man that does even a quarter of this without being told, hold on to him with all you've got. -touch her waist. -talk to her. -share secrets. -give her your jacket. -kiss her slowly. are you remembering this? -hug her. -hold her. -laugh with her. -invite her somewhere. -let her be with you when you're with your friends. keep reading -smile with her. -take pictures with her. -pull her onto your lap. -when she says she loves you more, deny it. fight back. -when her friends say i love her more than you, deny it. fight back and hug her tight so she cant get to her friends. it makes her feel loved. Are you thinking about someone? -always hug her and say i love you when you see her -kiss her unexpectedly ! -HUG HER FROM BEHIND AROUND THE WAIST! -tell her she's beautiful not sexy! - tell her the way you feel about her! you need to show her you mean it too -kiss her on the lips -DONT ask her to buy you stuff. -TELL HER WHAT FEELS GOOD. -make her feel loved. -make her feel good. makes her feel special. -DON'T LIE TO HER. -DON'T CHEAT ON HER. -take her anywhere she wants -txt message or call her in the morning and tell her have a good day at school, and how much you miss her. -be there for her when ever she needs you, even when she doesn't need you, just be there so she'll know that she can always count on you. are you still reading this? you better be its important _Hold her close when she's cold and she can hold you too. -When you are alone hold her close and kiss her. - Kiss her on the fore head; (it will give her the hint that you want to kiss her). - While in the movie, put your arm around her and then she will automatically put her head on your shoulder, then lean in and tilt her chin up and kiss her lightly.no tongue - Don't ever tell her to leave even jokingly or act like you're mad. If she's upset, comfort her. remember this next time you are with her -When people disso her, stand up for her. -Look deep into her eyes and tell her you love her. -Lay down under the stars and put her head on your chest so she can listen to the steady beat of your heart, Link your fingers together while you whisper to her as she rests her eyes and listens to you. -When walking next to each other grab her hand. -When you hug her hold her in your arms as long as possible. -Call her at night to wish her sweet dreams. -Comfort her when she cries and wipe away her tears. -Take her for long walks at night -Dedicate a song to her. -Always Remind her how much you love her. you'll never know when she needs just a lilt more love

just why

Why do human beings have to come with baggage? Wouldn't life be easier if we could check our past at the entrance to the future? It seems that each of us have been blessed in one form or another with something that we will hold on to for a long time, maybe even forever. Why? Why do we hold on to them and create an emotional barrier that a good portion of us will never let anyone cross? What good does it do for us to keep the bad thoughts and compare everything in the new with the old? None that I can see, yet like most everyone else, we can't let go of it. Some of us have tried, believe me and it still floats in the back of our mind. We have become very good at squashing it back there, but it needs to go and stay gone. I don't know how though and so I thought that maybe if I threw this out there that maybe, just maybe someone who has put the demons to rest would come to our rescue. If you have and answer, even just some advice.....we'll take it.

Nobody's Home

Sometimes a song will strike you in just the right way and lately I feel as if I have no idea where I'm going and what I'm doing. I hope that this will pass with time, as a calming feeling of security settles in and leaves me placing my worries and insecurities behind me. Only time will tell if I can close my eyes and just breathe, until then I will try to hold it in and not get lost in this storm...... "Nobody's Home" I couldn't tell you why she felt that way, She felt it everyday. And I couldn't help her, I just watched her make the same mistakes again. What's wrong, what's wrong now? Too many, too many problems. Don't know where she belongs, where she belongs. She wants to go home, but nobody's home. It's where she lies, broken inside. With no place to go, no place to go to dry her eyes. Broken inside. Open your eyes and look outside, find the reasons why. You've been rejected, and now you can't find what you left behind. Be strong, be strong now. Too many, too many problems. Don't know where she belongs, where she belongs. She wants to go home, but nobody's home. It's where she lies, broken inside. With no place to go, no place to go to dry her eyes. Broken inside. Her feelings she hides. Her dreams she can't find. She's losing her mind. She's fallen behind. She can't find her place. She's losing her faith. She's fallen from grace. She's all over the place. Yeah,oh She wants to go home, but nobody's home. It's where she lies, broken inside. With no place to go, no place to go to dry her eyes. Broken inside. She's lost inside, lost inside...oh oh yeah She's lost inside, lost inside...oh oh yeah Sunday July 15, 2007 - 10:37pm (EDT) Per
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